Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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This is what it’s like living in Birtle, MB.
I should have known after I’d just moved there, when it was said to my face, “You may have bought your family’s house, but YOUR NOT FROM HERE! Half the people are nice and the other half are assholes, dumb fucks and golf snobs. After I’d just moved there, my family was all, “You should go to the arena and see a hockey game!” So, I walked into the arena and everybody looked at my like I’m a child molester. I never went back. I now refuse to
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We’ve been best friends since eighth grade. Talked every single night on the weekend that we could manage. She’s my sister. And now her and her pal at her school (sadly, we go to different schools) just got in a fight and I’ve been ignored since before Christmas Vacation. Its been almost 4 damn weeks. I don’t know what the hell I did. I’ve asked her “What did I do to upset you?” and her reply was “Sorry I’ve been busy” Bullshit. Grow a pair and tell me what your freaking problem is. I’m sick of
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It hurts so much. I’m such an idiot. Should have said something sooner. I see how you both look at each other. So jealous of the way you caress his face. Even at work i cant get away. I wish we were strangers instead of best friends. I confessed my feelings to you. Told me if i would have asked you out sooner things would have been different. We talk and text things we would never dare tell anyone else. I even told you about me leaving this town and going back to Atlanta. There is nothing for
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i’m going to school online this year, so my parents have been telling me to get a job. i’ve been looking, and i’m having the worst luck ever. yesterday i got a call from this dude, and he told me to come in for an interview the next day at 1:00, i told my mom, and asked if she could take me and all she said was ‘i don’t know.’ well. today around 11:30 while i was in the shower, she left. it is now 1:23 and she’s not home yet.. ksjfdklnxfs >:(
You know what I?m sick of? Lousy porn.
1. Can we see a good-looking guy, please? Maybe some variety? It seems like every damn guy in a porn video is a tattooed, vaguely muscular white or black dude? all roughly the same build. Those of us who like them kind of tall and scrawny have to resort to watching grainy amateurs speaking Russian. Why don?t asian or latino guys ever do porn? Fat? Blond? Long-haired? Maybe some of us would like to watch a girl do a guy who we?d actually, you know, DO.
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Have you ever felt like everything is perfect, just the way you want it? The life you have is the one you’ve always wanted yet you can’t help but worry about something going wrong? You can’t enjoy what you have because you feel you don’t deserve that kind of happiness?
That’s the way i feel. I have everything i’ve always wanted and more yet i can’t relax and enjoy it. I’m always worrying something will go wrong and i’ll have built up my hopes and dreams for nothing.
Why can’t i just accept
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i love to laugh. no doubt about it. i love to laugh. i will even laugh at a funeral because the preacher guy said something that can be taken pervertedly. i think that i need to laugh cuz my laughs keep me alive. thats all i can think of. i mean i could laugh when something isnt even close to funny and everyone will think i’m crazy when in all honesty, they are crazy cuz at least i’m in high spirits. i laugh when i fall, i laugh when i am online, i laugh when i lose at a game. i seriously think
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I don’t see why you are even trying to get with me anymore.
You are a manwhore, a player, and a cheater. You always have been. Yes I admit, you are charismatic and can get pretty much any girl who is ignorant to your powers of persuasion to flop over on their stomachs like cute little puppies that just “OMG want some luvin’ ” and yes I will admit I was one of them. But you constantly flirted with women, never even told them that you had a girlfriend. Oh no, you relied on the widely known woman
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i find people in life just generally suck. like a lot.
What is the point in exes? Do they not just hang around on the fringes of your life with little purpose but to depress? It would be far better if after a relationship ended, one of the party either died (which I admit would be a little harsh) or was thrown into a crazy alternate universe where the other never existed. Pretty sure I’d be happy right now if that were the case.
Why are you posting one of OUR SONGS on facebook, when YOU dumped ME, and I can’t even look at the CD case anymore? As
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One of the (myraid of) reasons for breaking up with my boyfriend was that I did not accept his friendship with a girl who was constantly disrespecting me and throwing herself at him every chance she got. This included her and another (awful) friend of hers giving him a (clothed) lapdance for his birthday at a party full of our mutual friends. I felt so embarrassed when that happened, it was NOT OK and it was also NOT OK for them to act as though their relationship was normal and I was the one
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Ok, i’m in love with him, have never felt this way before or felt this relaxed around ANYONE! He says the same about me,that he is in love with me and that he has never felt as relaxed and comfortable around anyone before….. the issue is that i would like him to in some way make this “serious”, either suggest moving in together or proposing or something at least. Am i one of those girls who will just never be marriage material? I’m the “ideal girlfriend” apparently yet no guy will make the full
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After going out with this bloke for a month he then tells me we’re too different and because of the age gap he doesnt want to be with me anymore! Ive liked this bloke since the first time i met him! I need him back, i feel like im nothing without him…i know that its never going to happen though as hes made his mind up already! It feels like its hurting me more than him…he doesnt understand but then men are just pricks anyway!
I really truly hate my stepmother they have been married for 30 years I have put up with all her crap talking about my mom treating my dad bad talking shit about my sisters and just plain making us feel as though we are not worth anything! I finally have stood up for myself with her at 36 years old . She has called my work and talked shit about me she has come between my dad and me and one of my sisters! I am not an evil person but when she tried to commit suicide last year I now wish she would
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I swear it my friend is a crazy egotistic psycho that thinks she knows it all…. like honestly don’t ask for an opinion or say something that you know i’m going to toss my 2 cents in on. And honestly learn its a fucking opinion…. She always has to think she knows it all and is always right and its sooo fucking annoying. She doesn’t get the fact that omg maybe for once someone actually knows or has observed something differently from me that I could take to my own knowledge.. Noooo instead you
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