Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I’m actually just PISSED. I’m TIRED AS HELL and I haven’t fucking slept through a night without nightmares in like a month. I need some fucking sleep, man. That’s all. :)
facebook can suck it. i dont get what the big deal is. this goes for twitter too. my older sisters are always online for facebook and twitter. the oldest has lost nearly all connection with the outside world because she is tweeting. when she is happy, she tweets. when she is mad, she tweets. when she is bored, she tweets. when she is drunk, she tweets. it has happened before. the other sister is always kicking me off the computer for facebook because she needs to take care of her farmville. she
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God I have come to realize that high school just ruins the best of friendships.
Honestly I don’t know what gave you the idea that I had to tell you when I went somewhere afterschool. I mean seriously. Your just my friend, your not related to me in any fucking way. You don’t have to watch over me, I can do it myself. In fact, I would prefer it if you let me do just that. Because honestly, your idea of watching over me just makes me want to strangle you. You tease me every day about things, and then when I turn around and am about to go have fun, you blow up and start
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Why Is It That Men Are Quick Enough At Telling You How Much They Love You And Wana Be With You But When It Gets A Bit Complicated They Run A Mile, Ignore The Question OR Change The Subject!!!!!!! Grrrr! Why Is It So Hard Not Too Text Them When You Say You Wont!! ??? Helpp!!
I really honestly hate the people who approach you as if they are SO high & mighty, and better than thou attitude. Honestly I will not be the one who drops to my knees and asks you if there is anything that i can do to make sure you never have to do anything in life. Seriously just becasue you may have a small title, such as doctor, in society does not allow you to belittle the people around you. I for sure will treat you exactly the same as the next person who speaks to me who who knows maybe
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i need to stop doing so many damn drugs
I have seriously fallen head over heels for a guy I have never met. We told each other that we are in love a few days ago, over the phone. I know this is ridiculous, but it does feel true and the right thing to do. You must think I’m so stupid.
My sister is a spinky.
Dont know what it means ?
Go look it up.
She is also a wocket.
I am about to graduate in May with my Bachelors in Fine Arts and well I am not sure what to do after I graduate. The thing is my X and I have been talking again and we are pending getting back together for ever. If we get back together it means that were meant to be is how we both feel. It’s been almost 2 months and were getting closer everyday. Realization is really hitting me. My friends and family don’t approve of this boy because he has hurt me. He is about to graduate too in September. I
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UGGGGGH! I was talking to my crush at lunch and this one icantthinkofanamebadenough girl came over and was like ‘you like him!?!” and then walked away. how can i get revenge?
you’re like the fat kid that doesn’t get picked for football so you take your ball and go home…. tosser
after 2 years, she finally said she loved me. then 3 weeks later she dumped me for another guy. now i cant even talk to her without crying. she was my best friend.
Sometimes I hate you for being such a doormat
I have to get this out. Not only did my grandmom not flush the toilet she pooped on the seat. how do you miss your shit being on the seat? It’s like living with a child your but that is not an excuse for not flushing or checking that you don’t shit on the seat I had to clean this shit up WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!
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