Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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It is owned by NEWPORT BEACH!
It is NEWPORT BEACH that owns the land and is planning on building a hotel there.
Costa Mesa DOES NOT OWN the land and has NOTHING to do with the hotel!
Harassing our city council, cursing at/flipping the bird to our mayor’s not even teenagers yet daughters, is NOT going to stop Newport Beach from doing what they want to do with THEIR property!
Want to save Banning Ranch? GO HARASS
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I hate what my friends do. They do drugs regularly, hang out with people who are addicted to nicotine and have been to juvie, and drink alcohol at school. I hate that they do this and they always accidentally make me feel bad or stupid because i dont do all the things i do. I hate myself because im too scared to tell them that i hate it. I will not do anything that i would be ashamed to tell my kids. I absolutely refuse. But if i tell my friends i dont approve i might loose them, and i couldn’t
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I just can’t stand this guy I sit opposite at work, he used to report to me but thank god I hired a deputy who he now reports to. He’s lazy, he tuned out of his job about 2 years ago, but gets paid pretty well and so hangs around doing very little. The most annoying thing is that he’s talented, he could be one of the most influential people here, but all he does is tick over. I spent nearly two years trying to get him to kick into gear, and now I have to hold his hand through every project I
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When Rose and I were at the dance we were in the cafeteria sitting down talking doing nothing wrong when Mrs. King yelled at Rose to stay away from Reilly for no reason. (Actually there was a reason but it was dumb Her daughter was in love with Rose. And she thinks that she made her be a lesbian.) I said “well that was unessary” Under my breath while she was walking away. I thought she was out of earshot. But Mrs. King got mad at me too. She told me that I didn’t know what was going on (which I
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wow ok
like wtf
so i’m in class
and I’m taking notes
and then I take a drink of water
I open my bottle
I guess I wasn’t writing noticeably enough or something…
but I was still listening to the the teacher wtf…
but she fucking comes over to my desk
and says “you need to
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your kisses were heaven on earth, i melted in your arms every time we hugged. you treated me like shit, but i treated you like royalty.
now that you have a new bitch, it makes me wonder why she gets treates the only way i ever wanted to be…
im 30 weeks pregnant and becoming uncomfortable in my body as i’ve gained 46 pounds and still have ten weeks left to go.. my pre pregnancy weight was 105 and im only 5ft. i read these blog websites about other women hoping to make myself feel better, and these bitches are saying “ive gained 25lbs and i’m only 33 weeks pregnant, what can i do?” bitch quit feeling sorry for yourself, people have bigger issues and gain way more weight then 25lbs at almost full term. get the fuck real. other then
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I hate myself more and more everyday.
I will never ever forget some things.
I’m already ruined.
And to think I have to carry on living for the rest of my life with constant memories.
All of them.
I have no idea why I’m still breathing.
I’m so pathetic and full of hate that I cut my thighs.
And now the boy I have a crush on is talking to me, but he’s not interested.
I don’t blame him.
I’m the most
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My roommate is an inconsiderate, childish, selfish, spoiled, stuck-up, lying, whoreish, annoying, disgusting, bitch and I absolutely hate that I have to wait 4 more months to move out. I want to punch her in the face for all the times she’s woken me up at 5 am, never done the dishes, never cleaned, complained about how “terrible” her life is, and throw my wet laundry out of the dryer onto the floor to dry her own. I hate that she made me get rid of MY cat claiming she’s allergic when clearly
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EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND, I sit here waiting for any sign of contact. I don’t enjoy it. I don’t enjoy waiting around for a message. A sign of interest YET AGAIN for a couple hours, and then you disappear to where magical people like you come from. My standards were raised, for who I talk and how they talk. What I expect out of conversations. I send messages through the week, stories that would be found interesting, and in return I get a fucking sentence saying I won’t be spoken to for another week.
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After four years, the way you tell me you don’t want to hang out after making plans is to stand me up? I got stood up by my own fucking bf. Wtf did I do to even deserve this? You said you’d pick me up and then never did. Ignore my calls and texts, post a fb status about who the fuck knows and goes on with life. Maybe it’s good I’m going off to college, because this kind of shit is obnoxious and hurtful. Maybe we do need some time apart.
For some reason I only find white men to be sexually attractive. I can say someone of another race is handsome or pretty, but sexual attraction is none. For anything else I won’t discriminate at all and I love making friends with anybody regardless of stuff like that. A lot of great people in this world were and are black, Asian, Latino, Native American, Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern, mixed, etc. It’s just I can’t get any sexual gratification.
I’m a gay male and it could be “white worship”-
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Hi everyone. When my roommate comes home, she wants my undivided attention. She can see that I am busy but makes up bullshit questions just to interrupt me. She drives me damn crazy!!! Then she pretends that I care and I pretend that I care, but I don’t give a fuck about her ugly ass!!! Go to hell!! Fuck off!!
it’s been a year since you left me. why am i still wishing that you would love me? you obviously found someone else - someone better, someone who can make you happy and yet, something inside me just can’t accept it. i was your fiance and she has only been with you for a year and yet you’ve done way much more than you ever did with me.
i check your facebook pics and it hurts me like hell that you have her pictures for everyone to see. you deleted all our pictures cos you don’t want her to get
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Last month, my sister-in-law (21 years old, not married or in any type of stable relationship) discovered she is pregnant. The girl is completely NOT ready to raise a child: emotionally, financially, or maturity-wise. Even so, she quickly ruled out the options of adoption or abortion, saying she ?couldn?t live with herself if she did anything but raise the child herself?. She doesn?t even make 20K a year, doesn?t even know which of two men got her pregnant, and just seems to be assuming that
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