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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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fuck 1522

i have had it up to fucking HERE with my friend honestly they keep going on about complete shit i don’t FUCKING give two tugs of a dead dog’s dick about. we used to actually talk to each other but oh no those days are long gone now it’s just him yelling at me because of the music i listen to and the stuff i watch and what i find fun why don’t you just SHUT the FUCK UP, i don’t share your tastes in a lot of things but do i constantly go on about it no i FUCKING don’t. he won’t stop going on …view more

to fight or die? 2422

I’m at a loss as to how to proceed. I’m terrified of being alone, and yet I can’t see any other future for me. Its a recent realization that when I joke about being a 25 year old virgin whose never had a real boyfriend and never will because she is broken its not actually hyperbole in my mind. I accept it as truth. I will never keep a close friend for more than a year or two, and I’ll never have someone to cuddle with on the couch after a bad day. No one can love me as I am, and after 15 years …view more

Reliving would be nice. 1822

Sometimes I wish I could do it all again. I’d live through abusive stepfathers, middle school from hell, moving from place to place, depression and PTSD, all over again just so I could relive the short moments of bliss I found here and there that have long since gone away.

The year and a half I lived in New Mexico was wonderful. As a young girl, all I could think about was how happy I was there, even when my stepfather was wailing on my mother. When that man’s foolishness made us have to …view more

If my name wasn’t Ringo, would I still be Ringo? 1422

Or would Thomas the Tank Engine continue to bum me behind the sheds.



I’m such a pyromaniac that I set my buddy’s truck on fire while he was away.

The explosion was phenomenal!

Crushin 2122

UGGGGGH! I was talking to my crush at lunch and this one icantthinkofanamebadenough girl came over and was like ‘you like him!?!” and then walked away. how can i get revenge?



R.I.P fishy 1722

When you let me look after your fish and it died….I told you it was old age….It was actually my hungry cat. My apologies.

rightgeous, pompous asses suck 2322

the goodwill out of me. one in particular who loudly and quickly presented himself as the victim in our separation to mutual friends, is a harsh and judgemental human who has said really horrible things about each of these mutual friends from whom he now seeks comfort and validation… i want to tell them how he really is, how mean he has been, how hurtful the last couple of years were, how controlled and insignificant i felt. yet in the big picture, that is not who i want to be. so, i will say …view more

Hacking Course on Udemy 1221

Boy oh boy do I love hacking. I’m kind of getting frustrated with this one lecture on the ethical hacking course where I can’t download this one tool no matter how hard I try.

Then I have to wait a whole fucking 12 hours for the technical guy to reply to my message on the help forums and sometimes his reply doesn’t even help me. In fact, the whole course has just been me asking questions and hardly getting replies. Its tough man. Can you see why this would be frustrating?

Yeah well, it is. …view more

Am I in the wrong? 1321

So both my wife and I are 40. I love her with all my heart, have done for the last 20 years and she is the mother of my children. So naturally when her sister fell into dire straits we took her in. She’s 15 years junior to my wife. Again I love my wife and she’s still very attractive to me.

However her sister looks EXACTLY how my wife did at the same age, the same hot body, the ass to die for and legs that go on forever. Part of me yearns just to take her to the bedroom and fuck til we drop. …view more

Seriously 2021

I have to get this out. Not only did my grandmom not flush the toilet she pooped on the seat. how do you miss your shit being on the seat? It’s like living with a child your but that is not an excuse for not flushing or checking that you don’t shit on the seat I had to clean this shit up WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!

Independent, hating your project 1321

Yeah sure lady, let me change your entire book 1000 times because you feel what you wrote before just doesn’t read right. News flash your writing and your drawing both suck so bad there is not a single person on this planet that is going to buy this book. But it’s okay, keep paying me to put this dribble on paper for you you giant waste of time.

High pitched sounds 1721

I actually have super sensitive ears but to high pitched sounds only. So high pitched laughter, voices and animals sounds. So YES>> I will say I’m sorry would you mind saying that again? Stop barking or meowing? No! but i’m sorry I heard this kid talking on TV and he was super gay and his voice was so fucking annoying. Why do people have to talk like some one just shoved a helium tank up their ass. Yes i’m kinda gay bashing on that sentence but i’m talking about baby talkers loud high pitched …view more

Torturers 1421

Your bloody passive aggressive torture will not get you what you want which I know is my death incarceration or at least a trip to the funny farm.I know what you have done, how you have done it and for how many years.I know and have experienced every tool in your torture toolbox.I know you used an old heil nail gun.It was adjustable.I bet you laughed claiming cancer for entry.Your day is coming make no mistake about it.

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