Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I’m not sure if I’m overreacting. Probably am. I was talking to my boyfriend today about how I got a substitute spot in our city’s Symphony orchestra. Being a high school string player who started out very late but is finally excelling thanks to the long hours of practice and devotion to violin and viola, I’m naturally going to be very excited about this(plus, I’m being paid as a normal musician in the orchestra would). Music is really important to me, anyone who knows anything more about me
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If you’re in such a great relationship, and we were just getting over eachother then why the fuck would you talk to me in the way that we used to? Are you trying to lead me on? I’m completely confused and i can tell you are trying to flaunt your relationship just to get revenge. I told you i was sorry, we made a promise, you agreed. And broke it once again. You’re a jerk. But.. I love you.. It’s been a year or so and i still love you? Why?!? Better yet why do i keep going back to you after i
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I’ve liked him for months now, ever since someone told me that he likes me. But as soon as I found out that it was just an assumption that someone made, I was already in love with him. Though sometimes I feel like he really does like me, when I compare myself to other prettier girls, I feel like there’s no chance at all. The way he looks right into my eyes when we talk; the way he treats me differently; the way he always says my name in our conversations… All these things puzzle me. Should I
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Am i really that stupid? just because i think that it matter more of what people think of me then what i think of myself? honestly who would want to live in a world were most of the people you know don’t like you, but you like yourself? well i no i don’t want to live in a world like that. i don’t care if people call me dumb and stupid for saying that. because i know i wont ever be able to love myself, i don’t even know who i am really. So how can i live in that world, when i do not even know
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you are a wannabe rockstar diva who can’t sing for worth a damn all of your songs sound alike (really lose the electronic stuff and get a real band) and you are a spoiled immature brat who thinks the world revolves around you NEWSFLASH it doesn’t and all of your little “fans” are either deaf, retarted or just come to your shows for a good laugh and btw if you do “make it” which i doubt you will end up being just a one hit wonder blip on the radar here one day gone tomorrow
In the grand scheme of things everyone has a defense or a reason AND IS INNOCENT behind their psychopathic behavior, but you STILL HAVE TO LOOK OUT FOR YOURSELF!!!
Let me tell you about this redheaded bitch. We will call her miss fuckalot.
Miss Fuckalot, loved to fuck, she had hooked up with so many guys that she can’t even remember, PROBABLY LIKE A LOT OF PEOPLE LOOKING BACK AT IT.
When I first saw here my heart melted. I could even
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Yes, I’m the ‘apprentice’. Yes, I’m grateful for a job that’s actually lets me use my architecture degree. Yes, I’m one of only TWO females in the department. But please, give me a FUCKING break. Let me think. Let me design without BREATHING DOWN MY FRICKING NECK every second and telling me ‘what would be nice…’ as though I haven’t a thought in my pretty little head because I can assure you I’ve got plenty. The ones about the lot of you aren’t very nice at times, but the nice thing is that I
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My fucking bitch of a roomate left the country without tying up loose ends in our rent. She was supposed to get her checks back and void them and we were supposed to give them my new checks for the rest of our lease. Instead she messages me from Germany, all in a panic, and demands I do it for her. Cunt. I wish she?d fall down a hole (and instead of die- just break both of her legs and loose her eyesight so that she couldn?t be a fashion major and overly obsessed with the way she looks all the
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For taking you in in your time of need. When you were homeless and I had a spare room for you to stay in, so long as you paid rent and respected me. Little did I know, you didn’t feel the need to pay me your half. I thought 400 dollars was reasonable despite you treating me like shit, yelling at me, and calling me names. You know what? You’re a FUCKING DUMBASS! I did all of this for you and this is how you show that you are thankful? By blowing off RENT and TELLING ME that I should “just take
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I love you, and I miss you so much.
Not one day goes by that I don’t think about you. You we’re the one that cheated and lied, but I’m the one that sill wants to work this out. You’re so bipolar, one day you’ll say you love me and miss me to, yet other days you say we’re done. I don’t know what to believe. All I know is you’re the one, and I need you. You’re the only one that can truley make me happy no matter what. I even miss our stupid little fights over nothing. I love you so much. Please
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You blame us- the women in your life- for leaving you alone when the truth is when you choose to be a jerk, when you choose to hit, shove, break our things, cheat, lie– every time, it’s a step. And then one day, the door opens and we use those steps to walk right out the door. Yet, you get angry with us. Blame us. As if somehow, being abused by you is supposed to be some sort of privilege. You’re the one who put the steps there. If you had treated any of us with dignity, we would have never
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Oh my fucking god. So fucking what if I dropped th AP test. I’m not prepared at all. So fuck off.
And think about it, you got an Easter dress. Thirty dollars. Plus easter stuff totalling about 60-80 bucks worth of stuff.
Sid, I’m not Christian. I didnt get a dress. I didn’t get the candy toys and hat ever else you got. I went shopping and got 80 bucks worth of clothes with the money she saved on the AP test plus twenty bucks more for beltane. Stop being jelous okay?? Were even.
So i’m kind of expecting this to go on way too long…
My parents divorced when i was like two, so its no big deal, it never really bugged me or anything, but no i’m in highschool and i have all my friends and fun at one residence and nothing to do at all at the other.
I grew up always having to work for whatever i wanted, a lesson taught to me by both my parents, but recently my dad was diagnosed with ADHD and bipolar disorder, along with severe knee damage in both legs. Instead of trying to
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For the past 4 years I’ve been with a covert military unit. I can’t bring myself to tell my family and friends. I tell myself its for their own protection but the truth is I’m not sure they would approve and I don’t think I could deal with that. They all think I’m a “Freelance Consultant”. My parents have started to ask me about finding a girl and settling down. I can’t get married doing what I do, that would be torture on my wife. How exactly would the other conversation go? “Mom, Dad, guess
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We were friends at first, for years. Then we dated, for years. And then you decided that I was better to be kept as just a friend and broke it up, and I accepted that. We became just friends and I never told you how much it hurt when you moved on. I didn’t want you to notice because I didn’t want to be a burden.
And now you parade all of your girlfriends in front of me, introduce them to me before you introduce them to anyone else. And when I go on a date with someone you keep claiming that he
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