Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Seriously you want to say I’m not being nice by putting a fucking biscuit on the fucking plate without touching it whilst your trying to use a ladel to put it on a plate here’s a thought to what’s not nice realizing that I want my fucking food in peace and you not asking me especially since you were going to eat something else
Why the fuck does the sress hormone have anything to do with exercise when its supposed to fucking decrease stress. WTF is the fact that “stress decreases the bodies’ tendency to repair the sore tissues”
Whereas when you take antidepressants or do it with someone you like/ in a group, you fucking like it and it actually decreases your stress hormones!!! and even good ideas come into your head afterwards…….
Had this online friend. She’s mentally unstable and very suicidal. She has posted multiple times on social media of her constant attempts despite repeatedly promising she will get help. I called her out for her broken promises on her last post about it saying she “will get help if she lives” (as I know she won’t) and I honestly wanted to say more (but didn’t) on her bullshit on how she doesn’t care about her girlfriend or her friends. She told me to “get off her back” and we haven’t talked
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I really really want to recover from my anorexia but for some reason I keep restricting my calories a lot. I just feel like my stupid dietitian is trying to hard to make an effort to make me fat and she really tries to control me and it makes me hate her so so much. Ugh!!! Kill me now!!!
you’re not fucking special for playing the ukulele okay it’s a popular instrument so stop acting like you invented playing you didn’t okay did you ever think for a second that people might have the same fucking interests as you who the fuck cares if a lot of people started playing ukulele after you you’re not like the only person on the planet who’s allowed the ukulele so how about you get off your high horse and chill for five seconds jesus christ
Is it me or I am really pissed off with the politics of the country at the moment? The news keeps going on and on about everything to do with politics and I am in overload as it is.
I am sick to death of absolutely everything thats happening in the news. i don;t want to know about Rio Olympics, Theresa May or what’s happening with the latest celebrity
I don’t care!!!!!!!! I don’t give a rats ass!!!!!
So, unless you live under a rock you know that Chance The Rapper dropped “Coloring Book” about a week and a half ago. With the album, he also released some merchandise. Shirts, hats, hoodies, etc. He also released posters. My mom bought me the $35 dollar shirt. I asked my dad to get me the $20 promo poster pack which came with TWENTY posters. $2 dollars each poster basically. If you Google “Chance 3 poster”, you’ll see what it looks like. I sent my dad a picture of it, and he thought it was
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(warning: crap puns ahead)
if your into essays; this is the rant for you! damn, i have a lot to get off my chest.
first of all im such a jealous bitch, which embarrasses me so much. especially when someone my age is better at drawing, singing or writing (or all of them) than me, i feel like i have to live up to their standards and i’m angry at myself because i feel like i should be as good as they are, it basically makes me feel like crap. i’m quite talented at english but i dont really get
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I fucking can’t stand my friend anymore she’s been a bitch lately I want to cut ties with her it’s so bad. Maybe I’m just being dramatic and will get over all this tomorrow but right now she’s the fucking asshole screwing up my life. She fucking ditched me even when I asked her not to and she didn’t even say sorry this is in the first time may I add ducking dick
So there is this hairy hippo fucker in a imsg group chat. The chat consists of me and my friends, inculding my sister. So, that boy randomly insults me out of the blue when everyone’s having a decent conversation. He said something about my body and etc. So, when I started responding he decides to take it to private message, because he clearly couldn’t take my insults. He’s so annoying it’s just fucking stupid. Oh, my friends didn’t even defend me because they are usually neutral. But they
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I get really pissed off at one of my best friends. She loves having power. She really loves it too much, which makes it a hassle to share ideas, especially with a larger group. She completely ignores me and another friend (and occasionally gets mad at us when we share our ideas), but she will pretend to listen to others, then push her own idea on us and insist that her way is the best way.
She unintentionally pushes us away and then gets mad at us when we get closer to people that aren’t her.
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So today my older brother was messing around and was acting like he would punch me. I laughed and said you wouldn’t because you know I would punch back twice as hard. He just said yea right. I hate it when people treat me like I’m weak. Just because I have soft spots for somethings doesn’t exactly make me weak like everyone says a girl should be. I’m not too strong but I’m definitely not weak either. I hate it when people are sexist like that. Woman can do anything a guy can do. Woman are in
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I hate you.
What kind of person inhibits learning? More so a mother?
Anything any of us dares to tell you we’re interested in, you shoot down in an instant. How do you fucking expect us to grow up woth our own identities? Unless you really don’t want us to. In that case, you should never have had kids in the first place. I started school aiming for good grades to impress you. Now I just do it so I can leave as early as I can.
Seeing other families being happy just makes me jealous. I have a
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Every time I go out or whenever I’m home I feel so disgusted with myself. I eat a lot. I run almost every single day but I still feel like a sumo wrestler. I don’t wanna feel like that and I don’t know how to get rid of that feeling. No matter what I do I always feel like people are laughing about me because I’m big (fat). I don’t know what to do. I always try not to care but it’s too hard for me. It makes me have a mix of emotions because I’m not comfortable in my own skin. I always think
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I’m currently at work. I tried to work effectively and productively but there’s always this type of people that making everything last minute. What’s so important that you got to finish your candy “fucking” crush, than helping me making a minute, finish the report?
Yeah, fuck you with your rant “Ohhhhhh, I’m so busy, didn’t anyone know that I’m soooooooooooo busy” F.U.C.K YOU
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