Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I hate him, like actually hate him but then I must care or I wouldnt still be with him, or am I just with him because of the ‘perks’ in the relationship. No sex in 6 months, I cant even bare to look at him anymore. Everytime I open my mouth he moans, everytime I dont say a thing he moans. Everytime I moan he moans louder.
Why wont he do the right thing and just leave me rather than dragging this dead relationship on. Everytime I have tried I have ended up just getting back with him so he stops
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Theres a man that has been in my life for 16 yrs. we have been lovers for just as long. I have been married twice and him once during tha 16 yr long affair. We are both still currently married now. A few years a go, i called him up, after not talkn to him for almost two years because i had gotten remarried, to tell him happy birthday, and wow it all came rushing back… We cant seem to stay away drom each other but we cant seem to be togethr either, its soooo not just about tha sex, its almost an
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They are out to lead you on and hurt you! fu*&$ them!
Me included.
Me and my boyfriend were having a tough time for awhile so I was hanging out with my friends more just to get away and give us some space to think. And the other night my one guy friend kissed me…I haven’t really talked to my friend about the kiss. I don’t know if I should talk to him or just leave it go….and I don’t if I should tell my boyfriend??
Thanks for driving me out of the place I’ve loved for 4 years. Cocksucker.
well it was going good till college - the father figure who was a drunk. when college started and well some of high school is when drugs came into the big picture. Lots of drug… everyday. Anyhow back on the story failed outa college 3 times iv had my best friend OD in front of me on my birthday R.i.p. man, 2 weeks after that another one of my best friends breaks his C2 in his neck b.c he got hit by a drunk driver couldnt bring myself to see him for a month, watched most of my friends and my
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Ok I get it you like me but do you really have to keep on calling me leaving me messages all day. Sheesh hmm if a girl doesnt call you back it means she got freaked out or doesnt like you the way you liek her! Move on….
Sometimes I want to bite you till you bleed.
Idk what to do…My life has taken a turn for the worst…Well it all started a little over a year ago when I found out my boyfriend of over four years, who let me say I was madly in love with, was cheating on me with a friend of mine, and I broke it off with him. I was doing good with everything dispite the fact that I didn’t want to say goodbye to our relationship yet, cuz I loved him. But I knew I had to. So I went on with my life and he with his. I was having a good old time and things were
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I know someone from high school who left before i even got to talk to him and i havebeen in love with him ever since. it sucks becuase we text back and fourth but thats about it and any time we try to meet it just doesn’t happen for some reason. UGH!
I am in so much pain and I am fairly young. Nobody believes me and it hurts my feeling so bad. I go for pain managment and medication but I still feel like crap and put on a smile for everyone. I am not feeling well so that has intensified my pain to a point where I want to curl up in a little ball. So everyone should be mindful that someone might be in extreme pain so show consideration to everyone. Don’t be loud, annoying, pushing and shoving your way through HUMAN BEINGS because you never
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My Blood Towel, has been washed. Now my life is over. My Blood Towel, is when I would self harm wipe my blood off with that.
Yes, it’s nasty. But that towel was proof that I do feel pain.
And now it’s washed.
AndI feel nothing.
Everything in my life is horrible. My friends are ditching me, calling me a liar, being bitches to me, yet whenever I stick up for myself (which isn’t often; i dont wanna hurt them the way they did me), i’m the “bad guy” that’s been stirring trouble. I’m so unpopular and ugly, I have only about 1 true friend, but even that friendship isn’t gonna last, i can tell. she’ll move onto someone that’s more entertaining and happy, not problematic and moody and a drama queen :/ i’m so scared, i’ve been
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You have this terrible blatant habit of making people hurry up and wait. Yes it ducking pisses me off, and I don’t care what ducking excuse you have about trying to assert dominance by making me wait or wasting my time. Put the ducking pipe down stop hanging out with scene people and get a fucking job. Every one of your fucking problems that have become my fucking problem stem from you being selfish and stupid.
I’m not your personal Jesus there to suffer with you for your own ducking sins and
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