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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Most Condemned Posts

Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Fuglies 1019

Why the fuck does every fat munter on facebook think they’re makeup artists and cosmetic reviewers?

Ffs you could put make-up on a bulldog’s arsehole and it looks more appealing

Bad Friend and 1519

I have a ” friend’ who I will call Mia, and she comes over alot which I am cool with I like having people over but this girl dosen’t ask me but asks my mom who can be tricked into anything and when she comes over she dosen’t chat with me or play a video game with me no she goes on my computer (My dad told her the password) and play games! Like thats not ok! My mom saids “I don’t think her parents care.” well her mom is married to a petafile (asked a fourteen year old for nudes)
and her dad is …view more

friends? 2019

Lately I’ve been ffeelong invisible to my friends. I don’t know if it’s something I did wrong, or they just don’t want to talk to me anymore. I have this friend used to be in one of my classes. When the new semester began, we had no classes together. I was really sad because we work well together and that class made us more closer than I’ve been with her. Now that the new semester began, we started to drift apart. One of my fears is being forgotten by a friend. It just sucks that one class made …view more

Trump Supporters 1019

All Trump supporters are cross-eyed, club-footed, sister fucking retards. That is all.

I hate parole 819

I hate being under the Watch of my parole officer

what is me 2119

i have a few problems right now. The typical ones that a teenager has. Studies, financial, people. I have been a very strong person for the past years. But, as time pass by, I realize I already had a problem. A big one. It concerns me and my mind. I just realize since I now faced the real world, I already had it when i was young. Depression i never knew starts as little words when I was a kid. Depression then grow by how people treat me. Then now slowly torturing me by almost everything. Now, i …view more

vile medical staff 519

I am sick of the toxic emvironment health care staff spew. The patients very easy to work with and serve. Thesse are people in pain and I think I do help them and many of my patients say to me, “Oh you’re so nice !” The nasy staff I work with makes my life hell at work. The cliques, the cacking staff members (if I hear your ear-piercing gafaws again I’ll ram 4 by 4’s down your gullet). The bitches (and I’m a woman) make the place so unpleasant needlessly. I am working on geting the fuck away …view more

True Love 2219

I have been in love with this guy ever since the 4th grade and I haven’t had sex with anyone ever because I’ve been saving myself for him. However, I haven’t told him that I love him. I’m broke and I’ve got nothing to offer him. Should I just go ahead and tell him I love him? I have been waiting forever.

Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 619


oralando shooting rant 1819

what the fuck is wrong with pepole right now? rainbows do NOT reprosent the oralando shooting in ANY FUCKING WAY. is this just a way to piss of the 53 victims that survived the shooting? NO. fuck rainbows. make your profile picture look like the fucking universal globe or the disneyland castle or anything that represents oralando. NOT A FUCKING RAINBOW FILTER!!!!!!! facebook added filters that look like the paris flag and the brussels flag for their respective shootings, but instead, facebook …view more


Every fucking time. I love my friends they’re nice enough people and sure I don’t enjoy a few people in my group but let’s be honest theirs always someone you don’t get along with. Ever since New Year’s Eve it’s like they decided to exclude me from their hang outs and shit. And I know for sure I’m not pushy or annoying because I try my hardest not to piss anyone off. 1st the New Year’s Eve party then their hike then just generally hanging out at each other’s houses and what pisses me off the …view more

I hate my teacher 2019

You know when you really freaking hate someone and you can physically feel your blood start to heat up whenever you get within 20 feet of a person? Well thats what I feel when I get near my english teacher. This “teacher” (i say the word lightly because she doesn’t teach nor am I aware that she is capable of doing a half decent job of teaching) is so racist and overall blind of everything around her that it just shocks me. Sensitivity training is a joke but OMG could she use some. I wish I …view more

Sports 719

I hate it when you be playin a sport and someone just stands there and does nothin. I be sayin you gotta move and they dont do nothin. It frustrates me soo much. I’m playing volleyball and the poeple just stand there instead of hitting back to us. I absolutley hate it. It is so frustrating.

Worthless. 2119

I often don’t feel good enough. Like a worthless piece of shit and I know its not true but why else would people not put as much effort into being there for me as I do for them.

I’m such a hypocrite 2219

I’m the biggest hypocrite. I’ve always said that I’ve never met anyone who isn’t important, but then I took a good look in the mirror. I’m so unimportant. If I died I’m pretty sure very few people would care. The ones that did would probably forget eventually. One day in gonna say “No I’m not okay” and no ones gonna know what to do. I’ve tried to be a rock for everyone for too long. And I can’t talk to anyone about it because I’m the strong one, and no one will know what to do.

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