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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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bestfriend fight 819

ok so im new at this one school, i had a friend and me and her were soo close but she moved schools so i moved into a different group. it had 3 girls. im just gonna say they were named A,E and AR. and so we all got in a fight with E because she made a fake facebook account and blah blah blah. so it was just me and A, and AR. AR was like everyones therapist. everyone told them her secrets and she helped them out. including me and AR! and so me and A were closer then ever. and i started to fall …view more

rant about family and life part 2 2219

we didnt do shit on my birthday. he got me a 5 dollar cake. and went up to his room, and left me to cut the cake. no one said happy birthday to me, i received no gifts. my dad is always making up for my birthday on someone elses birthday. like on my little brothers birthday, we went to disneyland. to which he said “oh…and this is also for your sisters birthday” which was fucking 4 months ago! out of all my brothers and stuff my little one means the most to me even though we fight alot. my big …view more

first world problems, man…. 1519

I have no idea how to tell my roommate that I don’t want to live with her next year. I love her, I do, but she lacks common sense. She also said she would go home over the summer, but her dad would still pay rent. then! She tells me that he won’t and I’ll be stuck with the bill. So I’m looking for a one bedroom place now…. so…yeah.

And I think I’m in love, with a guy that doesn’t love me. he’s one of my best friends…. but I don’t think I rank that high up on his scale. whenever I’m with him I …view more

Homework Due Dates 819

What is the point of due dates on homework? The many answers I have received can be summed up along these lines, “Students won’t do it if there are no due dates.”

There are two broad reasons for not doing homework. 1- you can learn without it. 2- you have other things that are more important to you.

There are also two broad reasons for doing the homework. 1- you learn material by doing problems. 2- Your grade is among the most important things to you.

Some Examples:

Student A only cares …view more

Facebook 419

I do actually like facebook in a way… up until a point (that point being the fact that there are completely irrelivant groups: “LOL! Check it out, this girl is so ugly.” No thanks, I actually have morals.)
My very intelligent friend also bleated out the phrase, “But facebook is so clever. There’s never been anything like it before. It’s timeless.” about two days ago. Clearly she failed to notice that facebook is a fairly basic combination of the younger generation social networking sites that …view more

Totally Fed Up of this Shit! 1019

:rolleyes: I have become totally disillusioned with my Uni dissertation. I find that I’m taking 1 step forwards several back… I’ve got 2 weeks to finish the thing and my supervisor has been no help at all. On top of that I’ve got money worries which might mean I have to go grovelling to the parents for rent which I fucking hate doing as they aren’t really in a position to help… so that makes me feel like shit. I have a job lined up after Uni which my friends tell me is a good thing but all I …view more

soon 2219

It’s been a week. 2 days ago you said, “Soon things will be back to normal.” Yesterday you told me today we’d finally be able to have some time together. You got off work early and tell me you’ll be here soon. Almost 3 hours later and it’s not “soon” yet. I ask where are you and you say again you’ll be here soon. It’s been 5 hours now. Is it “soon” yet?????? Soon it’s going to be too late. Soon it’s going to be tomorrow.

My sister is a nasty SLEEZE 2819

This pile of filth can’t stop chasing men long enough to see the damage it’s doing to the SIX children in her life. Every damn one of them has a different “daddy” and she sees nothing wrong with that! To make matters worse, she chases after men she hunts down online IN THE PEN and sincerely believes these drug infested, diseased dregs of society are prize catches!!! She practically hangs up on anyone she’s talking to just to take their collect calls from prison. Now she’s discovered that “fish” …view more

You fucking whore! 1319

Leave my boyfriend alone, you fucking whore!

Co-Workers 1419

You were so goddamn abusive and made me feel like shit. Every day you screamed at me and then asked why my confidence was so low. You basically destroyed my feelings of self-worth. You’re a horrible, horrible person and I truly believe karma will catch up with you one day. You stupid bitch.

Death 2219

A friend of mine died of a massive heart attack this weekend, and it really knocked me for six…

What’s the point in living your life, building up friendships, relationships, careers when in the end, its all fucking pointless…you go away for a weekend, have an asthma attack, drop your inhaler and end up dead… Where’s the fucking justice?

Sexy Friend Crush 2019

I think if I get this off my chest I’ll feel better so here we go…

I have a crush on one of my best friends. I know it’s lame. We’ve been friends since the eighth grade and have had intermittent crushes on one another ever since. It just seems like in the past whenever he had a crush on me I had a boyfriend, and when had a thing for him he was stuck on someone else. Or, we had shy little mutual feelings for each other but would never do a damn thing about it and I would eventually move on to …view more

Thanks Asshole 919

How long have I known you? What is it like, almost three years now? Not until today has it been made clear to me why we haven’t crossed that friendship line yet. I never ask you for anything, but you always seem to need my assistance. Whether it’s ride somewhere or you may need some cash, I’m there. I don’t get mad when you ask. In fact I like helping and like helping people out. But today the one day that I needed your assistance you weren’t there. I just wanna tell you that you’re a jerk! …view more

Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 1819

I am such a self-saboteur. Everyone else sees it as a ‘work ethic’, but I know what I’m really doing, and I hate it. I’m at uni doing a course that I absolutely _despise_ because I think it’ll get me a good job. I’ve had so many opportunities to quit, but I chicken out at the last minute because I don’t want to end up poor when I’m older. But the stupid thing is, I don’t even care about money. Thats something my father cares about. Ever since I can remember, he’s always told me how important …view more

You Aren’t Awesome! (Finally Saying All of This Out Loud) 1519

Matter of fact I wish that word (awesome) would completely disappear out of your vocabulary. This is awesome! That is awesome! We have all made it out of tubular times already,mannnnn. The fact that you add a ridiculous overly feminine inflection to your voice means that you know how unfeminine you appear to others. You are compensating. Especially,when you don’t bother to shave your jawline and chin.

You are pushing 40. Poking holes into your face,blasting TOOL,wearing TOOL clothes and …view more

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