Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I’ve been working my fucking ass off since May to try and put a dent in my debts and more shit just keeps cropping up that is beyond my control. Student loans, VISA debt, college re-application fees, tuition deposits, emergency dental surgery, etc etc etc…
I’m getting shit hours because I work at an ice cream chain and it’s February.. It’s -45 here on a good day, I get out and walk my ass too and from work everyday. I spend my days off cleaning and going to appointments, which is more money
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i understand you have a 3 year old with him and a maybe soon to be baby, but the fact that he’s treating you like shit since the 3 year old was born and has hit you once for asking him to take you and the little sick baby to hospital should have told you something.
you’re a grown ass woman for God’s sake you should know whats good for you and your kids not only for the being secure benefit.
you do everything for him and yet he could care less. it’s not bad to be independent. I’ve told you
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are you stupid or what? of course i don’t want to walk 20 fucking blocks when i’m under 100 lbs and _trying_ to put on weight… i’m tired, its cold, and there is plenty of gas in the car… wtf?! and then you raise your voice and yell and flip out and i’d rather you jusut fought me like a real man. lol. you fucking bitch!!
I’m a good looking fucking guy, i’ve been told that by many but yet I still have a hard time with girls. What the fuck do I need to do? I don’t want that random makeout sesh where I’m never gonna see you again. I don’t want you to forget me the next day. Why can’t girls just see who I am, do I really need to be a dick to get your attention? Girls always complain how no guy is there to treat them right, well maybe because you all fucking look for the dicks that will hurt you. Get your shit
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What is the point of someone saying you are their partner in one way or another. Then flat disregarding every word you said. What is the damn point! Don’t waste my damn time entertaining my feelings with lies. Sometimes I feel like a Donkey stuck to a damn cart with a carrot dangled in front of my face, as if it was some great reward to get a damn carrot. I love it when I try to talk to people about said issue and they act like I am so “Crazy” and need to learn to accept it. Now these are same
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Dear Mom,
Yeah Mom I know you hate my friends, but you know all the people you want me to hang with? Yeah Mom their all a bunch of sluts. You want me to hang with sluts mom? And that day when I went to someones house instead of staying where you wanted me? It started storming like crazy! You wanted me to stay in a public place when I could’ve been somewhere where if it stormed I’d be safe.
Oh and fuck it, you hate my friends? Well I still hate you. YOU CAN’T CHANGE WHO I AM! My friends are
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Let’s just go ahead and start by saying YOU DONT EVEN FUCKING LIVE HERE!!! Don’t come over here and make a mess! You mess up the dishes, leave out trash, and leave your shit here, CLEAN IT UP!!!! I didn’t come to college to learn how to be someones personal maid. And by the way, I don’t have enough money to feed you, my dog, and me. If you want food go buy it yourself! I bought 3 packs of 24 fun patterned holiday sugar cookies. I’ve had a total of 10. This morning after waking up in my
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After almost six months of having a good relationship, I find it pretty hard to believe that your feelings could change that damn fast. You went directly from being over the top in love with me, with all your “I don’t know how I’d live without you” shit and your fake declarations that you were going to ” be around for a while” and an awful lot clinging, plastic phrases that I always put up with, always was okay to hear, because I fucking loved you. I did everything I could for you. I gave you
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I hate my roommates boyfriend. To be honest, he’s rude, careless, shallow, and the way he plays the ‘I’m trying to change myself’ card is really annoying. He has this look on his face all the time likes hes mixed between bored or high off his ass. And despite having a job as the residential assistant, he’s having a relationship with my roommate; which isn’t even allowed. He comes into our dorm with her at obnoxious hours of the night, such as 4 AM, loud and even when I ask them to be quiet
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HAHA! Fired me because I was posting on Facebook at work……on my lunch time. Well, you know what, it was the best thing that ever happened to me! I work in lovely place, helping people, and actually enjoy my job now!
Heard you are having issues with my department, HAHA! Sucks to be you!
Miss all my other coworkers outside of my department and they miss me too. Had problems with complaints? Well, that’s because all my true friends there stuck up for me and are quite pissed off!
Fuck you and the
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There are two kinds of closeness: the loving, fulfilling kind, and the creepy or just plain weird kind. The weird kind makes you feel smothered, or like you’re getting sucked into a black hole away from all other forms of humankind.
I just wish I could explain this to people in a way they’d understand.
This Christmas is going to suck balls.
I hate being in a committed relationship, they steal your soul and personality. shit i’m twenty and i sound like someone in their mid-life crisis.. fuck you see what i am talking about
I’m just tired of people insulting me to boost themselves up. I’m tired of certain ways society is, such as work, and dating/relationships. I’m tired of people trying to look their best to impress people but when I talk to them, they treat me like shit. I’m tired of not being thin and muscular, and I’m tired of not being healthy. I’m tired of not being popular with women, even though I see unemployed bums who are alcoholics get fucked 3, 4 times a night and I get nothing. I’m tired of observing
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do you really think it’s okay to tell me you like me more than a friend, invite me to hang out with you, meet your parents, invite me to stay over with you for the night, kiss me, cuddle me and whatever else…and then just suddenly stop? i know i’m at uni now, but lets be fair, i’m not even an hour away, and it’s not like i NEVER come home as i’m back nearly every weekend. it’s not fair :( you got my hopes up, i really like you. i thought you were really sweet, but i guess it’s just been proven
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it’s not fair!! why do i have to be sick all the time?! there’s blood in my stool again… i’m not going to the damn hospital. last time they made me stay for 2 days and i found out all kinds of unrelated problems i had. i am not interested this time. i know i;m not healthy. i know it;s probably partly my fault. if this kills me, so be it…
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