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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Most Condemned Posts

Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Lower Than the Bottom of Society:Part 1 615

you dont have to read or reply but yeah.
I fucking hate society. I remember when I moved, I was in love with the city, the schools, and the people. I take people back now. Near the end of 5th grade(when I arrived), everyone already had friends and I was this lonely pile of human sitting in the corner. Then I made a friend named Audrey. She knew everyone and everyone liked her and her best friend Lauren. Finally we graduated, and during the summer my brother (who I hate because he steals from …view more

Art: the one thing I take no pleasure in criticizing. 915

I don’t want to have an intellectualized relationship with art. Art is one of the last magical things in adulthood, existing unfettered by context. Context: defining the meaning of a thing by its relationship to other things. I want to look at a painting, or even read a book (and music is almost ruined unless it is totally new, experimental or whatever, because it is commodified by culture, like fashion, it’s like a costume or a posture, more an identity than an entity) and enjoy (or not!) the …view more

I could have been prevented 615

21 years ago my dad decided he wanted a kid, so my mom went along with it, and about a year later, I was born. Since day one, the only one who seems to have actually wanted me was my dad. My mom seems to wish she had aborted me so she could live her life with only my older sister, then would’ve been done with kids. She finds faults in me that I can’t seem to change. I have a job, go to school, I have never been in trouble with the law, I pay my rent, and I’m generally pretty quiet. I try to …view more

Fuck Everybody 815

I haven’t slept in 3 days , and i am exhausted. i told my partner this. he has invited mates around for the last 4 hours since i got home and i’m about to lose my fucking mind at them so i’ll post it randomly instead. fuuuuuuuuuck this.

Melbourne is the arse of the world 315


I came here years ago, to play music and what a mistake
that was..
The amount of ego maniacs here I have seen I was
gob smacked, at open mikes etc, it made me want to vomit.

Comparison states..
I have been all around Australia and liked
Darwin, Perth (rocked) Queensland …view more

ugh 715

so I feel like I have a one sided friendship. I feel like I’m the only one working to maintain it. I worry about her and I get upset when she does and I try my best to make her happy and everything a good friend would do and she ignores me. When I’m upset I could write I’m depressed on my fucking forehead and she would still ignore me. idk I feel like I should just give up. I take her bus in the afternoon because she was like “I have no friends on my bus” and she doesn’t even talk to me or wave …view more

Sick of it 815

I’m a sophomore in high school. I successfully balance all honors classes, weekly violin AND viola lessons, three different orchestra rehearsals a week, practicing with the string quartet I’m in, and I work around 15-20 hours a week. I bought my violin and viola, as well as all of my music, with my own money, from an insurance policy left behind by my late father. I pay for my lessons, which are $60 a week together, with the same money as well. I buy my own gas, clothes, and food with the money …view more


You are sooo rude, ignore me all the time, extremley stubborn, think you know everything, think you are better than me, chat SHIT all the time and you aren’t that attractive.. SO WHYYY can i not stop thinking about you!! I get soooo excited when you text me just to be let down when we actually speak!!

Decided i need you out of my life.. GO FIND ANOTHER GIRLS HEAD TO MESS WITH!

Escape 415

I am trapped with a girl that I love and hate, that I want to fuck and can’t stand to touch. We don’t agree on anything. Manipulation is part of her character that cannot be disassociated. She literally IS manipulative and controlling, yet has a good heart. She is frustrated with her own inherent selfishness, and it is this desire to change that keeps me in this. However, desire does not change who she is. She is still volatile and manipulatve and controlling. I don’t know how to escape it. …view more

Damn my mother 915


I Had Sex With My GF’s Mom 815

I feel horrible. Last night my GF was working late (night shift), I stopped by her house to pick up my laptop and she was a little tipsy. Long story short, she followed me into my GF’s room, grabbed my hips, felt my cock through my jeans, and unbuttoned my pants. She pushed me back on the bed, put my cock in her mouth and furiously sucked me…after a few minutes, she stripped and sat on my cock. We fucked for about 10 minutes, a pulled out, blew my load on her tits and told her that I couldn’t …view more

a pressing thought. 315

I am so tired of how my best friends boyfriend acts towards him anytime he fun some fun or hangs out with someone he does not know. I want to be there for him and they are both my friends its difficult for me since I love my friend dearly.

Why are the majority of women whores? 715

Can somebody answer that question? Look at all the porn on the Internet, on tv, in magazines. Look at how the average young lady dresses these days. It’s so easy to screw one these days, I have, and it’s a shame, I’ll admit, having sex so freely without any regard for getting to, you know… KNOW the person first!!

Is there any normal women these days? Not a whore, or an uptight bitch, but just a regular, decent woman? Do they exist in western culture right now? When people like me, or other …view more

Fuck Uni 815

Everyone else has been on holidays for about two weeks now, but I still have two exams left, two days in a row. Both of which I have absolutely no interest for. I’m over it! Three years of having four engineering exams every semester compared to most students who only have one or two, not cooool.

I hadn’t even heard of this website before but I wanted to vent at someone so enjoy.

Mother 815

GODGODGODGODGOD! I SERIOUSLY wish my mom would shut the hell up. She complains about everything! Literally EVERYTHING for HOURS on end. And it’s always about HER. “Oh, this hurts, that hurts, I’m fed up with this, fed up with that, someone at work tried to get me in trouble so she just HAS to be jealous of me.” SHUT THE FUCK UP. THE MOTHERFUCKING WORLD DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND YOU! Doesn’t fucking help that her husband is shoved up her ass 24/7 acting like her fucking butler and obeying her …view more

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