Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Let’s just go ahead and start by saying YOU DONT EVEN FUCKING LIVE HERE!!! Don’t come over here and make a mess! You mess up the dishes, leave out trash, and leave your shit here, CLEAN IT UP!!!! I didn’t come to college to learn how to be someones personal maid. And by the way, I don’t have enough money to feed you, my dog, and me. If you want food go buy it yourself! I bought 3 packs of 24 fun patterned holiday sugar cookies. I’ve had a total of 10. This morning after waking up in my
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All I want to do is EAT!
I woke up with throat pain and it hurts when I swallow and eat and drink too much to even try. It got progressively worse and is now accompanied by chest pains which woke me up at 2 am last night. I can’t go to school. I went to the doctor and saw the nurse practitioner who said it was an allergic reaction to a pill she didn’t prescribe. go to talk to the actual DOCTOR who prescribed the pill and said it was highly unlikely it caused this
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Everyone else has been on holidays for about two weeks now, but I still have two exams left, two days in a row. Both of which I have absolutely no interest for. I’m over it! Three years of having four engineering exams every semester compared to most students who only have one or two, not cooool.
I hadn’t even heard of this website before but I wanted to vent at someone so enjoy.
I hate my roommates boyfriend. To be honest, he’s rude, careless, shallow, and the way he plays the ‘I’m trying to change myself’ card is really annoying. He has this look on his face all the time likes hes mixed between bored or high off his ass. And despite having a job as the residential assistant, he’s having a relationship with my roommate; which isn’t even allowed. He comes into our dorm with her at obnoxious hours of the night, such as 4 AM, loud and even when I ask them to be quiet
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My cousins kids annoy me with their constant fighting, snitching on each other and incessant whining. I confess that when I hear things escalating between them, I lock the door to my room, put on my headphones and turn the music up LOUD. Ditto when I see them doing something that they KNOW will get them into trouble, but they crave the (negative) attention.
4 years ago I beat a homeless guy until he was unconscious with his shoe untilI found a hammer then I broke his hand. . I drug him under a bus stop because it was winter and I felt bad this was north side PGH. This was the third time this man said he was gunna kill me if I dint give him everything I had he was waving a bottle at me and I snapped. He was crying and peeing before he blacked out something I’m sure he did a lot of. Personally I hope he fucking froze to death. I left that city. but
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I always miss my boyfriend.
I’ve never been the loved-up mushy kind of girl, the idea of looking like a clingy loser is the worst thing that could happen. But when I started seeing my boyfriend (my first real boyfriend) that all changed. I feel ridiculous, I’m 17 and I always mocked those idiot teenagers who “thought they were in love” but now I’m scared that I am one of these people!
Nothing had indicated to me that my boyfriend isn’t just as much as into me as I am into him but I HAVE NEVER
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There are two kinds of closeness: the loving, fulfilling kind, and the creepy or just plain weird kind. The weird kind makes you feel smothered, or like you’re getting sucked into a black hole away from all other forms of humankind.
I just wish I could explain this to people in a way they’d understand.
This Christmas is going to suck balls.
i’m sure EVERYONE had times when their moms pissed them off. But jeebus christ its like they just WANT to piss you off. Like gawd just shut the hell up. If i needed help MAYBE ill go and ask myself. Sometimes i just want some big-ass dog to bite my mom in the ass and tell her “that same pain in the ass is what i get from you.”
I was crying and I wanted so bad for him to help me. Instead he had to get pissed at me for having “shallow” emotions and needing him to comfort me when I’m sad. I’m only fucking human! I wonder what that makes him. I hung up out of frustration, and when I call back, crying even more uncontrollably, he doesn’t say a word to me and decides to laugh and joke with his buddies. I never did anything wrong to him and have tried to hard to keep this relationship going for over a year now. He said he’s
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i’m so sick and tired of your stupid racist comments about all my friends. really? do you HAVE to act like such an asshole? doing that is just going to make me dislike you even more. do you have to be so racist against people who you don’t even know? why do you have to let their race get in the way of everything? just because they’re all not like me, or whatever, doesn’t mean i have to go out of my way to meet NEW people and please you or something.
just grow up.
and in this case, i’m not talking about anybody else..i’m talking about myself. :/
okay, so i have the most wonderful boyfriend in the world, but i have always had this ‘thing’ for a guy that i’ve known for years. one day, i go round to this guys house, just to say hi & stuff (we are friends) and as i leave, he kisses me. i kiss him back..
so i didn’t think i’d ever do that again. i come back from university and go out in town. he’s there. we walk home together, i go into his house, and he
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Ok. So. This is sooooooo ridiculous, and if i read this, i would tell myself to shut the fuck up and see it for how it is. But :(.
So, i’m 16, and have been in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend for 2 years and 2 months, im in love with him. STFU to all of you that say i can’t feel love. Get the fuck over yourselves and don’t even bother reading the rest.
Anyway, so theres this girl, shes been in my boyfriends life longer than me, 2 years longer, and the year me and my bf started
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Honestly, I don’t know. But I can rarely ever bring myself to just come out and tell people how I feel, about them or just things in the world. I think it, but don’t say it.
And oh god, how I wish I could come and say what I want to say to my best friend…He’s a great guy, yeah, but now he’s teetering dangerously on my ‘If you don’t stop acting like a spoiled princess who has to have everything your way’ meter and I may end up punching him in the face.
He has to have everything his own fucking
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In particular, my best friend. It’s not my fault your life is in the crapper. Every piece of advice I’ve given you, you’ve ignored because it doesn’t fall into your perfect fantasy of what your life should be.
News Flash: You’re not a princess, you’re not 16, Prince Charming isn’t coming to sweep you away in his big, brawny arms. You’re 37, you live with your parents, your husband ran off because he was tired of putting up with your overdramatic “me-me-me” bullshit and the men you pick to
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