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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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New to me 413

I never thought I’d ever be alone, and I’m not, but ive never felt more alone. Life is moving, and so am I, but I feel like I’m just not keeping up. The people I feel that are at my pace, I don’t feel like I belong next too. I feel lm suppose to be with my people, in the middle, or even towards the front of the group… instead the people I thought I was close to, arnt even around when I need them.. I feel, like I am at the bottom, and for some reason, am receiving sympathy. I played my whole …view more

Depression Confession 313

So, I’ve been struggling with depression for a while now and I’m just starting to reach a point in my life where I can sort of get out of it, but I’m struggling a lot of the time because I can finally start interacting woth friends and loved ones, again, but there are times when I suddenly and unexpecta

Dumb cokehead roommate 413

My dumb cokehead roommate is annoying AF. Shes so embarrassing when we go out. She gets so pissy drunk that she asks me loudly at the bar if we know anyone she can buy drugs from. Im like dude i dont do drugs. Omg so embarrassing! We are new in this neighborhood and she’s too much of a liability to remain friends with. Not only that but shes a thief. She’ll be like, i dont wanna walk to the liquor store. Lets see if somebody upstairs has something. Im like uhhh no we can go buy some more if we …view more

I’m sorry 613

I’m sorry that I take my frustrations out on you. I hear myself, and I hate myself, but I can’t stop it. I wish I could be more independent, but I can’t do anything until I get a better job. I’m sorry that I wasn’t good enough to be accepted into the program I wanted, and that I had to take a crappy job that pays minimum wage for me to get yelled at all day. I wish I could do better and be better, but I think this is all I can be. I’m sorry.

continue later 613

in my new school year, theres a couple of juniors that my friend and i think “attention seeker” its a girl and shes alwaaayyyss raging to play basketball with the second grade boys. i do think she’s kinda annoying tho. but i dont really know her, and she did no harm to me nor my year mate ( i think. especially my friend). but once upon a day, one of my friend is like diss her or throwing shades by calling her name whenever the junior is around. i dont think its nice tho, the junior never did …view more

I hate art group, life and friends 213

My friends are such self idiots who only think for themselves and never think about me or my feelings, firstly yesterday I was ignored by a bunch tossers who barely acknowledged i existed the whole time I was there. so it was really pointless that i even bothered to go. I wouldn’t of bothered really. Then secondly K and B never bothered getting in touch with me so I am like pissed with them. Then G decided to be complete tosser and not invite me round. I couldn’t remember telling him that I …view more

wow 513

I love shoving beer bottles up my asshole

Why does this have to happen to me? 813

So the past week or two have been horrible. From my brother getting a car he doesn’t deserve to me not making it into the first varsity golf tournament tomorrow.
When I golfed today, I was horrible. It didn’t help that I was playing for a place in the tournament tomorrow. Well whenever I took a shot, it was always bad. And when I rarely made a good hit and went where I needed it to, the group I was golfing with never acknowledged it. And when another person made a shot worse than my best ones, …view more

Am i an idiot? 413

Every time I miss one little detail on what’s going on, which happens often, I ask a question so I’m not completely lost. But it happens so often that people have begun to make fun of me for it and make me feel really bad about myself. And these aren’t friends or even strangers. These people are my own family members, my mom and dad! They are always making fun of m for not knowing what’s going on even though I try to pay attention. I get really mad about it, so I get unfocused, which makes it …view more

I flirted and made out with a guy who has a girlfriend, what should I do?! 213

So I went away on a business trip and met a guy from another office, we got on straight away and started flirting quite a lot with each other. We went out for dinner and some drinks and the flirting kept getting more and more open and obvious, other colleagues were asking if we were seriously together. He has a girlfriend who didn’t come on the trip and I’ve never met her.

Anyway when we were out in the evening, a few drinks turned into a few more and it got so sexual between us that we ended …view more

In an anxiety state that hopefully will pass two days later 213

I know no one will be reading so I can just rant, unlike on my social media which I always post something of mystical meaning that only myself understand and kind of establishes myself as an eccentric person but no, I am not capable of writing emotional post of expressing my frustration/sadness/anger like normal people and get likes out of it as I am a very private person that I don’t really want others to know what I am feeling. Oh, and partly because I have low self-esteem.

But the main …view more

Left out 213

A couple of my close friends are going out clubbing tonight and I wasn’t invited. I wasn’t even told and I only found out because one of them brought some kind of weird bag to school and I asked what was inside and they gave a vague answer; turns out it was clothes and makeup. One of them is going for the first time, I think, and I’m kind of offended that they didn’t invite me?? I’ve never been to a club before so it would be a great opportunity to bring me there right? I mean I would consider …view more

No trust 513

okay, so i was being an emotion teenager. Saying alot of bullshit about someone. Later that week we kinda made up. But then my “best friend” has to go and send her screenshots of what i said. and ruins everything. She is the most untrustworthy bitch ever. SHe actually managed to get into my facebook. screenshot. send it to her. and then deny that she did anything. ffs.

Make up you mind 513

So my friend broke up with her boyfriend cause she thought she wasnt feeling it no more. Okay i respect that. So she started talking to 2 of her exes and 2 other guys who use to into her but she never gave them a chance. Okay thats iffy but okay. And now shes talking to her most recent ex again and she goes out on basically dates with all of them. But when 2 of them asked to get a bit more serious she said she didnt want any relationships right now and only wanted to focus on herself and her …view more

Friends 613

I am bullied often by a girl at my school. Thing is, she is in my old friend group. They really didn’t notice what she did to me, so they didn’t help me. Now, I’m leaving that school at the end of the month.
All of a sudden two of the girl have noticed how badly I was treated and how awful the other girl is.
They promised me that they would help me socialize with the group again. As, since the bulling started a year ago, I closed myself off very tightly and stopped socializing with anyone. …view more

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