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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Shitty Attention Whores 1113

“Hey guys, I have depression. No, not the scary kind where you really want to kill yourself and can’t get out of bed in the morning. I have the kind where I post pictures of myself with mouth-fulls of fake blood on the internet and try to fish for attention. Please give me as much attention as you can, for the minute you stop talking to me, i’m totally going to ‘kill myself’ (by kill myself, I mean leave for an hour and come back, claiming to be one of my own family members and writing fake …view more

Love sucks 913

I told you I loved you and you said it back. Fast forward a couple days and now you say you don’t. You just really like me. Why? Why the fuck would you do that? It’s just ugh. Should I have gotten involved in the first place? Tell me now so I can leave while it won’t hurt as much. I really don’t know what I did. I have you everything. More than anyone would ever give you and you just push me off. I’m sick of you being distant and cold. Sick of it. Don’t expect me to be happy any time soon if …view more

lmfao 513

squeze out any unecessary….ummm at no going back sign…write…u r fucked. after tha

is someone tickling moi. stop it. gezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and somebody shit themselves. charming. dont know what that’s all about i just see what i see and feel what i feel. for most part a reflection of personality traits, potencially a complilation. shrug and i think ummmm every option available and idk i think mine was fed but in “normal” peed a little ummm we pick one of many or make our own compliation of …view more

stop. 413

There is this guy that always posts food he makes and captions it or hastags his pictures “and im single because?” “why am i f****** single?” “how am i still single?!” etccc. and the reason he single is because he is creepy, & ANNOYING. get over yourself- you made a sandwich *cue the applause* -_______-

Listen, you little turd… 813

I completely agree with you. I would rather not have knocked so insistently on the bathroom door to hurry you up so that we could actually progress with the birthday celebration. I would really rather not have had to do that at all.

I would have much preferred that the first time someone called you been the ONLY time that was necessary and that you would have had respect for other people’s time enough to just show up, let us get on with the celebration and then disappear if need be. …view more

Fuck you 1413

You want space? Fuck you. After making me feel like complete shit for asking you for space to recover from you dumping me, now you’re the one asking me for space? I was going to put my feelings aside and ask you to be friends, just like you asked for a week ago when you broke my heart. I wanted to be there for you because I know you’re going through quite a lot right now. But, no. You wouldn’t let me get that far. Same old moody fucking you. Making it seem like a chore to talk to me. I did fuck …view more

What are friends for? 213

I seem to live in a hostile and vicious cycle. I can’t seem to find any meaning of having friends besides them using you or backstabbing you constantly. Subtly writing about you in a status indirectly talking about you. I can’t seem whether to consider self-pity or misanthropic thoughts. I don’t even know what genuine friendship feels like anymore, probably because it simply doesn’t exist. With my maladroitness I don’t comprehend why i even bother keeping up with colleagues. I always feel empty …view more

Over the Hills and Far Away…. 613

… I truely cant wait for a new year to come because 2012 has been hell for me. Yet im to blame for all of it. I will say there has been ONE great thing this year and that is meeting Shannon. She is amazing in every way and i am very thankful for her and how she has lifted my spirits to new heights. were in the process right now of getting an apartment together and its very exciting for both of us because of how well we mesh and get along. But now with information that im just receiving i feel …view more

fuck you 413

fuck you Julie. if we are best friends why are you always at kayli’s house and then when she yelled at you you texted her (but you accidentaly texted me) and you said “oh fuck alex she’s just a friend you are always there”. and when I talked to you about that you were like “god damn it alex you have always been my best friend why can’t you see that”. well im not doing this anymore. you cant have two best friends. and don’t ignore me and then afterwards tell me how im such an amazing help. shut …view more

marriage finished? 513

Not sure if my wife still loves me. She has not hugged, kissed or held my hands for so long that I cannot remember the last time. She would have left the house a long time ago if she did not love me anymore. I what the he’ll is wrong. Me? Her? Not meant to be? . I feel I want to leave but then I want to continue. Frustration levels are so high that thoughts of suicide have gone through my mind

What could she really want? 413

I am a girl and I like boys…but this one girl? I REALLY like her. I’ve had a crush on her since I was little. I found out when we were a little older that she was a bisexual. We were always mutual friends until we figured that it was fun for us to hang out. When she kissed me for the first time, to her it was just for fun but to me? Lots more than that. When she fucked me for the first time, it was ok…but the second time? Fireworks! We fucked all the time until one day when everything stopped. …view more

my mum is a complete bitch 413

I told my mum about me being bulimic…
and the first thing she said was “well at least you’ll fit into your prom dress.” and then “You don’t ’sick up’ in my bathroom do you?” fucking insensitive!
and now she won’t stop going on about my ‘jiggly bits’
ffs, hf;s bcxbcxzcxzbn cmnd

Gee thanks. 1013

You’re my older sister. I’ve supported you through every hardship in your life so far, going as far as giving you sometimes half of my wages to help you pay your stupid rent. I’ve been there for you every time your heart got broken, every time you failed an exam, every time your feelings were hurt by other people. Because we’re family, and I, y’know, thought that meant something to you, too.

And then I get diagnosed with a disorder. I was frightened - still am - and I confided in you… and you …view more

really? you suck 713

Next time you need something on my day off don’t call me.
I love my job normally but there aint no way I’m falling for your “Wolf” bullshit again.
I know you are stressed out but you shouldn’t take it out on others.

Whining bitch 713

My ex gf continuously whines on her instant messenger about the stupidest shit. When I don?t respond to her status updates, she goes directly to me and whines and complains that I?m not paying attention to her. Oh, sorry that I actually have a life and a job and people to talk to who don?t make me feel like ramming my head through a steel door. If you stopped thinking about yourself and considered the feelings of other people, then maybe you?d have more people to rant to instead of just your ex …view more

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