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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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A letter adressed to myself (Or anyone who needs a little pick me up) 512

Stop feeling regret, regret is what brings you down, keep moving forwards and dont ever look back, even though she left you, your parents are getting a divorce, your family is poor af and your whole life is crumbling around you, it is no reason to moop around and wait for things to take a turn for the worse, DO SOMETHING, DO SOMETHING THAT WOULD CHANGE ALL THIS, MAKE YOUR LIFE WORTH LIVING, PROVE THEM WRONG, PROVE EVERYONE WRONG, LOOK BACK AT YOUR LIFE 20 YEARS FROM NOW AT THIS POINT AND BE …view more


Why do teachers decide to give tests, quizzes, and projects all at once?! Seriously it is stupid! I hate it all being at once! If you mess up something it’s not like you could just do it over again because you have all the other crap from your other teachers!

He’s perfect…ly frustrating 512

He’s perfect for me. Manly and rugged, but still smart and sweet and cuddly. He’s adventurous and spontaneous… to a fault. He won’t text back for days, take off on random trips around the world… he’s fascinating… and aloof. Untouchable. And I can’t have him.

Relationship 512

So I’m in a ddlg based relationship. I’m 16/f and me and my boyfriend have a deal going that if I find a girl I find interesting we both are allowed to talk to her and etc threesomes the main target but now the first girl we started talking to won’t talk to me much and blows up his phone. Then the second who’s sleeping next to him while I’m on the floor is more interested in him. Then he’s been talking to this girl I just found out about yesterday and they’ve been some what sexting her and I …view more

One of the poorest decisions I have ever made 412

He told me his wife stopped having sex with him a year or so after their last child was born. That child was in their 20’s when I met him.

Educator. Away most of the summer. Then job demands, and demands by wife make time with him limited.

We tried swapping. I could not handle. I am too jelous. But he wants to play with them again. I think he just wants to play with her.

I am going to leave him. Soon.

Immature little cunts 612

So you remember those people i ranted about from cosmo school?yeah hi i am back with more news about those immature cunts.I am so fucking annoyed with them,Berushka is a dumb ass cunt who is a sasaeng fan,fucking freak in the most horrible way imaginable.This girl spent fucking 400 dollars on tickets,and what did this cunt say?they arent good enough?look here you dumb cunt,ahe got you practically fucking v.i.p my eyes you arent even worth that,you much fuckin less you dumb bitch,aint …view more

Nope. 412

Every time some girl speaks to my boyfriend I want to rip her face off but I just play it off to him like I’m fine and just tired and that’s why I’m annoyed.

hate the doctor GLC 412

GLC is the craziest doctor ever. she has no idea what’s going on with her patients. and she orders ppl around like they are her slaves. doctors are supposed to be caring. is she caring for her pts? i think not!

Sick of being sick 812

Tired of life with a chronic illness. I’m only 25, my end ended at 22. I just want to feel better. I have been off work for three weeks due to a huge flare up. I miss work. I miss my coworkers. I even miss riding the stupid bus everyday lol. I’m tired of my parents and my friends worrying about me or treating me like I’m sicker than I am. I hate waiting for an MRI. I hate financial troubles. I hate hate that feeling sorry for myself does nothing, but being accepting doesn’t make treatment …view more

fucking abusive freak 312

Just because you fucked up your life, it doesn’t give you the right to fuck mine. I’m going to be the most ungrateful bitch ever but it doesn’t mean I’ll tolerate this unreasonable and domineering household. Your opinions are not the word of god so stop imposing while playing holier than thou to any of us. You’re the only one who can complain how your life sucks while we all should be grateful. We can’t be human only you can. God fucking piece of.

What fucks up kids? Abusive households. …view more


She is constantly getting mad at me because of nothing !!! Like just today I texted her asking if she will bring something home for us to eat and she ignored the message. Then I sent her another one after an hour and a half asking if I should make something for myself and after that I went to the kitchen. I was literally there for like half a minute and when I came back to my room I saw a missed call from her and a message saying I should eat something from the fridge. I didn’t respond anything …view more

fuck you mom 412

omg i hate my mom she is aways making me do shit i don’t want to do and she is always fucking putting me down. and on top of all the shit at home i think my boyfriend is cheating on me he now a days rarely returns my texts and he is talking to this girl from his school. i mean she already has a bf but still they have pretty deep convos like honestly. wtf my life fucking sucks.

How to forget? 312

so, this is just an ordinary heartbreak actually. But this start to get annoying lately. I broke up with my bf for about more than a year. We had a relationship for about 3 years and he said he will marry me. I love him so much, I trust him.
But then, he cheated then he broke me up mercilessly.
I was really in a big mess at the first 3 month, but then I tried to get over it. About April or august (i forgot) last year I dreamed about him, two times in a week. It was horrible, i woke and cried …view more

users 712

A bunch of silly ass, petty ass grown women. They expect to be treated a certain way, yet dont give the same treatment in return. When you give them the treatment they give you, then its a problem. Bullshit at its best.

i hate school 312

im lying in bed rn thinking about how i have to be up for school in about 4 hours and i camt sleep no matter how much i try bc SCHOOL STRESSES ME OUT SO FUCKING MUCH. I know i prbably sound like such a twat bc i should appriciate how i get to go to school and blah blah blah BUT i have a couple of weeks until my tests for exams come up and its the first year i have them so all i can feel is stress. i only have 2 proper friends, i hate all my teachers bc they somehow seem to be horrible (when in …view more

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