Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I am bullied often by a girl at my school. Thing is, she is in my old friend group. They really didn’t notice what she did to me, so they didn’t help me. Now, I’m leaving that school at the end of the month.
All of a sudden two of the girl have noticed how badly I was treated and how awful the other girl is.
They promised me that they would help me socialize with the group again. As, since the bulling started a year ago, I closed myself off very tightly and stopped socializing with anyone.
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You know what, it doesnt take a lot of effort to be nice to someone or even tell them something nicely when they mess up. It doesnt mean u have to treat them like trash, its not like that makes you any better. Maybe you are a bitter old man with no life. You are you say? Oh well that explains A LOT. good luck on the streets, i better not find you there. And dont think your important because your a treacher that doesnt mean anything, i msan your a teacher for christ sakes! Im a teen and my life
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Before you think I’m ranting about how my fantasy team sucks, listen. I have the best team in the league. I have Phillip Rivers, Matt Forte, Ben Rothelisburger, Antonio Gates, Julio Jones, Stephen Gostkowski, Carson Palmer, Jarvis Landry, Tyler Eifert, Jason Witten, Larry Fitzgerald, and Denver and Stls’ defenses. I have the dream team. This isn’t necessarily an angry rant. Just a cocky one. In the beginning of the season, we had possibly the shittiest team to ever exist. Like imagine the worst
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What the fuck is wrong with my girlfriend. Everything is a fucking issue with her, yet when I ask her what’s wrong she will give the usual answer, “nothing” then ignore me for the rest of the day. This fucking silent treatment does nothing to improve our relationship. In fact, it hurts our relationship.
I recently asked you personally for help, I cried in front of you, you saw me broke down and strip any decency by asking your help. You promised help, you seems sincere and I was grateful, after a week waiting for the help you promised you suddenly vanished in thin air I tried to contact you not even a call or text and the best part is you post your decision to not help me on Facebook?! What the fuck are you? a teenager you’re a grown man and should have said it straight to my face that you’re
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I literally can stand to live here anymore. Everyday is a constant war and I’m always losing, I can’t help but give in and I have to hold back my feelings. Everything I do is a fucking disappointment to them. I’m constantly put down for anything. They are the reason I can’t trust anyone. They say they’ll support me but not financially or emotionally. So they are not supporting me at all or in any way. I cant help but feel totally useless here. I want to leave but with what??? I’ll just end up
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i just want to be heard & i wanna feel like I’m important . i feel like people see me without seeing me and hear me but don’t listen . i’m tired of living unhappily . all i ever wanted out of life was to be happy & yet it’s the only thing I’m not getting . I don’t have anybody . i lost the people who loved me because i wasn’t fitted into who they want me to be . when i do everything in my power to make sure i do everything right, i always lose in the end . i can never have a good thing . i can
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ambivelience it’s how we cope with TOO MUCH PAIN. interesting
i think apathy is about ummm our reaction to a fucked up world.
trying assess how i feel about net approach. ummm pretty much the same as always. cant deal with my reality meh waste o time. shrug. totally aware others dont see it the same way orrr get stuff i dont. shrug. mostly amusing
wtf is spell check. cant say as i use it much but some stuff needs clearification concept. gezzzzzzz
I’ve known some people from the Northeast come down to New Mexico and have mentioned they didn’t know it was a state and I’m ok with that because some people can be completely clueless, but I just found out today that the majority of the United States does not know that New Mexico is part of the United States! Seriously, wtf people! Just because it says Mexico does not mean its part of Mexico. Like just because New York says York doesn’t mean its part of England. No we don’t use pesos. No we’re
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I swear to God, and all that is holy, if that guy across the hall plays his Glee album on full volume and starts screeching out the lyrics one more time, I will burst into his room, snap his CD in two, and literally gauge out his vocal box with glee.
I made the mistake of agreeing for my husbands best friend to sleep on my couch. It turned out he wanted to move in with us so we upsized..after a few months he had a girlfriend who wanted to move in with us as well so again we upsized to a bigger place. He ended up fudging my husband out of a hire paying job but after his hours got cut went crawling to him for a position at my husband’s work..which of course he got he just told us through text there moving out in two kind
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I’m not sure if the title matches my real reason for rage but it such is a big part. Although this is petty shit compared to other stories. I hate that I can’t express my feelings but my friend can. She gets butthurt SOO much. She got incredibly mad over a tiny silly joke of a shipping our friends and I admit mostly I made with her and this guy. Originally she shipped me with him but I didn’t want it to stay with me for a long time and for her to keep yelling out in class with his ugly face
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I thought I would sell maybe 1000 copies or so. Sounds logical considering there’s millions of iOS users out there.
I only sold 3. lol !!!!!!!!!!
So much time wasted sending targeted email to request for app review, tweets, reddit posts, forum posts etc.
I’m so fucking sick of my dad and my eldest brother. I love them both dearly, but there’s shit they do that makes me want to burn our goddamn house down.
Let me just start off by saying that my dad has a head injury from a few years back, and in no way does the fact that he has mental issues bother me. He has terrible memory, yes; he’s partially deaf, yes; but there’s things that he’s done even before he had gotten into an accident that just makes me so angry. First, he’s always correct. Ever
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So I am in a sorority, supposed to be a sisterhood……. well come to find out that this bitch who is “captain” is lying to everyone because me and another sister hangout. so everyone assumes that its all true and now everyone has there back turned on me and three others. To the bitches that are closed mined, pull your head out of your ass and quit starting bullshit, this is a sisterhood, remember?
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