Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I hate my life right now I can’t wven start. My grades are slipping and my parents are screaming it’s awful. I can’t do anything. I hate my friends saying that I can do it but in reality I can’t. They say I’m a disappointment I mean I knew that but why do you have to remind me? Some people fake being sad or upset. And I might sound fake but. I’m not. Im. A. H a p p y
My shit is never going to be posted, is it? Fucking great.
I’m all for women being able to get abortions but when you purposely get pregnant and then get an abortion because the father left you and you want sympathy, that makes you a piece of shit, the fact that you’ve done this multiple times makes it even worst
Working in a large multinational, and then they put people in manager’s positions with no fucking background in the field. So we design a tank farm and the new manager says, why call it a tank, let’s call it a cylinder….for real? And no one over the pond knows what an ass they are….yet they are fast tracked. They do their fucking MBA through an online university and then screw people that have 34 and 45 years experience in the job……how the hell does this company survive……
i’m so fucking pissed, literally because of something small my friends just started being all ignorant to me like what the hell? apparently they think the emoji with rolling eyes means they’re upset, but bitch, do you roll your eyes when you’re upset? you roll your eyes when you’re annoyed, not pissed. i thought you were pissed because you sent the emoji like 3 times, what else do you expect huh? apparently you don’t have common sense and now basically you all are just gonna hate on me like
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I do not get why being who you want to be is going to make you fail all your gcse exams and become a criminal. I am a straight a student, I have had multiple 100% marks in languages exams, but I dyed my hair an auburn colour so it would look less greasy, and I am getting treated by teachers like I’m **** on the floor!!! Its unacceptable. #British schools
It surprises me how fucking mixy people in my school are. I should be a blogger , all the shit that goes down at this place is insane. I just see right through everyone these days or maybe its just me being me. I don’t know what’s up with me but I just can’t wait till I can reach my goals already ! The come up in progress 2015
I can never do anything right for her. Everything i do is wrong. I can’t stand her!! she makes me so mad. sometimes i just wish she was dead she makes it so hard for me to stay on track and undepressed. she makes me feel awful all the time. She is so bipolar. I wish we weren’t related. I wish she was dead honestly…
im at a really good school but my guidance counsler bitches about everything, and i have short term memory loss diagnosed by doctor but still i get bitched at by the guidance counsler whenever i forget something even though i tell him that i have short term memory loss and it is diagnosed.
Just sent a stupid job interview reply email and now feel like an incompetent sack of shit. Been unemployed for a while and though studying feel as if I can be doing more to contribute to society. I feel like a malignant pustule feasting on society’s refuse. Basically want to kill myself because every attempt of mine in the past few years seems to be coming to naught. I was once successful and now it seems like I just can’t get started. Like the friends theme song, except I’m stuck on Gear
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I know your lying you piece of shit. You think i dont know you that fuck that chick on twitter and instagram you be messaging just cause i dont use mine or because i dont go through your phone. but i have your passwords you bitch. no matter how much you dance around my questions or straight up lie to my face when i ask you face to face but i got my proof. i hope when i dump your ass you go live in her clap board shack and keep your ass away from my house. man the fuck up.
Ok so today I was curling my hair and I got bored and I started putting on my ’special’ playlist which consists of vocaloid songs and Jubyphonic. I was singing a Japanese song that I learned a while back and thought it would be fun to sing, my parents are ok with me watching anime and my brother finds it weird. They don’t know that I like to listen to jappanese songs. So I was singing in Japanese and I see my brother hiding behind me listening… OH MY GOD WHAT?! I CANT BELIVE HE HEARD ME HES SO
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my ex boyfriend knows that im bi yet he constantly bitches to me about gay people because he’s a homophobic prick. he says that gay people shouldn’t get a gay pride because them kissing each other in public and going without shirts, could influence his future children. this pisses me off to the point I am shaking. he also continued to say that transgender people are not people and that they shouldn’t have any fucking rights. now this pisses me off even more. as a person who is out of the closet
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My parents are total haters when it comes to anime. I’m not sure why but they think it has a bad influence on me. i fucking hate how every fucking time I’m watching anime they get mad at me saying that i shouldn’t be watching that. i mean I’m nit going to lie my parents are cool sometimes other times there huge jerks. and i feel like i can’t like what i like.
I’m 14….I’m 5′6 and weigh 225 pounds….. I’m extremely active, I play soccer 4 times a week, and I ref for money. I’ve been told I look 170 pounds by people who don’t know my weight….but its still scary…. it has to be effecting my health in some way! I have an extremely slow metabolism. I used to be 180 pounds October of 2013, I was doing premiere soccer as a goal keeper, only girl out of 6 people, I had also been helping out with the younger teams in AYSO. My doctor told me I was doing to much
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