Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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For 36 years, I have lusted over the woman who was my freshman English teacher in high school. “Barbie” was a plus-sized woman who had the biggest breasts I’ve ever seen in my life. Every single day, she wore clothing so tight, you could see her panty line right down to the “V” of her crotch. And her huge breasts jiggled back and forth whenever she did something as simple as walking across her classroom.
For the year that I had her class, and the two years afterward (I had to move away at the
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I’m sensitive. I’m very sensitive.In other words, I’m a pain in the ass, I’m paranoid, I’m selfish.
I feel sooo alone lately. I feel like I’m not special to my fiance. My reasoning? well it’s dumb.
see…his sister doesn’t treat him right. She says shit about me, she doesn’t seem to care about him, she put him down a lot, doesn’t stick up for him…. and yet he forgives her in the blink of an eye and is back to saying how beautiful she is etc etc….
Me? I have to work for his love. I stick by his
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I like this guy, more like a crush, though. Alas I’ve known him for years now but I never really hung out with him… Now I work with him and just trying to talk to him I feel all nervous and I feel my heart racing an like its falling out of my chest. I don’t know why, I don’t know him that well, hell half the time we don’t get past hello. We have caught each other glancing at one another, and when we talk an I look into his eyes I feel even more nervous. I want to tell him small things like he
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I sext my friend and tell him I love him just about every day and he tells me he loves me too and we aren’t even dating. Actually he broke up with his girlfriend a few weeks ago. I think we would make a cute couple, but when I asked him out he said no(this was before the sexting). We see each other at school most of the time and he is a huge flirt, but without us actually being and item it feels wrong to keep texting such nasty things to each other. Granted it is fun, but it’s still wrong.
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My mother has recently been in hospital, having heart attacks and a stint. I tried my hardest to help, to be the good daughter so she wouldn’t worry but it didn’t work. I mean yeah i did the cleaning helped with the kids and what not but she knew i was scared, she knew i wanted to scream on every other breath. I feel like i failed her, i should have been strong but i couldn’t hide that i was crying inside. My mother is the most important thing in my life, i really can’t live without her. I feel
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I’m crying because of you again…. When will you stop being a jerk to me? You can lie to me that you love me. I just have to hear those words from you. Please… I love you so much Eric.. I really need you
Seriously this is something I sooo have to get off my chest. I can’t stand my mother, i swear I fucking hate her. She’s never supportive and always trys to control my god damn life, and when she can’t she gets mad at me and tells me how i’m wrong. I’ve been the 2nd person in our family to graduate from college, finally going to walk the stage at my ceremony in 2 weeks, and she’s known for 3-5 months and decides to not come after she told me i have to go. I know she’s had a lot of difficult
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I’m so tired of having a cheap ass boyfriend. I went out and bought steaks and everything else to cook on the grill so we could have a date night in since he can’t afford to take me out. His lazy ass didn’t check to see if we had enough charcole!!!!! So now we can’t even do that. I’m not going to buy anything else so looks like sandwiches in now. Sucks big time!!!!!!!
To the old bag: You are disgusting. If someone doesn’t call you, it’s probably because you are faqing annoying and they resent having to talk to you. You annoy the heck out of me every faqing day. And the irony of ironies is that I get impatient with your faqing impatience. Faq!
With my boyfriend who I love but recently started having feelings for my male best friend.
He had nothing going for him in the looks department when I met him, but personality wise he’s perfect. Well I go out on a regular basis with him and just saw him as a mate at first, after spending more time with him though I realise I have deeper feelings for him.
Everyone thinks we would make a good couple, when we’re out people ask if we’re together they say we look like we have “chemistry” and we
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I’m going to kill myself.
You’ll all be at work or school. I live near the sea. I’m going to drown, and I’ll never have to see any of you again. You’ll never get to hurt me again, you’ll never make me cry again, and best of all - you’ll never make me hate myself again.
I haven’t felt this free, happy and excited in years.
I can’t wait. After making this decision I feel like all of my worries are irrelevant and your insults and beatings are meaningless. I think I’m happier than I have ever
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I don’t mean to sound like a creeper in this rant but it is! I’m 18 and just started college. I commute so it’s a bit harder to meet girls (definitely harder than high school..) and whenever through either work, just generally going out somewhere or going to shows up at my old school, I meet this girl that I seem to be clicking pretty well with and then find out she’s in tenth grade (though she looks older).
Really? Damn it!
I thought you liked me. I liked you so much. And we used to spend so much time together. I really loved you.
Now what happened. Something is troubling my mind and you don’t even care. Not even asking a word. And that problem is in fact you. What is happening between us?
All this starving and striving to be a better, smarter girl is all because of you.
I am in short of what to do. I am not even sure if you like me anymore.
Do you even think of me as a friend?
I am dying inside. I’d like you to
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My boyfriend and I have been dating for quite some time now, We are very much in love and I want nothing more than to give him a child and to be his wife. All of our friends are having babies and getting married and it seems to make him take 2 steps back. I feel if I wait any longer I wont be able to have children, as my sister isnt able to have them due to her eggs not being good.. What do I do.. What can I talk to my Boyfriend about, and have him see my point of view as well as his. Thanking
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even though i have five exams to study for next week, even though i have so much homework due next week, even though i have so many things i need to do, i’m still procrastinating doing these things, doing useless things instead.
it’s pathetic that i cant force myself to focus. i need to get my work done, and yet, it staring at me remorsely, not getting any more finished than it was five minutes ago.
i hate how pathetic i am, how useless i am, and still i cannot fix it.
i hate how this
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