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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Most Condemned Posts

Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Caitlyn Jenner - Woman Of The Year 410

First off, I’d like to say that I am proud of Jenner coming out and for becoming herself with pride; however, I do not believe that she deserved the Woman Of The Year award. While what she did was brave, several people have done it BEFORE her, yet they have never been recognized nor will they. In other words, I don’t believe Jenner is anything “special”. The only difference between her and other transgender people is Jenner got the publicity (and other members of the trans community are more …view more

Friend i help doesnt appreciate it at all 410

I’ve helped my lady friend through so many things, I’ve made so much time for her when others weren’t there, and instead of any thank you, once she feels better she just leaves me behind and goes and talks to some other asshole who she thinks looks nice, and yet whenever something bad happens I’m always the first time to want to help her

boys will be boys 610

I slept with you, even though I knew you are a player and that after that you will lose interest. And voila - what a surprise - you did! I wish I had been smarter and played you over.
Now I’m waiting for you to write, even though I’m head over heels in work and have no spare time.. but I’m still hoping. Even though you aren’t that great, you aren’t that handsome and you sure need to work on your socialising skills.. but I still want you to write to me. Anything.
And even though I’m so pissed …view more

So I shouldn’t be treated like a princess? 010

I’m pretty sure anyone who just saw the name of this post thought I was a pretty conceited person, but hear me out. Make no mistake, I pity anyone who feels the need to harm themselves but I recently saw a picture on facebook that said “Girls who self-harm deserve to be treated like princesses”. Several ugh moments. One, if you self harm, please get help. It’s not normal for the brain to feel the need to harm it’s own body. People are always there for you, even if you don’t know it. I …view more


when people flirt with you and give you mixed signals and when you finally like them you find out they dont like you. THIS PERSON HAS OFFENDED ME SO MUCH

Birthday rant 310

It’s my 22nd birthday today. No one in my family remembered.

fuck school 410

Im stressed about getting shit done for subjects that have nothing to do qith my career its dumb idk why im in school i freaking hate it college is horrible i feel like im wasting my youth i have decire to learn but i jus hate school sooo much idk wat to do

UGH 410

i really wish i wasn’t the chosen one :c
i wish i was late
i wish i was second
and i wouldn’t be born.
why is people so fucking annoying.
i did nothing wrong, what did i do to deserve all your fucking scoldings.
and what’s next? friends?
why the hell are you so vexed up at something so irrelevant.
what the hell is the matter with you fucking dicks?

My “Best Friend” Is Truly Just Another Bitch. 310

For the past month, I have been debating whether my “best friend” (of 10 years) is really my best friend or not. She constantly has a one-sided “life competition” with me on who’s life is worse (although, I enjoy my life so it’s really just her and her “bad” life). She acts as if her life is the worst in the world. She complains about how she’s always single, how her parents “hate her” (even though they’ve paid $2500 for her to go out of the country for a school trip, and she doesn’t have to …view more

Darling 410

I miss you darling. How could this happen. Two years later, I think I’m finally over you and then BAM. I dream about you. And now it’s back to square one.

I love you so much I could die. I might die. Because a life without you is not a life worth living. You were my one true love and now I can’t bear to look at your Facebook pic because your stupid new boyfriend is in it. He replaced me. We were two of a kind, a dream team. And now… you probably say the same sweet words to HIM that you used …view more

stupid family 510

i just hate this family. i love my parents, but i hate this family because of the systemic problem that we have. i hate my sisters the most. don’t even want to talk about them. and then i hate myself so so much, almost to the point of my sisters.
it is because of them that my dreams are crushed time and time again. my world is being messed up time and time again. it feels like the whole table overturns just when i am about to fit in the last piece of jigsaw puzzle.
because of them, my world …view more


Yeah, your life’s hard. I’m sorry, but you don’t have to fucking bring it up AGAIN AND AGAIN. It’s not that we don’t fucking care, but when you start whining about yourself and shit when it’s COMPLETELY unwarranted IT PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF.

“I’m cry all the time, I’m so stressed”

CAN YOU JUST FUCKING STOP? you guilt trip us all the time like “im sorry im sorry” yeah fucking right, sorry my ass, YOU DO IT ON PURPOSE. You just want us to pity you because you want fucking attention or …view more

do i exist 310

I’m assuming that this will never get back to anyone I know so I’m going to vomit out my anger here. I have glimpsed some of the other posts and in compare mine seems petty but I just need to type this out loud and let it go…… Why is my birthday always such a non event to everyone. I always make a huge deal out of everyone else’s…..yet on mine, my husband and 4 kids do whatever is the least to put the check in the box. I just turned 50 on July 6th, and I got hershey’s kisses and grocery store …view more

Need Air Conditioning At Work 410

It’s almost 90 degrees in here, and humid. It will be almost six more hours before I have a chance to leave this room, or even get a drink of water. The air conditioning is shut off, and there is nothing I can do about it. I already feel nauseated and dizzy and I know that once again I’m going to end up really sick. The ice pack I smuggled in under my shirt melted hours ago. The boss went to a meeting over three hours ago and never came back, so I can’t even complain. I’m tempted to just call a …view more

Life’s boring 410

Basically I don’t have many friends and the ones I do have we have no idea what we wanna do when we hang out. I don’t wanna look back on my last teenage years and think about how sad I was and how even in public I feel alone. I cry most times from being lonely even when I’m not alone. I feel I don’t have a lot to do in life because I have no one to do it with. I’ve been depressed for a year and I’m scared I won’t get better, not even if I make more friends.

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