Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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please don’t comment on the size or appetite about my children. Do not use the word husky to describe my children. Please don’t comment about how I look compared to how I used to look. I fact, let’s just sit in silence like primates and just make preverbal grunts and glances at each other. I know you are just trying to make civilized conversation because you are programmed to do so, but I’m just over socializing with language.
Ive really just been down all the time lately…I don’t know why. Ive also been less interested in things i used too.. and im always tired though i get a good amount of sleep. But I’m also worried about my friend obbsession. I have a best friend but i get super jealous whenever she talks to other people. And she likes this girl but i dont trust her, gut instint. I feel like i am obseesed with my best friend like and she’s the only one who makes me happy. Im worried other people may want to take
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If my friend isnt cheating off of me hes cheating off of someone else but complains and gets annoyed and even stops talking to me when i get As and Bs and he gets no higher than Cs most of the time. Maybe if youd stay off instagram and stop messing with tons of girls bringing them up in MY house when i say lets study your ass wouldnt be such a failure
Never would i ever hurt you the way you are hurting me. Man up and stop making everything about what you want and ignoring what i want. I’ve sacrificed so much for you and so much of my happiness for you. I would never do anything like this to you and make you feel as uncomfortable and unhappy as you make me feel. What’s worse is i told you it made me unhappy and uncomfortable and you still chose to do it anyway. Sure i like certain things, but i don’t do them because i know they would make you
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Why are they such whores! All of them! Is it really the hormones in their eyeballs or is it that no one is like me? Why is it that when I’m in love I don’t want anyone else. It never occurs to me. I really am so sick of guys and their roving eyes. I just don’t understand. No matter which one I pick. They’re all the same.
UGh i can’t take it my school was having a play i got a small part I Was ok but then I went and then I saw None of them were even trying and It got worse because my part wasn’t for a while I left a hour and fourty five mins ago and DID NOTHING I’m Like DO THE SMALL PARTS FRIST it fricking annoying as fuck!
Useless bastard has been ruining my life for the last ten years.
He and my mother (who is a selfish bitch in her own regards) have been of again on again about divorcing. which makes them turn into complete cunts and treat me like shit because instead of being adults and sort it out themselves they us me and my brother as emotional punching bags. Getting angry at us foe every little thing we do wrong.
now don’t get me wrong, i am not perfect. I make mistakes, mess up and at times am lazy too.
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You self-centered child! I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with a loss and you feel like your whole world has ended, but it hasn’t. You will feel happiness and get what you want. Its not a one time thing. But because you decided I am not worthy of anything, you have abandoned our friendship because of lies other people have told you. And you believe them! You’re an idiot and I hope you don’t drive your husband away with all your immature nagging about the most petty things. I wish you nothing but
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I don’t know what is wrong with me these days . I don’t know if it was because I’m a teenager or it was because I am just pms-ing or anything of the sort . My temper gets shorter and shorter each day . Every single thing irritates me , makes me flared up . When I get anger on certain matter , I will feel very violent all of a sudden . No , it’s not the type of violence where I want to smash somebody’s head into the wall . More like I want to punch something type of violence . Every time I get
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So my bday is jan 2nd. And i bought my boyfriend a christmas gift and he didnt get me one which i really dont care about anyway cause i genuinely dont care about getting gifts. But he felt so bad about not getting me one and promised to get me one for my bday. I knew he tried to get my friend to figure out what i want cause hes not good at being sneaky. I decided to just drop some hints about what i want like “ohhh i just lost my favorite earrings”, “oh i need some new earrings since i just got
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My girlfriend is so fucking sensitive to every thing. Anytime Im on my phoneshe always feels the need to look over my shoulder and just watch everything I do. Im the type of person who likes their privacy. Im not cheating or talking to other girls so thats not the problem its the fact that she has no type of boundries. And when i tell her she wants to get all sad and in a fucking mood for 20 minutes and it wouldnt be so bad if it wasnt EVERY 20 FUCKING MINUTES. She always grabs on the back of
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It’s a curse to be able to see through people. I’m growing tired of the nonsense that’s heaped on me every single day. I’m tired of setting unrealistic goals based on what success I see people have online through their numerous posts and pictures. I’m ready to barf at the endless amounts of happiness that oozes out every single day on my wall. Is everyone really that happy? Does no one have any anxiety attacks about life like I do? Have I truly accomplished nothing in my life? They make life
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I’m always getting knocked down by friends and family. The conundrum is that someone must care if I have friends and family. But, they never hold my statements or humor in high self esteem and I’m more “there” than anything.
I wish I was more witty or entertaining, but unfortunately I am who I am.
The Winter Solstice is on December 22, three days before Christmas, fucking dumbass atheist. Stop trying to ruin our holiday with your hateful shit and go shut the fuck up. Nobody gives any actual fuck about your retardness. FUCK.
So my brother takes my phone charger and gives it to my mum , i ask for it back and my mums using it , my mum say give me your phone ill charge it . im half way though telling my crush i fancy her. my dad screams at me telling me to take my phone down stairs and what im hiding, i quickly delete the message the thing is my crush , is a girl and i dont want my parents to find out im bi now my dad thinks im hiding sommit and hes looking though my phone . what if he sees my messages like when my
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