Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I don’t know why I feel so bad about it. But I don’t want to love u anymore and I’m ashamed of myself that I do. I worry I’m obsessed. I forgive u everytime. Uve moved on right away and only finally stopped sleeping with me. I know u don’t love me and just check to make sure I still love u. I know u don’t love her. But she loves you n will buy u things and take u places I can’t afford. I wish I had real love in my life. But I’m so damaged I push people away. Even u. As much as I love u I know
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It’s a man’s world.
Nice guys finish last.
Therefore, a woman has no business being ‘nice’ in this world. You’re already at a disadvantage seeing as it’s not your world to begin with.
Fuck being nice; I’m officially the ‘other woman’.
Being nice wasn’t working for me…. let’s see how this does. Being a good girl and waiting for a good man wasn’t working for me. The only guys coming up to me were married men anyway.
I have no intention of waiting anymore. I have no intention of finishing beyond
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I feel so alone right now. Used to have a close friend once , whom now is closer to another friend in our clique . She never cares about me nowadays . Even if i go missing without contacting her at all for days , she will never msg or call me to ask if I’m alright. And in our clique’s whatsapp group whenever all chats , she always calls her ‘new’ close friend to join in the convo but not me. I feel so useless . I feel like nobody cares about me . One reason for her to get close to another girl
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certainly ummmmm my position of letting peeps address and access for themselves has been shot all to fuck. gezzzzz. maybee when faced with the unbelievable and unacceptable the human mind can just not comprehend.
we fill in the blanks with insanity. sighhhhhhh
sometimes i feel like my life is a neverending series of damage control. certainly rational from begining to end seemed to work the best. ahhh i did not know that one can actually pull a groin mussel screaming at those who can not or
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i am so sick of being so unwanted. that’s literally all i am: unwanted. i know everyone sometimes feels like maybe they aren’t as good as others, but i know for a fact that i am a completely undesirable human being. im so sick of my “friends” not giving a shit, my family not seeing how miserable i am all the time, boys feeling repulsed by me. but the thing is, i know it’s all my fault because i’m annoying and ugly and just an all-around failure. it really isn’t hard to see why people don’t want
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well deserved happy. yeahhhhhhh
baaaahhhhaaaaa pretty sure anything or body who would see my life and see anything exes exsistence in my world as better. pretty certain i wouldnt bee interested. lmao
what happened to the singing mom’s boy, he was cute. gezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
its not polite to point. gezzzzzz and some people r to sick to bee here…agreed. lmao had a fabulous night. could not of asked for more except maybee pain killers. this getting old aint for the weak. gezzz everything hurts andd loved every minute. really how often dew u lay in a parking lot flat on your back watching movies. in a crowd. baaahhhaaa we love that we idk goofy odd and those that arent we laugh at them as pretend not to know us baaahhhhhhaaaaaa .
andd end of marage. funnest joke
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My ex wife is a lesbian. Her lover is the nastiest bull dyke you would ever want to meet. It all makes sense now. She’s also an abortion baby killer.
it’s NOT about the indies generally .. certainly i havent seen the indie in years assume same as moi. no idea what was up andddd found something better to do :D.
a character that peeps identify with anddd take it as far as they can go… some people dont know when to give it a rest. addicted to playing with others lives while conviencing themselves it’s for their own good. meh each to their own and really i think many many have tried. some that read the script picked a different route.< i think
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heartburn , internal spasms and hotflashes. really dont know what right anybody has to address my oppinion of the journey i traveled. always going to bee conflicted but meh aint worth the effort and really sooner or later attackers find out what the string hanging outta their ass is fore. lmao
ya well they call me cunt with teeth sewww go chase your tale hummmmmmm
My dad just went in for detox three days out he is stone out, he is already babbling. our family business is down the tubes and i am bleeding money. my brothers owes me a buss load of money when i ask for it he treats it as a big joke. my sis in law contributes a measly amount of money and expects my dad and i will pay for everything else. i lost my mother to a freak accident this year and in addition to an enormous guilt for suggesting the walk that ultimately killed her i have survivors guilt
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Can people just stop telling me what I would be good at or how I should live my life. If I want to be a doctor, I’m gonna fucking working my ass of to be a doctor. If I want to be a fucking comedian, I’m going to be a comedian. Maybe you guys should ficus less on telling me how bad I would be at those things and support me like a friend or family member would instead of just constantly fucking grinding my hopes and dreams to nothing more than a thin layer of dust that will never be able to be
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Losing every piece of hope that my adult life will be worth living. Only 19 and already damned, my mother is right I can’t do anything right. all I do is sit around, I no longer have a social life, I barely even speak to the ones I love most. There’s no hope, I know I need help but idk how to get it. I just to want out but I’m too afraid to go through with it. I don’t know where to turn…no one knows I have these thoughts….my family thinks it’s selfish to even think about taking that way out. no
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I loved you at one point, even though you didn’t love me. We were attracted to eachother but it was only skin deep for you. you were the first guy I ever fooled around with, you were my best friend. You made out with my best friend and the feelings died but the late nights didn’t stop. You know me, my body, you get what I’m about. You only see me when it is convient for you, but I don’t blame you. I’m content with what we are, friends with benefits, but I miss you as my friend. We never talk
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