Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I met a nice guy on holiday, seemed nice anyway, gave me his number, blah blah blah now im starting to think that everything he said was complete and utter bullshit! the only thing i know is true is his name cos he showed me his passport!!!! why am i so trusting, i always let my guard down! not even a reply to a message asking if he was ok!
i dont poxy well give a damn any more i just wanna smack him in the face!
I like to geocache and we recently went geocaching with some friends who pointed out that I desperately needed an updated GPS. My husband mentioned that I had a birthday coming up and that he would get me a GPS for my birthday. Our friend recommended the type she uses and my husband wrote down the name.
On the day of my birthday I seem to remember my husband saying (something to the effect of) it wasn?t the same GPS as my friend?s, but it was close?that the store he bought it at wasn?t going
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Fuck you , for having the cheek to fuck him and tell me you have feelings for me , fuck you for not having the courage to decide your place in my life , but provoking me still to lose my nerve just so you could say I haven’t had the patience and understanding for your tough situation. Fuck you for doubting am I enough for you , fuck you for running to me when he doesn’t treat you well , just so you could shut out why Im around when things are fine and dandy. To hell with your smug arrogant face
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but you have turned into a complete and utter cunt. you have CHANGED. and it’s not for the better. you really upset me sometimes. i wish you were still the person i once met.
I’m crying again. And close to harming. Again. And the reason? I mean nothing to you. Well, maybe I mean something. I don’t know; I don’t know if I can trust you. Did you lie to me? Did you pretend? Was there a reason?
I don’t care. It wouldn’t make a difference. Why cant you come back. WHY? I miss you so much, why can’t I hug you once, and you tell me it’ll be okay. I’d believe you. Why cant I hear your laugh, and see you smile as you speak in front of the glass, one more time. Why can’t I
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I want you to e-mail me. I’m worried that I came on too strong and hinted too much that I was falling in love with you. People keep losing interest in me just when I was starting to feel really close to them.
I am 20 years old. I’ve been sexually active since I was 16. I’ve had 6 different partners, most male, one female. 3 of those were regular partners that I had sex with multiple times. And yet, I have never had an orgasm. I’ve faked it every single time. What is wrong with me?
I was in my backyard playing, when I heard a squawk and noticed that my dog was messing with something. I went over there and saw her trying to eat a baby bird. I shooed her away and looked over the birdy. It was breathing heavily and kept chirping when I went to touch it. I felt very sorry for it so I went inside and looked on Google to see what I should do. There were a lot of options, but in the end, I put together a little bed(a Life box and a towel) and put the birdy inside. I brought it
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You used to complain to me 24/7 about how he stalks you, is totally in love with you and how you hate him. And you wonder why he doesn’t leave you alone. It’s because you flirt with him all the time and shit. I swear, something in your mind is fucked up, cause you’re also a compulsive liar, attention whore and full on poser of everything. I can’t believe we used to be best friends. And stop leading on guys who truly like you, when all you do behind their backs is talk shit about them and call
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My friend has been neglecting her boyfriend and me. She’s in a very fast paced and high stress degree program. We understand this and we told her that as long as she at least talks to us every once in a while, we’re OK with not hearing from her for days on end. Her boyfriend and I hang out with each other in order to keep each other company.
Then about 3 months ago we started fucking. We were drunk and complaining about my friend, then he drops the bombshell that they haven’t had sex since
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I was seeing this guy around the same time last year, he was so lovely. We got on really well, he treated me nicely, he said nice things, he acted completely like he was into me, and the more he did that, the more I got into him. (This was recently after I had split up with a boyfriend so it might have had an impact, but I liked him a lot fact, I liked him before he told me he liked me. Anyway..) We spent a lot of time together, hanging out, texting and whatnot, then he just suddenly
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Don’t you hate the feeling when you are right there watching someone make a bad decision. You try to express your concerns to no avail. Sure, you could have said more, been brutally honest, but you know that wouldn’t have helped either. Worse, you know the decision will directly affect you. Son of a bitch! It’s even worse when it’s your business partner…
I have had Bi polar since I was 18, 32yrs. Normally my meds control me really well, but having just found out that after 30 years of nursing I am about to lose my job. I just do not know what to do
Amazing, wonderful, talented,sexy,intelligent,ambitious, sweet guy…. also (unhappily) married, 12 years older, 4 kids to my (0) kids, possibly moving out of state, my constant need to work and do college work and I’m moving (not far) but far enough for it to be an issue.
He is simply amazing and I can’t get my mind off of him and ….. theres no way in hell that we would be together for the simple fact of too many complications. Perfect guy imperfect time…
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Dear House-guest-turned-unexpected-roommate:
Some people just don’t get it, they can’t take hints, they are clueless; like you, I was happy to help you out when you asked if you could spend a few days, a week at the most, at my house. This temporary arrangement has evolved into you parking your unwashed ass on my couch for the last 2 months though, and it’s time for you to get the hell out of my house. I have told you this in a nice way. You have 10 days left here. You would think after the
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