Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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If I’d had only one word of encouragement from you, I might have become a photographer. Instead you said it was stupid, and I believed you and now my camera gathers dust rather than images. One word of support from you and I might be published right now, instead I question every word and wonder if it’s good enough. I wonder if I’m good enough. Obviously I have nothing worth saying, or you wouldn’t talk over me or dismiss everything I say. Every time you say, “I don’t care,” it chips away a
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I can NOT stand when girls say they want big boobs….why? Do you not understand that having back pains constantly sucks? That looking fat in loose shirts is unflattering? That some people identify you by that despite all your other amazing qualities? Just stop
A paper Jam can lead to us not being able to handle a mortgage and taxes. It doesn’t matter what it is, if it doesn’t go perfectly it turns into something horribly wrong for the brief interval of time it takes you get over it. I have been flat out all week long getting furniture picked up and the house cleaned, fixing a this washer drainage hose because of a mouse that is going to somehow forces us out of the home. I went to the bathroom and told you I was doing that to watch the baby and make
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It’s always circle jerk time for Chucah the Clown! It loves to sit around in the past, crying over how jealous it is that it hasn’t ever done anything interesting or original in it’s life, weeping for it’s own irrelevance. Just a man child and his puppet, jerking each other’s wieners because it’s too sad to talk to a human. Pot portly Chucah. One day you might become human, but first you must open your eyes and allow yourself up feel in the moment.
I’m a bisexual 27 year old female. I’m single, I prefer being single. I can go without sex, but I can’t go without masturbating. I masturbate three to four times a day and watch porn almost every single night. Is this normal?
I’m a 27 year old female and I’m attracted to other women. I have been with two women before, but it’s been a while. I just want to lay a woman in my bed right now and have my way with her.
A multitude of recent events in my life have taken its toll on me emotionally, physically, psychologically, medically and just holistically. I’ve come to terms that people aren’t kind on the contrary they are mostly selfish, egocentric and downright horrible people.
I increased my alcohol consumption, my eating pattern has been very irregular losing significant weight then gaining. My sleep is all over the place and I’m mostly fatigued because of the above events. I’ve found myself reaching
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i never told this story to anyone and i just wanna let it all out here. when i was i think about 7 or 8 years old i was sexually molested by a man, and i didn’t said this to anyone until now to you guys whoever is reading or not i just wanna say this out. And i think because of this experience i have develop a mental illness called panic attack. i am suffering from panic attack for many years. But i can say that my panic attack is getting better through out the years. i used to cry every time
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Pick one side of the sidewalk, there are people behind you!
If you’re not handicap, you look dumb hitting the automatic-door button, and it gets in everyone else’s way.
I wish I didn’t work on the floor with the espresso maker, but the company is retarded and had to cut space, and put all the engineers on a floor where we have to interact with the idiots in marketing, etc.
I’m angry because you’re stupid and inconsiderate so if you don’t like it, then don’t be an idiot!
I hate people who are users, self absorbed, passive aggressive and all around losers. They deserve to rot in hell with all their loser cronies. Kiss my ass former friend! Stay out of my life!
I am starting to really hate guys and feeling really ignored by the guys that I thought cared about me. Especially this one guy who I had feelings for and I confessed to. we literally talked everyday for about five or six months, and even after i confessed, he talked to me and we were friends, not awkward, just good friends. But after a week or two of talking normally, he just completely shut me out and stopped taking to and completely just ignores my snapchats, messages, everything. So at this
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I faced one year of severe sexual harassment while working at a bank. When I moved to a new department, the director was such a creep. I am just an honest hardworking victim of abuse. The director used to malign me to managers. He wants women to keep shut if they are harassed or raped. His excuse: the women looked at the guy (in his terms she invited him). **Director you are a fucking asshole.
Besides, why do 1/5 of the men in my bank prey on women. Fucking trashy rapist men everywhere.
I am tired of internet forum comments just calling women SLUTS and WHORES every single time they do something perceived as negative. I understand what people mean when they say “She’s acting like a real bitch” and that makes sense. But slut and whore never make sense to me. What is wrong with having a lot of sex? Even if you don’t emotionally care about the person? Why is it the woman’s job to care about everyone’s feelings, and then get called “just a woman” and belittled for being too
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I wish I could say everything that I am getting ready to say to your ugly face! You have got some real nerve motherfucker! I hope you know that I only let you get by with this shit because I don’t want you to EVER have a chance at visitation with MY son! How dare you claim me and MY son on your taxes when you abandoned me and your 3 children 8 fucking years ago! You have not paid a DIME to me in all those 8 years, and you think you deserve something? I hope you enjoy that $3000.00 you got back
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