Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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My friend ditched my birthday for her boyfriend. Twice. even though i decided to celebrate it late because of her scheduling conflicts.
F-YOU for ruining my budding relationship by encouraging my boyfriend to be a total codependent-can’t-do-anything-for-himself-child. I might as well fuck his TWO sponsors since they apparently are running his relationship for him. Fucking fucktard, fucktard, fucktard. TEN years sober and still relies on these people for dear fucking life.
Almost two years ago and I had a boyfriend and I thought he was the most amazing person ever. He was also my best friend since I am shy and don’t make any friends. Unfortunately he moved two years ago all the way across the country and only spoke through text or Facebook. Basically he is all I can think about which I will admit is really unhealthy. When he moved it took a hit to my self esteem and I kept on thinking I’m ugly and no other boy would love me. It has also killed me since I have
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Sometimes it feels like she doesn’t even love me. I think about giving up on her every day. She’s every time like a stranger for me! It’s been 2 fucking years and I still don’t know her. It’s bringing me down, I’m becoming insane! I feel like destroying something beautiful…I just hope she die in flames! I QUIT!
I feel like I can achieve nothing. I’m not nearly as pretty as some of my friends and relatives, not nearly as smart or rich or impressive. And I feel so pathetic, not just because of my own inadequacy, but because I’m letting this affect me so much. I thought I was confident but I’m just so sick of myself and being me. I’m not even a teenager anymore and I feel like I’m wrong in every possible way.
I just wish I could be a better person. I’m so alone, I keep everyone at an arm’s length
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Damn, if any of us are even a few minutes late, you rip us a new one. How come you can show up an hour late and it’s no big deal?
You think we don’t do anything? Well, you know what, we do have lives, we do like to go out and do things, so dammit, fucking be there when you say you are going to. I bet you don’t do this to your friends, I bet you only reserve this for your family.
It’s 430 in the morning, why the hell would you decide at that moment in time to play your stupid tejano music at levels that 3 streets over they can probably hear you. I was asleep you inconsiderate fuck, but now, I’m wide awake. Thanks a lot!
Hope you like the lovely officers paying a visit to your early morning party! I sent them!
holy shit.. how can you be SO FUCKING IRRESPONSIBLE?! you are a fucking retard. you deserved to have gotten scammed and you are a complete idiot. no wonder at the age of 32 you STILL can’t get married. because no one wants you! you are completely and utterly useless! i don’t need to help you or do any shit for you. the fact that i’m still communicating with you is doing you a fucking favor. you just need to FUCK OFF.
By the time you read this, I’ll still be alive. I’m not planning on killing myself… yet, but I know that I inevitably will one day.
Why? Because I know that barring some big change, I’ll probably end up with nothing when I get older. My father made poor choices, which means that he’ll have nothing to leave my sisters and I when he dies. He owns nothing. My mother is in a similar situation, having nothing to leave us either. What little my grandparents could leave my mother will probably be
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Why just why do men always play with our feelings especially our heart?! Once we get our head wrapped up into a guy it’s hard to forget about him. Then when things go wrong our life stops. Is true “love” even real? I’m starting to doubt it all because of my constant heartaches…
I was madly in love with him. Actually, I’ve realized I was in love with my idea of him; the intelligent, outgoing, nice, fashionable, and cute guy. But when I did talk to him or was around him, very rarely did he show kindness or cared for me. Essentially, I had created a persona, which exaggerated and amplified his good qualities, while diminishing the bad ones. I thought I was in love. However, the love was only for my idea of him. I am haunted by the concept I have created myself… the guy I
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Hope she’s happy. Things turned out well for her, and that’s good–wonder why she had to fuck things up for someone else, though. She lied.
You’re always telling me how great I am. You married me. We are great together. But the common thread that draws all our problems together is that I really don’t think you’re ready to move on. I think if you’d met me first, I would be exactly what you want. But without realizing it, you do things that show me that you can’t ever fully commit to me. It’s been years and you say that of course you are ready to move on. But you’re not. We have intimacy issues because you still feel like you’re
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fucking hell, what the hell is wrong with you that you can’t grasp the simplest of tasks and actually WORK. you are going to get fired soon and i’ll be the happiest person in the fucking world when that happens.
Life is unfair. It didn?t take me long to figure this out either. Even when I was young, I understood this. At the mere age of 10, life took away the only person I loved. Sadly, he can never return. This doesn?t make me sad. I honestly don?t care anymore. Life is a bitch. So is karma. Let it bite you. Get over it, suck it up, and stop being a child. I stopped being a child, so you can too. I grew up, you should do the same. I?m sick of hearing people whine and complain about how your life sucks
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