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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Most Forgiven Posts

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ou know what? I’d love to just tell you what you want to hear. I’d love to say that you’re doing the right thing and a relationship with her is fantastic for you and everyone around you. But I can’t. You know why? BECAUSE YOU’RE DOING THE WRONG THING. And just because I’ve told you I’ll always be here for you no matter what she does to you (and I will, of course. That’s what I do), doesnt mean I can be Little-Miss-Encourage-R___-In-Everything-He-Does. BECAUSE I CANT. I’ve told you that she’s …view more

Enough! 107

I just spent $150 on meds and doc that I was not expecting. I can’t believe this happens every time I have some extra money. I just want to buy something for me, for fun!!! I hate this responsibility B.S.!!!! I don’t want to grow up. THIRTY THIRTY, ugh! I can’t believe it. And this is what it’s come down to. I exercise, I eat right for the most part, I am more than a decent person and SOMETHING always has to come up when I get my bonus. This sucks!

lazy 109

why is everyone around me so fucking lazy

Too selfish of me? 107

It’s probably really selfish of me to think this, but for once I wish someone would notice me. I send out greeting cards to my friends when it’s their birthday, or when something good happened to them, so I send a congratulations cards, or even just a random ‘I’m thinking of you’ card. Recently I started getting a bit of pocket money and money from odd jobs here and there and I can safely say that 85% of my money goes to someone else, mostly in the form of gifts. The other 15% I keep for my …view more

My roommate 1012

She’s driving me crazy. We’re Orthodox Jews…at least I am. She decided at the beginning of this year that she’s too lazy to keep up with it. Now she’s got a boyfriend that she sleeps with and is constantly talking about. Right now I’m trying to study and she’s Skyping with him and humming and laughing and I just want to smack her. Instead I’m writing this. I know, I’m a frigid passive-agressive virgin. Sue me.


So there’s this guy I like, but thing is, he’s with someone… We still chat and hang out together, just the two of us, just as we did before he was in a relationship (except without the making out :P ). So we’re chatting on FB and he’s not replying. I’ve completely given up with him messing me around so I’m like “Okay I’m going now. Night”. He replies IMMEDIATELY wishing me luck with my exams, promising we’ll meet up soon, apologizing for not talking much and sending me lots of kisses. YOU DON”T …view more

If you knew me, you’d hate me 1023

Dear friends,

The reason why I’m so accepting of your faults and so understanding is because I’m worse than you all combined.
The reason why I listen to your rants isn’t because of sympathy and concern, but because I know that you reveal more than you realize. You tell me your secrets and since you never ask me anything about myself, you know virtually nothing about me. I’m safe, but you’re not from me.
The reason why I don’t take any intoxicating substances isn’t because I’m an absolutist and …view more

something i cant have 109

i dont know what to do with my self i feel lost alone even when a friend is near
i think about her every day and it dosint matter how many girls i meet i cant feel enything for them cuz i still love her its bin a year and im so fuckin lonley its makeing me crazy i just want to move on but im stuck in the past

funny how we all ways whont what we cant have

im wondering how much more i can take
before this thing finely kills me

You’re a grown person get your priorities right! 1010

I hate that you care more about your dumb computer than your family. How old are you?! I understand thats your downtime but come on! You don’t do anything but play games on the stupid computer. You can’t even eat dinner with your family cause your so caught up in the game! WTF?! Your kid begs you to spend time together but all you can say is either no not now or give me a few…then hrs past by and the poor kid is still waiting to play with daddy! The dog gets more attention the we do! You say …view more

Open fire. 1015

I fucking hate life right now. XD Not in an emo way, just like I’m tired of all the bullshit, tired of being tired, tired of half-loyal family and quasi-friends.

It started out easy enough. I cashed my living check, got food and books. Went to class every day like a good girl, though I did no work in my regular classes from the start. My one online class I did everything for. Went to my psychiatrist/psychologist appointments and took my meds. I even lost weight, and thanks to a bit of …view more

Vietnamese Girls!!!!!!! 1019

I think that they mentally retarded and not normal. I don’t know why guys marry them or why they would want to get involved with them in any way, shape, or form.
When it comes to grown Vietnamese women, they are the bossiest and most demanding of them all. I see married couples all over where the guy is actually the bitch..literally.



Ex’s 1011

So his ex messaged him on facebook today, when he told me what she said I could tell he was lying, I tried to snoop and look for myself, shameful I know but I had to check, then I find out he changed his password, 15 minutes after telling me about the message, I don’t know what to think now :(

Him…. 1020

I hate him, like actually hate him but then I must care or I wouldnt still be with him, or am I just with him because of the ‘perks’ in the relationship. No sex in 6 months, I cant even bare to look at him anymore. Everytime I open my mouth he moans, everytime I dont say a thing he moans. Everytime I moan he moans louder.

Why wont he do the right thing and just leave me rather than dragging this dead relationship on. Everytime I have tried I have ended up just getting back with him so he stops …view more

me and this lad 1014

me and dis lad have been talkin on msn for about 3 mouths now we always stay up talking 2 each other like till 4 or 5 Am once we neaver went 2 sleep just keep on chatting with each other about things . Hes got a girlfriend i am only mates with him we have meet up once and we talked about his girlfriend the way she treats him and she have all ready cheated on him and he keeps talking to me about his problems with her i dont mind at all we talk about anything when i got problem hes there 4 me and …view more

My Confession 1016

I ate a big red candle

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