Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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certainly ummmmm my position of letting peeps address and access for themselves has been shot all to fuck. gezzzzz. maybee when faced with the unbelievable and unacceptable the human mind can just not comprehend.
we fill in the blanks with insanity. sighhhhhhh
sometimes i feel like my life is a neverending series of damage control. certainly rational from begining to end seemed to work the best. ahhh i did not know that one can actually pull a groin mussel screaming at those who can not or
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Get heartbroken, take it out on coworkers, go to the gym and treat your outside the same way you feel inside. Destroyed. Thanks for that.
My boyfriends in jail for who knows how long for his undeniably idiotic 4th DUI. Now I must confess that I took part of this ever so vintage cops and robbers type of police chase. Successfully out running the fuzz we did… the war was won but the battle was lost, plates were ran. He was taken that night, put in the pokey for a week. Spent another nice month free until that probation meeting, he’s been in for a month now. Visiting your bad boy in jail isn’t quite like movies and tv make it seem.
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May all rednecks and ghetto people burn.
Losing every piece of hope that my adult life will be worth living. Only 19 and already damned, my mother is right I can’t do anything right. all I do is sit around, I no longer have a social life, I barely even speak to the ones I love most. There’s no hope, I know I need help but idk how to get it. I just to want out but I’m too afraid to go through with it. I don’t know where to turn…no one knows I have these thoughts….my family thinks it’s selfish to even think about taking that way out. no
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god help me please im planning to not talk to my bf for a month to follow through with a no contact rule and its been only 4 daaays….i miss hiiiim…. i hate thisss…why cant things just be perfect why do we have to fight all the time…why??? we were so perfect 2yrs ago… hes the one i dont want anyone else why cant he just change some of his actions? why god why do i have to have heartache everyday?? why cant we be happy?? why is his brain so one sided?? why doesnt he see MY point of view any
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Sooooo my school was having picture day and we’re a private catholic school so we’re not usually allowed to where make-up. Only seniors(Im a senior whoop!) are allowed to wear light makeup. So I wore some mascara, eyeliner and lip gloss, and the guy I like told me i looked beautiful. So after pictures i wiped the stuff off and he walked past me and said now you’re ugly again. I laughed and all but it really hurt :’(.
I know it’s senseless teenage drama but thanks for listening.
Ok so let me start out by saying what I’ve been thinking “YOU SARCASTIC ASS GOOD FOR NOTHING LAY ON YOUR ASS ALL DAY SHIT EATTING SCUMBAG” I’m so fucking livid everytime I asked him something simple he fucks up I asked him to buy me something black bitch comes home with brown “here ya go its black” BITCH can you fucking read it said on the fucking box big as day brown wtf and everytime I tell him he has to be right oh it looked black looked brown to me dick thats not even the best part whenever
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My boss takes my hours and gives them to his friends I am reporting him and then quitting its called “conflict of interest” against policies lets see who’s laughing now sir your inappropriate and I’m reporting you he only hires woman and he is only hiring his friends from his old job and taking the hours from everyone else to make them happy
Oh lord on a gravy boat, I absolutely cannot stand my flatmate’s girlfriend. Is it that she’s 12 years younger than me and acts even younger than that? Is it that she’s so self-centered she has difficulty seeing past the lint in her own bellybutton? Or is it just that I cannot stand it when girls behave as though they are dumber than they actually are? I’ve never seen someone so selfish. The first three times she was even at our flat she blanked me when I said hello because apparently she’s
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It’s the little things that matter. All the little things that people don’t do add up quickly and becomes a big, breaking, negative on your heart.
Examples of little things:
Cleaning ANYTHING once in a while like the dishes, the bathroom, vacuuming, putting the recyclables in the right can! etc. Things you should be doing anyway since I pay for half the rent.utilities! I quit cleaning, I got tired of doing it all by myself.
Maybe surprise me with little gifts/flowers/outings for no reason other
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Not sure if my wife still loves me. She has not hugged, kissed or held my hands for so long that I cannot remember the last time. She would have left the house a long time ago if she did not love me anymore. I what the he’ll is wrong. Me? Her? Not meant to be? . I feel I want to leave but then I want to continue. Frustration levels are so high that thoughts of suicide have gone through my mind
UGH i am just so sick of everything wrong in my life. i just came back from freaking college orientation at a college 7 hours away from my house. i went with my older sister and her boyfriend omfg she is so freaking mean wtf. okay. whats wrong with paying for me? mahybe i am freaking spoiled but fuck hyou have like freaking bipolar problems. i am so scared of you damn. okay whats wrong with spending a few more bucks on me. what is your problem? youre the one who wants to order two dishes and
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I FUCKING HATE GIRLS!!!! All I want is to have girl friends and they always reject me, no i don’t want to sleep with them, I WANT TO BE THERE FRIENDS!!! BUT THEY WON’T BECAUSE I AM DAMN GUY!!! AND NO I’M NOT GAY!!! BUT I FEEL LIKE I HAVE TO BE JUST TO BE FRIENDS WITH GIRLS!!! FUCKING RETARDED!!! ALL GIRLS CAN GO TO HELL!!
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