Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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if… i had a partner in a big job and if…i was an equal partner in any endevor ummmmm in application it would never work as all i wanted was a hug. shrug.
A paper Jam can lead to us not being able to handle a mortgage and taxes. It doesn’t matter what it is, if it doesn’t go perfectly it turns into something horribly wrong for the brief interval of time it takes you get over it. I have been flat out all week long getting furniture picked up and the house cleaned, fixing a this washer drainage hose because of a mouse that is going to somehow forces us out of the home. I went to the bathroom and told you I was doing that to watch the baby and make
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I’m a 27 year old female and I’m attracted to other women. I have been with two women before, but it’s been a while. I just want to lay a woman in my bed right now and have my way with her.
I wish I could say everything that I am getting ready to say to your ugly face! You have got some real nerve motherfucker! I hope you know that I only let you get by with this shit because I don’t want you to EVER have a chance at visitation with MY son! How dare you claim me and MY son on your taxes when you abandoned me and your 3 children 8 fucking years ago! You have not paid a DIME to me in all those 8 years, and you think you deserve something? I hope you enjoy that $3000.00 you got back
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Parents please go fuck each other and then maybe try to love your kids
Friends I have so many now that it just doesn’t seem real
Everyone I’m so depressed and just don’t seem to even notice really is it that hard to see I think not just get your head out of your ass please
My husband is a fat ass. Flat out. Not only that but he has health issues because of it, and eating is an addiction for him. Well, misery loves company so now I weigh more than I have in my entire LIFE! Including when I was full term pregnant with either of the three babies I carried. Though I’m still not a fat ass, I don’t appreciate him cooking like he’s trying to win on Hell’s Kitchen, tempting me all hours of the night with all this lovely food because it won’t belong before neither one of
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I’m so sick of these little bastards. “Emos” used to act depressed, wear Green Day shirts, and talk about how everything sucks. South Park did a good job making fun of that. They typically kept to themselves, but oh how things have changed.
Current “emos” are loud, annoying, attention seeking, trashy, dumbasses that loiter all day at malls. They’ll stand outside of Hot Topic all day, or be in the food court taking up space. They walk around aimlessly, and never buy anything.
This wouldn’t be
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I used to be in love with my husband but I’m not so sure any more. He never asks me for my opinion on anything and then when he does something stupid, it’s up to me to clean up whatever mess he made. I feel so unappreciated by him sometimes. He always wants something like food, sex, or for me to walk upstairs to our bedroom to grab something because he’s too lazy to do it himself. If I ask him for something he “forgets” or complains about having to do it.
I know he’s a man but he drives me
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I make 14k more annually. I will buy the expensive science diet cat food, you fuck! It’s pretty well a total extra expense of $30 per year. Pretty sure I can manage, ass.
I’m sick of you. You bitch and moan constantly. You include me at your convenience and if I say shit, I’m the bad guy i hate all of your petty obsessions. I’m sick of this being normal to be so mindless. Just because you can’t even talk to any one of the weekly crushes you have, doesn’t mean that my conversation with the opposite sex means I want to hook up with them. The rest of you do deserve this as much as her. Your weak and gullible. I don’t know how I can even stand you. You let her gain
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seriously i want to spend my week end cleaning my yard and fixing stuff and seriously a candy store. sighhhh just what i needed
tht i had something to say. turns out i didnt. nite all
naw i’ll bee over in cat scans. going to check if i have any brain left atall anddd really i am hoping they keep the cat. noisy fuck
that’s what we have memories for. i have a bucket load i would like to get too someday. my home a soventeer of journey i have traveled often only in my head. from my purspective unless i am not here atall ahhhh really my life goes on. i do what i do and seriously i got my hands full. ummm i will always get what i seek from this as my mission is learning and knowledge of the world and universe and just soooo much. really i like talking to myself.
i think of my direction of the moment as
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Okay, so I just have to get all of this out because I absolutely despise my teacher! Math is difficult for me and he makes it so I’m going to fail big time. Basically, I walk into my trig class and I found out that my original teacher left because he found another job. My new teacher is a PHYSICS GRAD STUDENT. He comes in and says he doesn’t care about his own classes, and also complains about how long our class is. I’m thinking, why the hell are you here if you don’t even care about your own
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21 years ago my dad decided he wanted a kid, so my mom went along with it, and about a year later, I was born. Since day one, the only one who seems to have actually wanted me was my dad. My mom seems to wish she had aborted me so she could live her life with only my older sister, then would’ve been done with kids. She finds faults in me that I can’t seem to change. I have a job, go to school, I have never been in trouble with the law, I pay my rent, and I’m generally pretty quiet. I try to
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I live in north texas, right near oklahoma. Being an atheist is not easy. I’ve been told by people that atheists hate god, when in fact atheism is just a lack of belief in a deity. Not to say some of us haven’t taken it a little far. As for me; I couldn’t care less if there are crosses in cemeteries or ‘in god we trust’ on the dollar bill. Those things have been around for so long, to me they are just a part of life. A lot of things get mixed up with religion and one of those things is the term
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