Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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Am I angry? Am I mad? Am I pissed? You be your fucking ASS I’m pissed! To think I believed your bullshit for the second time in a row. You tricked me back then, and led me on and told me that you would leave her for me but instead you fucking sobbed and let her trick you into staying with her. And now just recently, you told me you genuinely wanted me and you DID break up with her, and we were together. For less then a week, though, of course. I should have known you’d take her back because you
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Part of me wants him to like me, and part of me really wants him to be totally oblivious so that i don’t have to think about being in a relationship again. I don’t want to have to worry about anyone again. Only myself. I’m tired of it. I was tired of having to deal with always wondering what’s going on in Mike’s head, and now, now my brain and heart want to take that on again? It’s bad enough that i’m crushing on him, but seriously… wth. I’m masochistic or something.
But i like him. He has
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I don’t want to hear about your “perfect” life, how wonderful you are, how fantastic your kids are. I don’t want to see your baby’s pictures, or hear about how you did this and that. No ONE wants to know every fucking one of your secrets! Like I really give a flying fuck about what you do when you wake up! Why the *fuck* do you feel it necessary to give out every fucking detail of your life?!
…What right does a person have to get mad for you if you apparently forget to tell them your not going to be home at your normal time and they can’t reach any of their friends? I had an eye appointment today, and I’ve checked my IM message history and guess what? I told him that I was going today, yet when I get home he accuses me of not telling him (why do I have to tell him anyways? I’m not dating him or anything, he’s just my friend and he knows what’s been going on anyways.) and then goes
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Your a freak. You got that? A freak. Your like a stalker, except you haven’t quite gotten to the point of constantly observing my house. Or have you? Whatever, I don’t care. Just get the hell away from me and learn to stay away. I don’t like you like you think I do. I’ve told you that before. I don’t care what your delusional little mind thinks, I. Don’t. Like. You. I don’t like when you press up against me as we’re leaving class and walking in the halls. Yes, I know they’re crowded, but
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Right, so you think because you’re old and I’m young, I am obliged to give you respect? NO. That’s not how it works.
When a stranger stops in the middle of a narrow street two meters ahead of you and declares, “I’m not walking anymore.” Then I think it’s safe to say I will be surprised by and will struggle to get past her.
When I and a group of my friends try to get past said stranger, and she declares, “MANNERS”. This is meant to be some sort of moral lesson to us?
Well forgive me if I’m
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Whether it’s babies, children , old folks, whatever, I secretly am a bit relieved simply due to knowing how overpopulated this earth is. Part of me feels like congratulating their families on doing their part to reduce the population. I’m not heartless, by any means. I can empathyze with their loss but know a year down the line, they’ll be fine. And their dead loved one will be fine as well. I just that I know the practicalities of life on earth in 2010 and what we’ll have to face as survivors,
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A big, hardy FUCK YOU to the person who doesn’t know what the hell they’re talking about. If you can draw, why the hell would you think you know better than the artist herself. You have a lot of nerve and a lot of jealousy. I have no problem taking criticism, I do, however, have a problem with criticism with an intent to hurt.
You’re a sad person, and I’m done with you.
When I see her putting her new guy ahead of me, it really gets me down, and I always begin to resent her, but never say anything to her about it… Does that make me spineless?
Then the anger turns into sadness and I’m glad I didn’t say anything to her about it, because it’s all borne of jealousy.
Seriously, for anyone on either side of this debate, there are better verses to illustrate your point and your repeated invocation of the story of Sodom makes you sound like an idiot who didn’t bother to do a lick of
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It is a good thing when people who you think are your friends piss you off. You can determine where you really stood with them. It gives clarity. To make a long story short: my bellydance teacher whom i thought was my friend was really just using me for my talents to get things for free. plus, she has treated my sweet husband like he is some sort of pariah. total dickishness. best part, i can’t tell her about how much i think she’s a dick right now because she is some fragile piece of pregnant
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FUCK SAKE you don’t need a carrier bag for a toothbrush. Or a pack of chewing gum. Or any other minuscule thing you can easily put in your handbag. Don’t you care about the environment at all?
I’m actually 30 but thankfully women still think I’m still 24. Which means I’ve been getting dirty with some really hot student types - especially ones with big boobies. I don’t wish to be forgiven. I just wish to whole-heartedly recommend it. I LUV it!!!!
I expect people to remember my birthday, although I never remember theirs. I think less of people who have casual sex despite having done it many times myself (and a desire to do it again asap). I hate people who talk loudly on their cellphones, yet know I do it when drunk.
Full story. I’m a member of a theatre group and we’ve decided to purchase some hoodies to act as a ‘uniform’ - give the group a bit of an identity. Anyway, we’ve been discussing the design (colours, what it should have on it etc) using the email feature on Facebook. It’s rather handy - you can send the email to a group of people and it acts as a ‘thread’ where everybody replies and everybody sees the response, so it’s more like a conversation rather than a standard email.
So I got a warning
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