Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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Yes, I’m the ‘apprentice’. Yes, I’m grateful for a job that’s actually lets me use my architecture degree. Yes, I’m one of only TWO females in the department. But please, give me a FUCKING break. Let me think. Let me design without BREATHING DOWN MY FRICKING NECK every second and telling me ‘what would be nice…’ as though I haven’t a thought in my pretty little head because I can assure you I’ve got plenty. The ones about the lot of you aren’t very nice at times, but the nice thing is that I
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So tired of the Bullshit and Dramatics females bring into my life. My ex is BAD but my Wife is slowly catching up! Seriously considering switching to guys. Taking it in the ass would almost be a fair trade off. At least then I could get a decent blowjob!
For over four years we lived together and I have never been happier about anything. I never thought I would have to be without you. I would have moved anywhere you wanted to go. I know we don’t see each other enough right now-I’m trying to finish nursing school and you’re taking 18 hours a semester. I just want to be with you and live our life together, but you left me in one weekend and left the house filthy. Left me to clean up my empty ass house alone. Now you want to hang out and go out to
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I don?t know if I?m gay, but i know I?m not straight and i guess this not knowing what to call myself ( amongst so many other things, including the fact that my friendship group of 10 years has only ever seen me as straight, the fact that for some reason the word ?lesbian? has always seemed to be the one chosen for teasing me and i?ve always laughed it off?as well as some cowardice) is the reason for my failing to come out. I don?t know what to come out AS. Any time i?ve thought i was attracted
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What I want to know is how the utter FUCK can someone still like a girl after she hacked mine and my friend’s Facebooks, bitch about us behind our backs and spread lies about my family. How people can think this is acceptable and cool I don’t know. I would also like to state that everything she does now absolutely pisses me off. She posts on blogs, long descriptions with ‘big words’ to make herself sound intellectual when actually she just sounds like a 10 year old trying to impress in an
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I’ve just been tired of all this hurt I’ve been going through, I’m not sure if I should forgive my ex or not.. the other day one of my co workers cheated on her fiancee and then started dating the person she cheated with. Then, her fiancee forgave her…. and they’re friends.. what my ex did to me was nothing compared to that and yet, I couldn’t forgive her…. am I just immature? I really want her back…. and I’m not sure if I ever can get her back. I think I’m really upset about this relationship
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The teacher is a fucking asshole! I seriously try as hard as I can and he yells at me for it. I’m not exactly a physical kind of person and it isn’t my fault. I never have been. The goddamn dick just doesn’t fucking get it. He doesn’t give us breaks or let us get drinks during class, and he’s just so damn annoying. All he does is yell, yell, and guess what? Yell. Fuck him. Just fuck school in fucking general.
Going on 9 years of knowing you (freshman English in high school, yes?) and even though we talk regularly, maybe even daily, I miss you. Haven’t seen you in person in… two years? I wish you’d said something sooner and not waited until I had been with him for over a year. And then disappeared the second you told me. Because I think we would have been really great together. Maybe we still can be? I’m still with him, and I think you hate that, especially after how he treated me in the beginning.
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We’ve been best friends since eighth grade. Talked every single night on the weekend that we could manage. She’s my sister. And now her and her pal at her school (sadly, we go to different schools) just got in a fight and I’ve been ignored since before Christmas Vacation. Its been almost 4 damn weeks. I don’t know what the hell I did. I’ve asked her “What did I do to upset you?” and her reply was “Sorry I’ve been busy” Bullshit. Grow a pair and tell me what your freaking problem is. I’m sick of
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For once, I actually BELIEVED Primary school was the most drama i’d ever have to deal with. I mean, up until now, my life in highschool was literally PERFECT. FUCKING PERFECT. Amazing supportive friends, a wonderful love life, and an amazing family and home, but then you just have to randomly storm in and ruin it, over something that WASN’T MY FAULT. And all you do is take the sides of my other 2 friends, and now you feel the need to think you have to hate me because of what they always say,
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I love you, and I miss you so much.
Not one day goes by that I don’t think about you. You we’re the one that cheated and lied, but I’m the one that sill wants to work this out. You’re so bipolar, one day you’ll say you love me and miss me to, yet other days you say we’re done. I don’t know what to believe. All I know is you’re the one, and I need you. You’re the only one that can truley make me happy no matter what. I even miss our stupid little fights over nothing. I love you so much. Please
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Firstly, I could barely sleep the night before because of a terrible fit of insomnia. I have to wake up at 5 every morning to get to school on time. Then, I get to go through my 8 hour school day, then spend the rest of the evening in music rehearsals/working at my job until I finally get home at 10 pm.
So, two hours of sleep plus about 17 hours of active work.
I had agreed with two project partners that we would divide our project into thirds and I would be willing to put it on a poster. When
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To the driver of the black BMW who roadraged on me and my son near the campus of Towson University yesterday afternoon: I hope that your anger leads to you make a bad driving decision, and that this decision costs you your life in a horrible carr accident involving only your vehicle. But before you die, I hope you watch helplessly as someone you love dies screaming in flames next to you. How many other people have you done this too? Based on what I saw yesterday, the world will be better off
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I hate 99% of my family.
I feel more comfortable when I can’t identify with anyone.
The most healthy relationship I’ve ever experienced is with a thirty something Portuguese man.
I used to cut myself.
I can’t even stand walking through a crowd anymore.
I never feel at home.
I just want to feel loved.
But I think I’m too afraid to ever be.
You never backed me up, or defended me. You always said my ideas were stupid and I’m not funny. When a rumor got to you that I called you a “fake-baking gross bitch” and you decided our friendship wasn’t true, it was one of the best moments of my life. You filthy slob. I was slowly trying to fade away from you. It’s a shame on how it’s going to be awkward and hateful when I see you with our friends, but at least I don’t have to deal with your over reactive, cry baby, never-takes-a-shower ass,
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Be it a confession, a rant about how your customers suck or just tell us why you hate your life. Feel free to vent your rage on here!