Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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Ok someone please explain this to me? Two days ago I walk into my math class happy and healthy and after sitting there for four hours….SITTING there….I get up to leave and suddenly the ball of my foot is in INCREDIBLE pain. Every step is agony. What the fuck happened??!!? As I sit here two days later it hurts even worse, and no amount of ibruprofen or hot foot soaks has done a damn bit of good. I just don’t understand how I could have hurt my foot so bad sitting on my ass for a few hours….
Sometimes I think about cheating on my girlfriend… I know I never will though. I haven’t had sex in over a year and she wants to wait until marriage. I love her to death, I wish I could get my sex drive under control
Do you ever feel that your just kind of stumbling through life, kind of taking things as they come and not really doing anything proactive to improve your situation? It’s not like my situation is bad, just there are some things that I would change if I could…but I don’t…I mean I don’t put any effort into making those things change in my life. When I was younger and in love, and had NO money, I used to think that money would solve all my problems. Now that I am older, not so much in love but
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Me and my best friend got into drugs a few years back, we’ve tried to kick it a few times but it never works out. He O.D’ed a few days ago. I still dont think I can stop. Help!
Seriously you want to say I’m not being nice by putting a fucking biscuit on the fucking plate without touching it whilst your trying to use a ladel to put it on a plate here’s a thought to what’s not nice realizing that I want my fucking food in peace and you not asking me especially since you were going to eat something else
I went to pick up my mom from a long time family members house. The guy always is an ass and says inappropriate jokes. So I rang the door bell once and I didn’t hear any foot steps so I rang it again. I could herE my mom and him still talking and the dog barking so I thought “HAHA they are so silly and old I’ll just keep ringing it and when they finally answer i’ll say “Oh man you guys really need to get your ears checked!” Then we all would giggle…….NOPE he opens the door half way, hands me
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Mason, I think I love you. I know that sounds really dramatic but I think I really do. I remember meeting you at the beginning of 6th grade and you were the first person to say something to me. You are so funny too. I think I realized I loved you over 8th grade when it was you and me in photography class and I just felt really happy when I was with you. I constantly think about what I could have done and I’m always feeling regretful that I never told you. I think about you still, even though
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So I didn’t know that if they lay hands on you against your will that it can be considered sexual assault until 8 months ago. I always thought that penetration was the determining factor. From when I was in 5th grade to graduation of college I must have been attacked by 15+ people. Never mind when i was attacked then I was 4. Now I have a panic disorder and an anxiety disorder, but no one in my family seems to take me seriously. I have worked so hard to recover from depression, and to just
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Need to get this off my chest.
I know of the historical injustices faced by women and people of color. As a white male, apparently I don’t understand it but I try.
So now I’m in law school, top 15% of my class and I can’t get a job offer to save my life. I try so hard to tell myself that my hard work will pay off yet I am a few months from graduation with nothing and student loan payments coming due.
Yet I know (for a fact) that some “diverse” students in my class got picked up by big law
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my girlfriend is really great i love her a lot but it seems as if she can turn on me at a moments notice about small unimportant shit i was trying to correct her spelling about something and she fucking attacks me about it because of something that doesnt affect me and how shes right and shit but the link i sent her has the name in the spelling i have so im actually right and shes being ridiculous and its not even like i corrected her in public in front of everyone this was over a text and she
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Your Marriage is far from perfect, we get it. you guys getting a divorce was the most logical thing to do after so many years of constant fights, anger and sadness. I’m cool with your divorce but the least you could’ve done was talk to me about it. I lived abroad and came home to a house that doesn’t even feel like home anymore, suddenly you guys were no longer together.
Dad, you didn’t even tell me the reason as to why you divorced mom, but hey, i figured it out long before you guys even
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tomorrow school is starting again and i feel so anxious, even though i have no problems with people or with teachers at school? It is my last year, so I only have ca 4 months to go, but i don’t know what i’ll do after school either…
before the winter break I already skipped classes a looot and I expect from myself that I will not skip classes anymore until I graduate. I somehow doubt myself and that I cannot fulfill my expectations and that I’ll keep skipping classes. I wonder why it is
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Been living in a shared house with four other girls for a month now, and whilst I get on great with three of them, the other one is driving me fucking insane. She doesn’t seem to have a concept of personal space or privacy, and will often just barge into my room and lounge on my bed whilst I’m trying to work. She even gets under the duvet with her bare feet, yick. She leaves her dirty dishes piled up in the kitchen for up to a week, and regularly goes through my cupboard and uses my pans,
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I really freaking like her and k know it won’t go anywhere because of her parents but I wish it could because I really want to be able to hug her and hold her hand and call her mine and I’m actually really sad I can’t do that and I might tell her it’s ok but inside I’m dying
you know what since I have never had a bf before this one in the 21 years of my life?
maybe I do have a thing for white guys, I also like understanding guys, I also like funny guys and caring guys but hey to you I only like white guys you freaking racist piece of s**t. What does my life have to do with yours???
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