Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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I fucking hate how whenever I’m away at college you can never spare 2 fucking minutes out of your day just to call me and say ”hi” or text me asking me how I am… BUT WHENEVER I’M BACK HOME YOUR FUCKING PHONE IS ATTACHED TO YOUR HIP 24/7… so I often wonder why you never answer when I call or text so it makes me really think that because I’m not close enough to be used for something (i.e giving you a ride somewhere or lending you money) YOU’RE NOT GONNA FUCKING TALK TO ME.
I guess it’s time that
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I am tired of playing this game….just come clean!!!!! I know what you did & who she is!!!!! Just fucking admit it!!!!! You were kissing that BITCH!!!! & I am pretty sure she gave you a Blow Job!!!! & Your lyin ass is just that!!!! Ive given you every oppurtunity to say I made a mistake!!! But FUCK NO!!! You gott look straight in my eyes & lie…It ends tonight!!!!! Dont fuck with a techno geek!!!!! I got my shit squared!!!!
I do not understand how Christians can’t see the harm in believing they are born unworthy sinners who deserve to burn in a fiery eternity, saved only by the grace of a temper-tantrum throwing, spiteful creator who allows children and innocents to die every day, in hideous horrible ways. The affects that must have on our society seem staggering to me. Why do we act out, behave selfishly and commit atrocities which most people wouldn’t even consider? Why are humans so damn angry? Maybe it’s
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Three years ago my mom told me that if I ever wanted a sex toy she would buy me one. At the time I didn’t want to hear that from my mom so I ignored it. When my birthday came I grew the balls to actually ask her to get me one and her excuse was that she didn’t know where to get them. Ok, I took that because I didnt know where to get one myself.
Then the next year I found out about Spencer’s and when I told her about it she told me she was too embarrassed to get it for me.
This year I’m 18 now
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I know it’s not their faults, but MtF (male-to-female) transgender people almost never make pretty, cisgender-looking women. They look like hags. Before they transitioned, they were good-looking guys, and they turn into someone who probably will remain alone forever. A male body was not meant to be physically female. Most MtFs look like men in drag. Even after they get facial feminization surgery, they still don’t look great, since their shoulders, hips, legs, etc still look manly. And their
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any guy who cheats on a girl is a worthless piece of fucking shit. I don’t fucking care what your reasoning is. you suck donkey ass. girls trust you and you just throw it away like it’s nothing. I’ll be a lesbian. cause any girl I know is capable of handling as simple of a task as NOT SCREWING SOME DUMBASS FAKE BLONDE WHORE WHILE DATING SOMEONE ELSE. I hate guys who lie too. “oh baby I swear I’m telling you the truth! I’d never lie to you!” ….. “okay well I lied I’m sorry please forgive me.”
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I hate when somebody cuts me off and says, “No, you don’t understand.”
When discussing politics, my friend cut me off and said, “No, You don’t understand because you haven’t taken economics. What we discussed in the class is that blah blah blah.” His argument was actually super simple and unintelligent, hmph!
Oh dear gawd…this woman has been married to my dad for 1 year and knew him for a year before that. My husband made a silly comment on FB to her and she has been nothing but a bitch since then. He has apologized over and over for the comment yet she won’t accept his apology. She DEMANDS respect yet refuses to give it! I asked her nicely to not be put in the middle of anything and she continually bashes me when speaking to my husband. My dad told her at the beginning that that was just my
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I finally told my ex that if he didn’t stop texting me I’d call the police. It might have seemed abrupt and unfeeling but I’ve tried to be friends, then friendly, then covil towards him but he’s just kept putting me through hell for the last 8 months and I can’t handle it right now, especially when my future is at stake. He’s stopped now, but I wish it didn’t have to take me being so brutal for that to happen. I feel horrible and even though he’s not texting me I still can’t concentrate on work
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No you actually don’t know. And I may not ever be able to let you know. I have come to take a liking on you. I just need to throw it out there because I feel like my heart is going to explode if I continue to keep this for myself. I think I’ve actually fallen for you… I love you Arlyn.
Hate my dad for never giving shit about us, never thinking about us or our future, acting like he was the emperor in house ( expecting from everyone to welcome him home, inviting him to the dinnertable, basically ; he had to be the most important person in house). He was rich when I was little, he blew away his money by lending it to his family members (250.000 loans ; of which he actually never expected back). Never made any investment on our name (he does have 4 houses on his name in which
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No, my husband does not want to “have lunch” with you and your boring family, no matter how many times you ask.
And in case you were wondering, it has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with how horribly you treated him. And yes, you DID treat him horribly, no matter how many times you try to tell yourself that nothing was ever your fault and you’re innocent of any wrongdoing.
He’s not one to hold onto grudges and ill-will, which is the only reason he even talks to you at all, but
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you suck the life out of our city with your midnight shouting at the moon, your horribly untalented street performances, your incessant begging, and the way you take, take, take and still ask for more without thinking once about giving back. when i saw you back at the bus stop (your home?) yesterday, i was so disappointed. i had hoped you had been arrested for your stupid mistakes. or that you had left town for good this time, giving those of us who work and live around the mess that is
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I feel like you don’t love me as much as you say you do. If you did, you’d know when something was wrong. And I would know that you don’t think I’m annoying and that you are more than open to hear me talk. But I don’t know that, and instead I’m hiding everything inside in fear of annoying and bothering you.
…sometimes i wann smash your face in. Both of you. You are mother and daughter, yes, but why not try thinking for yourselves or even getting your own f*cking personalities. One of you is enough, i dont need two condecending,arrogant,selfrighteous,hypocrite assholes in my life.
First of all, it is not okay to borrow something and then just to assume it is yours or you can keep it as long as you’d like. Even worse, its not okay to break or ruin something you borrowed from someone else! And it is
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