Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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I have been hanging out with a girl for the last year, I told her I liked her, with the plan of asking her out soon enough. We have been moving at a comfortable pace, both of us are shy. We have continued hanging out as normal.
2 of my “friends” who I have known for a much shorter length of time, have started to act uncharacteristically friendly towards me recently. They have started to hang around with us as well. These “friends” are significantly less shy, and care significantly little about
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I think I’m falling in love with my best friend even though he’s straight, and it kills me to help him out with his girlfriend trouble
What is the point in exes? Do they not just hang around on the fringes of your life with little purpose but to depress? It would be far better if after a relationship ended, one of the party either died (which I admit would be a little harsh) or was thrown into a crazy alternate universe where the other never existed. Pretty sure I’d be happy right now if that were the case.
Why are you posting one of OUR SONGS on facebook, when YOU dumped ME, and I can’t even look at the CD case anymore? As
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So starting at the very beginning of 2010, my year has gone from pretty good to the worst of my life.
In January: I come home from Christmas vacation, over which I found out that the pedophile who raped my little sister and molested me and my littlest sister for years somehow found us online. When I get home, my bf decides that it’s a good time to break up with me - while there’s still seven months to go on the lease that has us sharing an apartment with two other friends, and while we’re
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I’ve really noticed over the years how society is becoming corrupt and immoral… and how the majority of the population are mindless, retarded drones who do what they’re told and follow whoever leads them.
In short, this is a materialistic society that cares about nothing except themselves and will indeed be responsible for the decline of man in the future. This society is in another realm itself in that we are getting worse every day, we sell sex, violence, pornography, etc. Too many people
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i’m so sick and tired of your stupid racist comments about all my friends. really? do you HAVE to act like such an asshole? doing that is just going to make me dislike you even more. do you have to be so racist against people who you don’t even know? why do you have to let their race get in the way of everything? just because they’re all not like me, or whatever, doesn’t mean i have to go out of my way to meet NEW people and please you or something.
just grow up.
why everything i say you have to take fucking offense to? are you that fucking sensitive? Am i not allowed to have an opinion? you make it so hard for me to say anything around here. you make it so hard for me to talk to you. thats why i keep most things to my fucking self. anything that i am going through, no i don’t talk to you, i will rather talk to anyone but you. i hate living here. i can’t fucking wait till my damn 18th birthday. Lucky for me that is just in 24 days. i can’t take it
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I photoshop my mates ex-gf’s head onto porn pics and have a wank
Why do guys always go for the sluts. The younger sluts too.
They say they want a real serious relationship and then bang some young honey.
I can’t tell, they say their girlfriend is an angel, virgin before they met them and doesn’t do drugs or smoke or doing anything of that nature.
Are guys really that stupid and naive ???
Or do they know and know care???
how can they honestly believe that bullshit !
So i have totally have been into this one guy for the longest time & have slowly gotten closer to him. He recently started working with my cousin. Now he is trying to get her to go out with him and even though I still have some sort of “thing” for him, I am helping him figure out how to approach her. All the while it is killing me inside because I am exactly like her in soo many ways but he wont even consider me even though we know each other already. Honestly love makes the world a crazy
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My roommate is a total fuckwad but yesterday he was even more fuckwad-y than usual…so i pissed on his toothbrush :D I almost want to tell him just to see his face. he did deserve it though!
I just found out the guy that I was in love with and dating for over four years and had plans on getting married to, asked the smut he cheated on me with to marry him, and they have only been dating for about a year. I didn’t really react to it @ all. I knew this day was going to come, I just didn’t think it would be this soon or to her. I thought I would brake down when i found out. Idk if I’m in shock or if I just don’t care. But I still have feelings for him, I think I always will cuz he was
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I pee in ths sink at work and sometimes jerk a load in there too.
I know I should stop, but it feels so nice.
I just told a seven year old kid that Santa isn’t real. I thought it would be funny, but I feel really bad about it now.
I’m sure that feeling “unloved” starts with me if I don’t love myself enough who ever will…..but I feel very unloved at the moment.
For most of my life I have been rejected for one thing or another. My spirituality has caused me enough rejection, isolation, and alienation that it is difficult for me to be in relationships, let alone start one.
I was teased as a kid in 3rd grade up into college for being an uglier and dumber version of my beautiful twin sister. Then I started to grow into my
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