Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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I just..ugh :(, i live with the constant fear of gaining weight, and just hearing the topic of fat/weight, or anything of that matter. Like…I am so insecure about myself. I don’t eat more than 1800 calories a day and i just..i hate eating basically. Previously, like about 2 months ago, i would not eat. I didn’t eat, i would eat <500 calories a day and most of it was at school where i didnt want anyone to know i was starving myself. I also had weight loss pills that I took BEFORE and during the
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Women, go fuck yourselves, I hate all of you. Why do you have to be so damn hard and fucked up? Like we talk for so long and all of a fucking sudden you never talk again. And it’s not even like I said anything controversial or fucked up! So FUCK YOU. All of you. I can’t believe, 9 months on a dry spell chasing after women, looking for a LTR, just to be turned down or ignored multiple times. I even have a fucking big house of my own, with no roommates, I’m NOT fat OR ugly, I have a fucking car
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ex boyfriend and me just started talking again, still love him dearly, we both still have strong feelings for each other, but are hesitating to go back to a relationship as he is heading overseas for 1 and a half years, im studying at university. I love him and care or him dearly but I would be happy just staying friends because he really is an amazing guy. He’s stressed and flustered and very confused ( as am I) and im scared he will just cut off all contact with me whatsoever or just last
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My boyfriend gets annoyed at EVERYTHING. Like, the most random things too. Things that I would never know how to predict. For example, tonight we were having a really fun, pleasant conversation at his apartment and we were flirting a lot (we’ve been together for a while and our flirting involves a lot of teasing and crude jokes). He had some dollar bills and he started reaching towards me with them. My legs were slightly open and it looked like he was reaching to put them between my legs (I was
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Are these things cultural appropriation? Or is my definition just wrong?
- usage of the word “karma”
- yoga
- learning a dance form that originated from people of a different skin colour
- wearing a non-religious piece of ethnic clothing / emulating their style
- learning another language
- ethnic-inspired fashion choices
- celebrating Cinco de Maya, Diwali, Christmas, Eid, if you’re not religious
Here’s the thing. I’d be more willing to understand the significance of religious/spiritual
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Okay so honestly I am done. I dated this guy, who has this brother and their brother ended up dating my best friend. I dumped my guy because he is an insensitive prick and because he threatened me. I was hanging out with my best friend who decides to ALWAYS bring her bf who always bring up my ex and he goes “lets just all be friends” and I am like no he threatened me. And then whenever I am with my friends everyone is dating so I am wheeling. I CAN NEVER BE ALONE WITH MY FRIENDS ANYMORE.
I legitimately hate my fucking family. Every chance they get, they will take a jab at me. Whether a its a subtle or obvious I always know they’re talking shit about me. Sorry I’m not “perfect” which is bullshit! I am who I am whether you like it or not. So fuck you and everyone else.
So glad to see cops getting mowed down, finannlay gettin ther due.
Every since I could hold a pencil, I’ve been drawing (well, if you consider scribbles “drawings”). All through school I would get in trouble for just drawing all the time. Seriously, in Pre-K, my mom was sent home a note saying how I “should be talked to because [I] was too busy drawing to socialize with the other kids.” My family’s always supported me on it, seeing as I was never good at music and I hated sports. Over the years they’ve bought me supplies, paid for a few classes, etc
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why do some ‘dads’ decide that they want to see there kids but refuse to pay for them, i mean what the hell!!! heres £5 a week what the F**k i starve so i can give my child what they need but does he help with day to day costs not a chance when you confront them with a bill for uniform they complain its too much and go behind your back cause they dont believe a word of what you say, then they have the audacity to call you a lier even though you were just proved correct, god he pissed me off
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So today my older brother was messing around and was acting like he would punch me. I laughed and said you wouldn’t because you know I would punch back twice as hard. He just said yea right. I hate it when people treat me like I’m weak. Just because I have soft spots for somethings doesn’t exactly make me weak like everyone says a girl should be. I’m not too strong but I’m definitely not weak either. I hate it when people are sexist like that. Woman can do anything a guy can do. Woman are in
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I hate when people judge other people because their gay, lesbian, or bisexual. It doesn’t make the person any different. It doesn’t change the persons’ personality at all. It’s still the same person you became friends with. When people find out someone is not “straight” they act all disgusted. I wonder if they think about anything before they say it out loud. What if it was them who wasn’t straight. What if they were gay. How would it feel being called “queer,” “fag,” etc. I’m straight but I’m
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I’m the biggest hypocrite. I’ve always said that I’ve never met anyone who isn’t important, but then I took a good look in the mirror. I’m so unimportant. If I died I’m pretty sure very few people would care. The ones that did would probably forget eventually. One day in gonna say “No I’m not okay” and no ones gonna know what to do. I’ve tried to be a rock for everyone for too long. And I can’t talk to anyone about it because I’m the strong one, and no one will know what to do.
I should start at the beginning which was Homecoming, in September I believe. I was going alone with a bunch of friends, but going to chill and have a good time! If I met a guy, cool. If I didn’t, whatever. I was out all day, getting my hair done(took 3 hours), getting my makeup done(professional). When I finally put on the dress, heels, and jewelry, I felt good. I looked in the mirror and saw the girl I wanted to be. I thought I looked beautiful.
I went to the school, met up with my friends
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I’m a BOFH. I was born with a keyboard in my hand and a wrenching urge to abuse end users with ID-10T issues. Like a lot of my kind, we pick up other oft-related skills to augment our incomes to better have the resources to torment our victi– err… where was I?
I currently do a lot of freelance work as a web developer and designer.
Nothing sends my BOFH-Attack meter of the charts more than a client that willingly makes piss-poor user interface decisions after they’ve been ‘educated’ as to why
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