Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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Seriously? Yes we dated. Yes, it failed miserably. Yes, I got prego. But God damn it you said you’d leave us alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m so fucking tired of waking up at 3am because you’ve sent me another fucking texting asking what the hell happened! I’m tired of logging online to see that you’ve borrowed a mutual friend’s account to message me. STOP IT!!!!!!!!! I don’t want to talk to you. I don’t want you in my child’s life. You said you’d stay out! You’ve scared me numerous times, either
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You know how your parents are supposed to care enough to want to help you get better? I was recently diagnosed with depression and obssessive-compulsive disorder, ONLY because I called her to come pick me up from school and take me to the doctor. I HAD TO BEG to go to the doctor and she tod me to explain to her why. I told her my frustrations and everything and you know what she said? She told me she didn’t believe me… And even further she asked me if I was lying just to get out of school. The
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we didnt do shit on my birthday. he got me a 5 dollar cake. and went up to his room, and left me to cut the cake. no one said happy birthday to me, i received no gifts. my dad is always making up for my birthday on someone elses birthday. like on my little brothers birthday, we went to disneyland. to which he said “oh…and this is also for your sisters birthday” which was fucking 4 months ago! out of all my brothers and stuff my little one means the most to me even though we fight alot. my big
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I fell asleep last night in the arms of a man who could potentially be really good for me, and I dreamed about my ex. I woke up crying, and f*cked a guy who is falling for me just to get him out of my head. I thought I was ready to move on, but I’m not. I’m using somebody who looks at me the way that my ex used to, because it hurts too much to be alone anymore, and I feel guilty every single second. He wants to be with me, and I’ve told him I’m not ready because I got hurt so badly before -
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I am married. I am lonely. I search online for companionship. It is easy to find. I am simultaneously emailing or texting five different men on a daily basis. I’ve had sex with two of them. I can’t stop. I crave their attention and how they make me feel. I feel horrible for breaking my vow, but that doesn’t stop me.
I see you on the bus and we have a decent conversation. However, when we get off, you come over to my house and smoke in my backyard, smoke in he graveyard across the street, smoke in front of the church I live next to, bring me over to your house so you can smoke and drink there, offer me a cigarette and a beer and when I say no you say press on and tell me it wont kill me if I do it once. You even brought your boyfriend to your house while I was there and said that you twowere gonna have sex
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I see at school every day, we have known each other for two years, we are good friends, and you still make fun of me. You are constantly making fun of my breast size, my art skills, my likes and dislikes, my outlook on life. I cant do shit about my breasts, I think my artwork is fine, I like what I like(so get over it), and I think I have a fairly positive outlook on life. At least I didn’t have sex at 15, switch between the same two relationships five times in one and a half years, and comment
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I’m struggling with the feeling of utter futility with my music. I’ve been making it for 20 years, and sharing it, and doing most things right, people hear it and emphatically let me know it’s amazing, and yet, I put a video on youtube and get all of 7 views. It’s just pathetic. It’s really pointless. And yet I do all the things, make the videos, update my facebook, blog posts, press pictures, send outs… WHY?! NO ONE CARES. NO ONE FUCKING CARES ABOUT MY MUSIC. So it’s your dream? Follow your
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PLEASE DON’T TEXT ME WITH A “FUCK MY LIFE” AND EXPECT A RESPONSE. Geez, I can’t believe you’re over 30. You sound like a teenager, complaining about how you need a new life, a rich boyfriend, and all this other crap. While being discontent with aspects of your life is a good thing when it leads to changes for improvement, you just expect sympathy from friends as if we have no problems of our own. You’re healthy and employed with money in the bank–you are not granted a FML pass. You are also not
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My fucking roommate…INCONSIDERATE, NON-DOMESTIC, SO INCREDIBLY FUCKING DIFFICULT TO LIVE WITH. Always getting in the way, doesn’t clean ANYTHING EVER, no respect for my or my other roommate’s lives. Talks and laughs loudly RIGHT outside my bedroom door early in the morning when she knows I’m still sleeping (or trying to…).
Doesn’t know how to stack a fucking dishwasher or rinse her dishes before putting them in there. Our trash can and recycling bin are DISGUSTING because she doesn’t rinse
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People need to learn that what we mean to be insulting and what actually is insulting are aren?t mutually exclusive. If you accidentally insulted somebody, accept, apologize, rectify. Do not blame them. Do not go apeshitty ?OMG WHY ARE YOU GETTING INSULTED WHEN I DIDN?T EVEN MEAN IT THAT WAY YOU?RE JUST EMOTIONAL? Just because you didn?t mean it doesn?t mean you aren?t to blame. Also getting angry because somebody else is angry at you as a self defence mechanism makes you a petty, spoilt child.
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I’ve been with my husband for a couple of years now. I was so happy at the beginning of our relationship, and have never had anything to complain about. He makes me feel amazing, will do anything I ask, and he’s so loyal. But within the past year everything is feeling quite opposite from the fairy tail I remember. He started hanging out with his friends more, and I didn’t see anything wrong with it until the other night when we were on a DATE and he ditched me for his friends to go watch a
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don’t get me wrong, i love this country, im proud to be australian but i hate to live in this country when our own priminister hessitated to legalize gay marriage… who is she to judge them, and think that it is alright to hinder there right to get married. im not gay, but i have gay friends, and if they were not allowed happiness because of who they love, i would pack my stuff and leave this country tomorrow.
i hate the bullshit people who go on there, every status is either;
“ohhh i love my boyfriend/girlfriend” after few hours
“why did you leave me, i love you” shit
then you have the twats who post 6 million updates a day about crap nobody cares about.
what they have eaten, how the job is, there kids, how much they hate life and so on.
then you have the twats who want attention who just put “:(” and
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I’m sorry that I make you feel like I discount your love for me. You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me and I will be eternally grateful for everything you have given, shared and experienced with me. I want you to know that I do not take you for granted, and I have the deepest, most sincere appreciation for our relationship and all the work you and I have put into it. We have something that some people never experience in their lifetime and I am so fortunate to have you. I
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