Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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I dreamt that I was in a Snow white costume and having sex on the chair with a guy. I have a fetish for dressing up in costumes or other people’s clothes that doesn’t seem “me”. So in my dreams I love it when I have the choice to get to go shopping for costumes or lingeries. But no matter how hard I try sometimes these dreams get interrupted and making me not dressed in the costume. Slurry costumes, Halloween costumes, lingerie, I love them. It makes me feel like I’m someone else. I also love
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I’m not a sales manager, yet I’m talking to customer and selling a freaking custom itme -i’m f’in christmas. NOT CUSTOM. bitch boss. useless, find out the job you don’t even know what this job is. when in doubt assign it to me. and actually that’s fine - but then have my back if I let something slip that’s not my job in the first place. and that dang salesman thinks i’m not doing my job when i’m actually going over and above my job. i’m trying to help him. it’s not my fault no one told you the
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Phew. So there’s this girl I’ve been friends with for about a year. We had similar interests like video gaming and anime. About six months ago, I began to grow interest in k-pop and dramas. I eventually introduced her into it, and soon, she was on board. Fast forward a few months later, she likes all of the bands I like, and whenever I get into a new one, she immediately downloads all of their songs. She constantly tells me how obsessed she is with certain bands and tells me all of these random
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Social Justice Warriors, white knighting ~straight girls and politically correct morons LOVE defending militant *man-hating* lesbians, even if they’re LITERALLY calling for the genocide of all males.
Because that’s what idiots like them do, always assuming them (minorities) to be innocent fragile flowers who can do no harm or that if they do in fact hate their “oppressors”, it’s always “justified retaliation” and never plain bigotry.
Is this a lesbian specific thing? YES. Because they’re
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I’m a female; if this bitch were a man I would have punched her in the face and got her fired for sexual harassment. But no. Bitch is a woman. Bitch gets to hide behind “I’m a woman” - bitch gets to do things I would never let a man do/say to me. Because she’s a fucking bitch. Your pathetic level of authority over me does not make you morally superior. My behavior is not something you have a right to morally criticize. It’s just work, bitch. Your personal attacks are because you are A FUCKING
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So I’m going back to this school where I have friends there that are fake. This girl, we are gonna call her Z, was my bestfriend since first grade. We were still friends until last year when she ditched for this other fake chick. I was so pissed off about it. I hated it when people did that. I mean common, I was always there for you and then you weren’t there for me when I needed you. I was your shoulder to cry on and you just gave that all up for this other girl. I thought we were the best of
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My worst fear is that if my dad dies before I turn 18, I’ll have to live with my mom.
No child or teenager should have to that fear of living with their parent.
I don’t believe it I’m almost at the verge of tears I didn’t realize I was self-harming all this time what the fuck is wrong with me I told myself I wouldn’t relapse again I can’t fucking do this anymore but pain is the only thing that helps calm me down. I can’t ask for help from my family because all they do is get mad at me it happens every freaking time. I’ve done all this and I’ve done nothing but silently let myself get dragged down deeper and deeper into this again. I don’t want to do
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The title explains it. :’(
I’ve been messing around and having sex with my hot older sister for years. Recently, we seem to be on an increase, as have been with her three of last four weekends, and stole one weekday last week. We’ve been trying new, wild, fetish-type things (her long nails, blindfolding, tying up), and may involve other people at some point. Mostly, we see it as “our thing” and can’t go more than a few days without having at each other. She stopped by my house on her way elsewhere two weekends ago, just
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Today my mom thought it would be an amazing idea to let my neighboor come and build a fucking closet in my room and my brother needs to use MY laptop for HIS work while Im never able to use his - like EVER (except for now). And I really, really wanna draw on my laptop because I just recieved a grafik tablet 2 days ago and am super excited to use it. But no. “There are too many people why dont u go do smthing else, hun??” and when I said that I wanted to take it to another room until its done
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What is up with all the teenage girls cutting for fucking attention, it’s not fucking funny and a bad way of seeking attention. If you haven’t noticed but there are actual people who had a god damn reason to and when they want to ask for help, they can’t because of your fucking asses. Because then they will get labeled an attention seeking when really they need the help and they need to get better and they are on the urge of suicide. They can’t ask anyone for help because you stupid teenagers
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Why won’t you stop calling me fat?
Why won’t you stop calling me stupid?
You tell me you’re kidding but those words are starting to feel truer every time you say them.
Why don’t your hands stop even when I push them away?
You say that you like me
But why don’t you listen?
You say that you care about me
As you grope my
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Boyfriend is an ass…. He wants me to cutt all contact with my family. He hates my dad and sister.
He wants are son to grow up with his parents only being the grandparents. And if I take are son to seem my parents he gets pissed…. I could only spend 20 with them. And with is family about 5 hours…. Not right.
Before we moved out of are parents. my parents only got to see him like 30mins(15 in the morning,15 at night some times they didn’t get to see him at all) a day while his mother saw him 8
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I just cannot make it through with positivity. I hate you pms
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