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Latest Comments

I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Cool. 2130

I was at work since 5 AM. I’ve been sleeping cause IM TIRED? What do you expect?? I can’t text you back in my sleep?? Goddd I don’t understand girls sometimes

You fucking unfriended my dog 2125

You selfish bitch!
If people actually knew you, if tour students knew what you say about them or parents for that matter you would never teach again.

Just because you couldn’t corner us or make us do what you wanted you punished everyone around you.
Your a brat.
Your a 5 year old in a 34 old woman’s body.

To get even you actually de-friended my dog, my dead dog!

You emasculate your husband, treat others with …view more

Girl gamer BULLSHIT 2124

I hate it when girls do the whole #GURLGAMER;)) thing, or take a picture of them holding a controller and only play black ops, call of duty, or halo. Whenever I see a comment like that I just ask them what games they’ve played other than call of duty, halo, or black ops. If they got no others then I do not consider them a girl gamer =n= play some Minecraft, amnesia, dead space, legend of zelda, left for dead, or assassin’s creed. Play other things than just first person shooter military based …view more

Wishing that one girl ugh 2123

Girl I’ve been friends with since the start of highschool, dated her twice in my early years, we then drifted, and now we’re really good friends again.
I LOVE HER SO MUCH UGH. However I believe she’s out of my league.

Im depressed 2125

I have no one
I want friends I want to cuddle and cry
Why nobody loves me I want someone to love me
I want someone to say “you are my person”
I wanna to talk please God
I dont talk because I have no one
Why Im alone why
I wanna die I dont care anymore
There is nothing wrong with but Im never good enough
I …view more

I hate Tinkerbell. 2125

Not the fairy character from Disney channel. My neighbor’s cat. It’s mean, squinty, aggressive, violent, non-friendly, ugly… Doesn’t sound nice, does it? I want Tinkerbell to burn, fall off a cliff, die, drown, get poisoned, get shot, get strangled, suffocate, choke, die of hunger, any of these things. Just let that demonic cat DIE.

Oh my god you annoying prick 2138

So for the most part I love my friends but I can’t stand how if it doesn’t resolve around them it isn’t worth talking about. Ummmm no! You don’t actually have to hang out with me you dumb cunts! Like stop being assholes and fucking tell me you don’t want me around or you don’t want to hang out. Like no it’s not some big ass deal to me, I’m not going to stop being your friend and I’m not going to stop talking to you. I’d rather you be real with me and we’ll figure it out from there.

Pity party 2137

I don’t ever talk about myself. I don’t want anyone to feel sorry for me or pay any extra attention to me. But I honestly can’t take it anymore.

I am so unsatisfied with my life. Do my parents beat me? No. Do I live on the streets? No. Do I have a deathly illness? Did my family die in a car crash? Am I stranded in the middle of no where? No, no and no. My life is not shitty and I’m not claiming it to be. I know people have it a hell of a lot worse and I probably don’t even have a right to …view more

Facebook makes me hate the world 2135

People. Stop having babies. For the most part, they’re ugly as all get out and they make you look and act like a fool. A blind fool. Because you keep writing the words “cute” and “precious” under pictures of your progeny that would make a sane human scream “World War Z is real!!!”

Furthermore, do not post things that make you angry on facebook. They only make the rest of us angry. Instead, post them on Raging Bile Duct.

To Sandy 2121


I hate the people who are around my age in my area 2122

Honestly, I cannot stand them! I probably wouldn’t speak to them even if I was better at speaking with people. I hardly go out of the house and so I can pretty much stay clear of them all, but my sister likes to go out and hang out with her friends quite often. So I get her stories when she comes home. She and her best friend decided to go out and cosplay to the store and neighborhood center. Some teens commented on their outfits, and one girl compared their outfits to some porn she saw. WTH? …view more

My Living Situation 2120

So I’m 16 and I moved out of my mom’s house a year ago because she couldn’t support us and she moved us into her boyfriend’s mom’s house, which was barely livable. I moved in with my sister and slept on the couch and lived with her for about 6 months, but I had to move out. Her husband is bipolar and is a huge asshole and I don’t even know why she is with him. I moved out because they fight all the time and I couldn’t handle it anymore. I moved into my best friends house (she still lives at …view more

shutupiamhealthy 2127

Okay here’s the thing. For about 2 minutes the media promoted thigh gaps. But then, since everyone is either too narrow-hipped (nothing wrong with that) or too fat, suddenly the media is saying they are unhealthy. Well I’m sorry lovelies but you’d better be consistent. Browsing the internet, I saw an article about declaring “war” on thigh gaps. Out of sheer curiosity, I clicked the link. Now there is some idiot ranting about how stupid it is for women to have thigh gaps, claiming it is …view more

what the actual fuck? 2129

you tell me i dress like a slut, i tell you i’m doing it so you will look at me instead of the other girls here. you ask me what i mean, i tell you that i feel less than the girls you’re always staring at in front of me. you brush it off, and a few hours later you ask me to watch porn with you? uhmm okay.. did you hear anything i just said?

I hate him 2136

I have hated my father for a long time because he is the biggest jackass, hypocrite, controlling asshole ever. He verbally abuses myself, mum and sister but wouldn’t challenge my brother who would snap and go right off at him.
Recently, I was watching a video about people shipping these two guys who aren’t gay and it annoyed me and my dad was like ‘what’s your problem?’ and when I said ‘people just pissing me off.’ I was referring to the video and he goes off yelling and screaming making me …view more

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