Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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When I cry, I put sad music instead of happy music not because I’m dumb and want to cry even more but because I don’t want to feel even more pathetic.
I tried once with “I wanna get better” from The Bleachers and all that came out was a sense of guilt because why the fuck can’t I fucking cheer up.
I really wanna get better, I just don’t know how.
Ok so, that’s my first time posting on a site like that and I don’t really know what to do. I just want to let go you know ?
I’m in love with a guy, but the thing is I’m a trans dude (meaning I was born female but I’m a guy on the inside) and dating when you’re trans an be… complicated.
We are close and talk for like 4 hours every night on Skype so, of course, we also talked about love.
I told him I knew no guy would love someone like me and he said that “yes, of course. If it’s a
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it’s annoying af but it could be my extremely competitive tendencies. when i mess up or can’t get better than another person, i internally dislike them. i wish i were more kind or accepting of my flaws. i love to be top of my class, and when i’m not, i hold a deep grudge. obviously not to the point of spreading rumors or other terrible things, but i think on the inside, i’m a bad person
My boyfriend is treated like absolute shit. He is honestly the nicest and most respectful guy i’ve ever met. Literally his parents make him clean his whole house, even their bedrooms and bathroom, call him names, have hit him, his brothers a complete dick, people at his school bully him. I can’t even explain how angry and sad this makes me. I mean we are both going to be out of our houses in two years so if he lasts that long i’m going to be happy. But he’s thinking bad thoughts and wants to
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I am so fed up with being told to lose weight. I understand that it is for my benefit; HOWEVER, considering that I used to be bulimic, I don’t see why there is a need for EVERYONE to point out that I am overweight and joke around about it. When I try to express that I don’t like how they make jabs at my weight I am told, “I have no right to be offended because it is my fault.” I FUCKING KNOW THAT YOU FUCKING ASSWIPES. I NEVER ASKED FOR YOUR OPINIONS ON MY WEIGHT SO DO NOT FUCKING GIVE IT TO ME.
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I cannot remember how many times I spent nights crying over this…. It’s worthless but still…
Alright, I apologize if this is the millionth rant about girl drama you have read so far, but I can’t help myself. This issue is something I really need to get off my chest. It’s a hideous burden.
In elementary school, I had a good friend who I used to carpool with. I could be myself around him, even if he was somewhat popular and we blabbed all the time.
Then, when I hit middle and high school
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He thinks he is so cool. He is a twisted , bitch, two-faced selfish scum. He drinks like a moron. He is pitiful. No girl would want him. He likes non humans as his girlfriend. Think his name is Mikey boy or something. Has to have his opinion about everything.
what the fuck is wrong with pepole right now? rainbows do NOT reprosent the oralando shooting in ANY FUCKING WAY. is this just a way to piss of the 53 victims that survived the shooting? NO. fuck rainbows. make your profile picture look like the fucking universal globe or the disneyland castle or anything that represents oralando. NOT A FUCKING RAINBOW FILTER!!!!!!! facebook added filters that look like the paris flag and the brussels flag for their respective shootings, but instead, facebook
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I hate that I’m a nice person. That’s really it. I’m nice to just about everyone, and I always forgive people. Even if I desperately want to hate someone, I physically can’t. I’m so plain and boring and all people ever call me is “nice.” I want there to be something more to me. “Nice” is all there is anymore and I give so much to other people that now I’m a walking train wreck but I keep giving because I feel guilty when I want to have something for myself because I’ve spent my whole life
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Here i am ranting on a website because I can’t stand this anymore. recently i received my report card and I wasn’t doing so hot in this quarter, and I knew that I wasn’t doing well. I ended up having 3 B’s 3A’s and 1 C. MY parents came un glued when they found out about my report card. My teachers don’t do a great job teaching and my school environment is awful, its difficult to learn when your whole class is full with bitches and idiots. Anyway, My career is to join the air force and attend
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Okay for real why do you do this to me. You literally treat me as the last option or forget I exist. It’s like as soon as something better comes your immediately just go to that choice. why???? You have such bad mental tunnel vision and always act on impulse, and that hurts me a lot. Like recently you went and spent a lot of money on a job I am literally trained to do. But what is stupid is that I actually went with you. Why did I agree to that? I shouldn’t have went. Not only was it rude to
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Your best friend is sleeping with your married son. In your house. That fat ugly whore cow deserves all the karma she has been handed lately.
So i caught my bf cheatin. It was like wit 3 other women, too. Fucking asshole. I was so damn pissed. I mean we’d just bought a dog and moved in wit each other. I thought we’d be togetha forever. I thought he was, y’know, “the one” n all that shit. But no, i’d been so fuckin wrong. This bastard goes around sleepin wit 3 other hoes while i’m in miami meetin my mom and her dumbass new husband. n yeah, there was this hot cuban dude down there and we may have had a couple drinks together and
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So one night me and my buddy were drinking. He broke out some hard stuff and next thing I know I’m waking up and I’m pinned to the wall with knives and my buddy’s foot is on fire ’cause he passed out near the fireplace. So I get the knives outta my clothes, and I pull him away from the fire, and I throw some water on his foot. Except it wasn’t water, it was vodka. So the flames got even bigger. And I’m so fucking drunk I don’t even know what to do, so I take one of the knives and I start sawing
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So I have this friend. Let me call her “Q”. So me and Q have been great friends in school for quite a long time. But as time went on, she starting chanings. Now all Q seems to want to do is try and be popular and talk about boys. She has this great fucking friends of hers who im going to call “W” So W is a girl I just met this school year. SO. FUCKING. FAKE. Her laugh is so damn fake, so is her smile. She likes about 5 boys. WTF. I like this guy named “E”. So Q used to like E, and W currently
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