Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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I dreamt that I was in a Snow white costume and having sex on the chair with a guy. I have a fetish for dressing up in costumes or other people’s clothes that doesn’t seem “me”. So in my dreams I love it when I have the choice to get to go shopping for costumes or lingeries. But no matter how hard I try sometimes these dreams get interrupted and making me not dressed in the costume. Slurry costumes, Halloween costumes, lingerie, I love them. It makes me feel like I’m someone else. I also love
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I’m not a sales manager, yet I’m talking to customer and selling a freaking custom itme -i’m f’in christmas. NOT CUSTOM. bitch boss. useless, find out the job you don’t even know what this job is. when in doubt assign it to me. and actually that’s fine - but then have my back if I let something slip that’s not my job in the first place. and that dang salesman thinks i’m not doing my job when i’m actually going over and above my job. i’m trying to help him. it’s not my fault no one told you the
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Confessions to 4 face buddha:
Kim Min Hyuk wants and will like and love other girls but not like and love me in real life 1 day.
Kim Min Hyuk wants and will have good/very good relationship with other girls but not with me in real life 1 day.
Kim Min Hyuk doesnt want and wont take the initiative to look for me & contact me, love me, accept me as his girlfriend, become & be my boyfriend, have good relationship with me in real life 1 day.
Kim Min Hyuk wants & will accept other girls to become &
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tl;dr: I love her, and she’s incapable of feeling love.
This is me getting my story off my chest, including the painfully honest letter that I wrote her that confirmed all of my fears. I have never heard of anyone like her, so if there must be a question, then it would be for people’s experience, and how they dealt with it and healed. I have removed the names for privacy.
This past weekend was the start of a downhill slope that ended my engagement, and a relationship that helped contribute to
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my mum says my best friend is making me depressed but she’s not she also says oh she’s so bad keep away from her it’s all fake but I have a completely different school life as to what my mum thinks, and she should fuck off and let me have my friends. She’s not helping.
Honestly, I might sound racist, homophobic or plain horrible saying this, but I’m not meaning to, I don’t have anything against black people, gay people or overweight people.
So, everyone is trying to stop fat shaming, gay shaming and black shaming. But sometimes people forget that overweight people can insult underweight people, gay people can insult straight people and black people can insult white people. It isn’t seen as much but it still happens. People don’t see that it is just as bad
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So I’m going back to this school where I have friends there that are fake. This girl, we are gonna call her Z, was my bestfriend since first grade. We were still friends until last year when she ditched for this other fake chick. I was so pissed off about it. I hated it when people did that. I mean common, I was always there for you and then you weren’t there for me when I needed you. I was your shoulder to cry on and you just gave that all up for this other girl. I thought we were the best of
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Dear Mother-in-law,
Thank you.
Thank you for being you.
I used to love you. I used to think, “wow. I wish I could be a great mother and wife like her.” I used to wish you were my mother. Now you’re just a nightmare that won’t end. You used to say nice things to me. I always felt better when you were around. But then you changed. You called me names. You gave me the cold shoulder. Then I never saw you again.
Thanks to you, my 5 year
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Every time I go out or whenever I’m home I feel so disgusted with myself. I eat a lot. I run almost every single day but I still feel like a sumo wrestler. I don’t wanna feel like that and I don’t know how to get rid of that feeling. No matter what I do I always feel like people are laughing about me because I’m big (fat). I don’t know what to do. I always try not to care but it’s too hard for me. It makes me have a mix of emotions because I’m not comfortable in my own skin. I always think
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Ok. First, family means so much to me. I mean, I’m only 16 and I’m already thinking about how I’ll be ten years down the road with a husband and kids. I don’t want kids right now, but I know I want them in the future.
I don’t exactly have a mother. Sure, some woman gave birth to me and attempted to take care of me until I was like 5, but that doesn’t make her my mother. She’s suicidal. She’s an alcoholic. She has an issue with prescription pain pills. She doesn’t give a damn about me. I lived
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I’m not tired of you. I am tired of your bullshit. I am tired of picking you up after you throw a toddler’s tantrum over things you can’t change. Change yourself. Do what you can do. You can’t blame the world all the time.
Seriously, I just talked to you about how I needed my space and that we spend WAY too much time together but no, what the fuck do you do, you invite me - after I actually told you I was sick - to play a fucking board game with a couple that you told last week what a fucking shit I was for wanting my own space. This is after spending the last four fucking days together.
And not only did you invite me, oh no, you ask me in such a way that means if I say no you can shove it back in my face and
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I just cannot make it through with positivity. I hate you pms
I’m totally sick of writing rpgs with you. It used to be fun, but now I realize… your writing sucks! What the crap is this stuff? You don’t use proper grammar, your organization of dialogue is awful, and half the time you use words the wrong way. You’re a 50+ woman. The bad thing is you COULD be a better writer, but you’re in this stupid rut of wanting to write the same old story over and over. Boy meets girl. adventure, kidnapping, rescue, they get married, they have a kid, the end. It’s
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Okay can you please stop?! Fuck, me and him broke up for a reason.
No we are not ment to be. And no I don’t want to get back together with him! Fuck off! I’m not like you! I don’t fuck around with guys and have a boyfriend and just assume he is going to run after me! I want to MOVE ON. I WANT A LIFE AWAY FROM HIM AND YOU! You obviously don’t understand our relationship, it’s not black and white and we want to have life’s unlike you and your boyfriend who just don’t go out and explore!
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