Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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I don’t see why you are even trying to get with me anymore.
You are a manwhore, a player, and a cheater. You always have been. Yes I admit, you are charismatic and can get pretty much any girl who is ignorant to your powers of persuasion to flop over on their stomachs like cute little puppies that just “OMG want some luvin’ ” and yes I will admit I was one of them. But you constantly flirted with women, never even told them that you had a girlfriend. Oh no, you relied on the widely known woman
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I’ll admit, I’m not the only fat girl in the world, and by far not the US, which is full of fatards like me. But I am one of the few fatasses in California, which is why I’m such a loser. Literally all my friends and everyone I know looks nice, and ten there’s me, the worthless lump of lard. Whenever I see myself I’m reminded of that character Dudley from Harry Potter, Jabba the hut, or similar characters. I’m technically obese, but I am overweight, ugly and stupid.
I’d really like to be able
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God I have come to realize that high school just ruins the best of friendships.
Honestly I don’t know what gave you the idea that I had to tell you when I went somewhere afterschool. I mean seriously. Your just my friend, your not related to me in any fucking way. You don’t have to watch over me, I can do it myself. In fact, I would prefer it if you let me do just that. Because honestly, your idea of watching over me just makes me want to strangle you. You tease me every day about things, and then when I turn around and am about to go have fun, you blow up and start
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I am so fucking sick of hearing my parents having sex! I want to bleach my fucking brain, they arn’t as quiet as they think and they should have enough commen sense to close their fucking door!
I need to get drunk
I hate my boss so much I want to punch him in his smug, sneering face. He sneers and rolls his eyes any time you come to him with a new idea, takes credit for anything good and is quick to judge when you make a mistake. He is the last one to come in and the first to leave. He starts off sentences in the middle and then gets angry that I don’t know what the hell he is talking about because I am not a mind reader. I get through meetings with him by nodding and picturing all the ways I can make
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I pissed all over my (now ex) roomates room, in her bed, in her closet all over her clothes, on her toothbrush. I also fucked her and hit her with a golfclub afterwards. And occasionally I would sweep all the dog hair, dust and dirt into her room. I also told people she had various std’s, and told her I had gonorrhea. Not to mention all the emotional/psychological trauma i probably caused her. Phew! Glad to get that off my chest!
Sometimes I hate you for being such a doormat
I worked my ass off in the cold while my mom was inside on Facebook then after doing yard work for 2 hours and not getting paid at all I come inside and she yells at me for being useless, I hate my mom so much and after all this she wants to know what’s going on in my private life!?
I’m sorry, HELL NO.
She never apologizes and is a greedy snob.
Got a call from my Mom on my way home today. I was waiting for the tram, and the tram never came, so I walked FOREVER and I missed the 6 p.m. bus and at this point I’m hating my life and wanting to gnaw my fucking wrists open because I have to do this hellish commute every day, my Mom keeps calling so finely I answer the call. And I tell her “Mom, I’m sorry I’m just really tired and I had a shitty day, can we talk later?” and she goes “Oh I just wanted so say I miss you and lets get together
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To start im almost 30, i have NEVER had a licens as such my controling mother has been capable of usig that to my dismay to controle and manipulate, I now have a one year old (father not in the picture) Due to My mother refusing to take me to work on the few weekends schedualed i am in the thret of loosing my job have not been paid in the past two months, my “oh shit” cushin of saved up money is bled dry, and my rent is due in less then a week…
With my mother Having me pretty much watch Her
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she thinks she can belittle me all day, but when I speak up, I’m the bitch. I’m a negative nancy because I told her to stop mocking me. wow she must be stupid too if she thinks that’s what those words mean.
You know what’s great? The fact my one and only goddamn female roommate is so petty and dramatic and bitchy and passive aggressive that she has made me feel unwelcome in my own goddamn house. MY name is on the lease, HERS isn’t! She doesn’t even actually live here! She just happens to be dating one of my roommates who IS on the lease, but it’s so bad anymore that I’m about to fucking move out because she decided she needs to be a god forsaken cunt to me and I don’t even know why…
Bitch, if you
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ive been wanted to self harm again and id tell one of my friends so they know but all of them ether dont care or they think im looking for attention when i tell them how i feel. I have no one to go to anymore. it really sucks. Im more lonely then ive been in a long time.
so i had this guy friend for three years now and we are pretty close friends.
me and him actually get along pretty well despite how an asshole he is to everyone, he would say things that either offend or scorn somebody, stranger or mutual associates.
but what frustrates me the most, is other people reacting to this friendship. at first they’ll ask “how are you even friends with him??” then it’ll go to “omg are you guys dating? how are you even coping with his shit anyway?”
heres the
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