Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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sometimes i just want to message my “friend” saying fuck you, sign off and unfriend her.
she doesnt care about me, this we both know.
but I can’t help but keep caring about her.
Can I just say that it really fucking pisses me off when people write amazing pieces of source code and then don’t fucking provide proper documentation on how to implement it!? Is that just like a thing? I’m gonna spend five years developing this amazing binary and I’m gonna release it, but am I gonna properly tell people how to use it? NOPE. Just gonna hope the gurus already know how to use it and leave the little guys to fend for themselves.
We all start somewhere, fags.
Polititians are like children. Instead of answering questions directed at them they just start talking about what the other one did wrong. I am a young person and I am going to vote, but it is just all so stupid. If the Conservatives get in ontario is screwed and if the liberals get in we are for sure going to have a deficeit budget. I want to vote NDP, but then it is a throw away vote because they’ll never win because of the first past the post rule. Uhhhhh… be truthful, no government will
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I hate how there’s always that one person (or a couple) in a group who, as soon as the attention is off of them, they start saying “I feel so left out…I’m so awful and boring…you guys all get along sooo well and then I’m just over here being useless…” Because it’s almost NEVER TRUE AT ALL. It’s like they’re DETERMINED to feel left out no matter what. You can show them all the love and attention and praise in the world and bend over backwards making yourself miserable trying to help them feel
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My roommate is an inconsiderate, childish, selfish, spoiled, stuck-up, lying, whoreish, annoying, disgusting, bitch and I absolutely hate that I have to wait 4 more months to move out. I want to punch her in the face for all the times she’s woken me up at 5 am, never done the dishes, never cleaned, complained about how “terrible” her life is, and throw my wet laundry out of the dryer onto the floor to dry her own. I hate that she made me get rid of MY cat claiming she’s allergic when clearly
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Getting an abortion was tough enough but now you’re too busy to talk to me? Thanks! In my time of need; when i need support I can’t count on you! After ignoring me all day you talk to me for about an hour and then fall asleep! Am I really that unimportant to you? You only care about your stupid friends when you’re supposed to care about, love, and support me!!
Hi everyone. When my roommate comes home, she wants my undivided attention. She can see that I am busy but makes up bullshit questions just to interrupt me. She drives me damn crazy!!! Then she pretends that I care and I pretend that I care, but I don’t give a fuck about her ugly ass!!! Go to hell!! Fuck off!!
Three years ago, when I was in the midst of a whirlwind of friends in my circle marrying off and planning the rest of their lives in coupledom, I would have been among those for whom the question ‘Would you like to have kids?’ would have been a no-brainer. Now, I’m not so sure. Since then, I’ve changed countries twice, FINALLY got a job that’s related to my degree (an apprenticeship that pays a stipend, but hey, we’re in a recession), broken up with the boyfriend of 7 years (it fizzled out;
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I realize this is a tough month for you: one-year work anniversary (at a job that you love but which has long hours and below-minimum-wage pay) and the subsequent renegotiation of your contract, the impending divorce and your birthday. So I don’t really want to add to your drama. But why is it that I have to beg, plead, cajole and practically steal from you loving and caring remarks and gestures? How long does it take to say “I love you” or “I’m thinking of you” or “I miss you” in a
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You want me to write a song well too bad
I’m gonna write words and make a song out of it
writing songs lead to trash rhyming is stupid
literature is pretentious and it leads to pompous assholes
well fuck me if i’m not deep and If words I write don’t resonate with you or make you think
these jerks’ expectations also lead to the opposites
you other people think you’re rebels? You’re ecstasy and lights?
You’re incapable of thinking
You think you’re individuals?
what you listen to is “what’s
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Oh please. Don’t.
You’re not even my real Dad for the love of goodness.
So please do not care for me or try anything to make me like you.
I grew up without a dad and I don’t need one now.
So back the
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Feel like I’m having the worst day of my life. Got far too much stuff on my mind and can no longer block it out, it’s driving me crazy. My Nana, the best person in my life, most amazing person ever, is dying of cancer. I’m struggling to visit her now cos she’s not herself anymore, she looks so ill and frail and it’s killing me to see her like that. Feeling selfish for not going to see her, but it hurts too much. Feel like I can’t to anyone about it or I’ll just break down and don’t want to put
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seriously way too frazzled. tired as hell to work on a team that will throw you under the bus when they need to.
I’m considerably blessed.. Decent house, clothes, school, friends,etc. However, my parents split, my mom was cheating on him, and he has his shortfalls, which is the first thing that makes me pissed as hell. Then I have this disease that causes excessive hair growth, from resulting thyroid problems, weight issues, blah nlah. And no one really gets it. So woot more stress. Then because of all that, boys=yeah.right….and I realllly hate bitching like this, but some days all I want is someone to
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I am entirely too tired to post the long rant that I want to, but suffice it to say:
I have been dating my boyfriend for 5 and a half years now (homosexual relationship), and for the past 10 months he has been completely uninterested in having sex. I’m 24 and he is 44. So, on top of that major problem, he doesn’t help with the house work, doesn’t know how to cook but one thing (and has actually cooked for me ONE time in 5 and a half years), what little bit we do talk to one another is usually
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