Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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So I’ve been in kind of a bad place lately - I’ve been depressed, moody, bipolar, anxious, etc. So I was hanging out one afternoon with some of my sorority sisters including my Little and was feeling kind of down. Well they noticed and asked me what was wrong, so I started to tell him and they just rolled their eyes and scorned me for telling them all these problems over and over again without them getting better. They just wanted to hang out with me when I was happy. Some sisters, right?
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I dated this guy for 9 months. During that time, I would vent to my friends about all the stupid shit he said and did. Whatever, I still liked him. But after a while, they were over it. They said he was a bad guy and justified their opinion that I should break up with him by saying, “We just want you to be happy, and you’re not.”
I knew deep down that I had two options - break up with him and be sad, or stay with him and be sad - and neither of them would make me happy. But finally, a few
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Call me a cry baby, say i’m jealous. Whatever, i feel left out. You don’t even care about me at all. Never did. I was always the ‘backup’ friend. When you broke up with that bitch, you leaned to me till you found that queen and left me aside. And then you quit that stupid fucking group, and there i was waiting, the ‘backup’. Oh it’s now my turn for comforting. Because I don’t fucking exist unless you broke up with someone.And guess what now. Everyone else is ignoring me and think i’m boring.
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Conchita, you far, slovenly, gross pig, who the fuck knew a your friends were as ugly and morbidly obese as you? Hahaha! You’re so disgusting you fat ass cun. When you and your fat cunt friends are all walking down the street with that Lincoln looking motherfucker, you look like the number 100,000. Tell Micah I saw his shitty drawings in a children’s book called How to Draw Like An Asshole Fat Cunt.
Just talked to a girl who i knew was a lesbian on a dating website about her picture that was about an anime. She and I talked about 20 minutes about how lonely we’ve been and she consoles me with several “mwaa”’s (kisses) and i thank her with a single *hugz* out of sympathy for her loneliness as well. She all the sudden stops the conversation and posts that she finally talks to a guy on the website and he was a pervert after 20 minutes of talking. I know you’re talking about me and I wasn’t
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I have more homework than I have time to do it. I have to choose which assignment is not getting done. I have one professor in particular that is irritatingly condescending and assigns more homework than everyone else. Unfortunately, I cannot drop any of her classes. All of her homework assignments are hidden, so you really have to read into the syllabus to figure out what the hell to do. I am currently doing an assignment for the third time because she never gave clear instruction and just
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Sure there’s lots of good things about humanity. Sure there’s lots of things to be positive about.
BUT… overall, the tendency and direction of humanity is a downward spiral.
Everyone knows it. I think that’s what drives me mad the most… the insanity of watching the collective world around me try to kid itself that the good things in between and the positive things will somehow win out overall when every scrap of evidence says otherwise.
I bet lots of you will read this and know exactly
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I don’t even know where to begin with this. School literally makes me wanna kill myself or kill someone else. It stresses me out so much. Do the teachers not think what they are doing when they give us so many dumb projects to do? It kills us on the inside. We have to get that all done and not to mention that we have much much other homework to do as well. And some students do sports which is worse. And above all of that you expect us to be nice to one another at school and to respect you.
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Anxiety sucks. I like people. But anxiety can make them seem like they suck. You know what I mean? I want to talk with people. But I’m worried that they’ll judge me. Worried that I’ll say or do something stupid.
Every time I have a deadline this happens. I see bubbles and ’shooting stars’ everywhere, sometimes it looks like it’s raining everywhere or sparks are shooting off everywhere or I’m looking through boiling water. I see spiders that don’t exist and scream/ shake myself to get them off and look like a freak. I feel things that aren’t there, like I’ll put my hand on a surface and it’ll feel like I’m touching slime/ a spider and retract in horror, only to look down and realise it’s totally clean.
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Yes, so I am lazy .. I didn’t get a job … yes, i am lousy …
Yes, every fear I’ve are excuses, since you think they are …
anyway its just like that.
Okay so i am totes opposite from my friends. I don’t want to be like them, but i would rather try to “fit in” with them, because ya know, yah. Well i’m trying not to be a complete h8er because i’m not a full blown “hipster”. Like seriously i’m trying, i’m even ranting to a weird website, common right? I don’t understand why i can’t be me and still not feel like i’m totally accepted into the “group”. I love all of them unconditionally, and i know they would so anything for me and feel the
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I never realized how lonely I was until I came to a play my friend was in, and then by intermission, I had no one to talk to. Sure I have friends but… Sure would be nice to have someone to talk to.
as much as i am all for the movement for every women to love their body,no matter what size, im getting really sick of people saying things like what even is a size 0? why do they even make that size? THEY MAKE IT BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE ARE THAT SMALL. don’t get me wrong I’m not for the ridiculous tabloid stereo type and i believe that everyone should be comfortable with how they are, or be able to change their body how they want it to be without feeling weird about it or bashed by others. As a
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Okay, I just have to express how icked out I am right now. At first, I was just looking for an online friend cause I dont have many, and this guy who found me seemed pretty normal and nice at first. but I guess theres just something about me that brings out the creepiness in guys cause then he started talking about dick pics, making secret plans to come surprise me and see me (when I gave him no reason to think I’d be into that) going on and on about how much he luurves me (yah, do you actually
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