Most Forgiven Posts

Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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my mental health 1835

I honestly doubt anyone will read something this long, but here we go anyways. I don’t want this post to be a cry for attention or anything, but I need to rant so fucking badly.

I’m not self-diagnosing because I honestly think that you should go to the doctor and figure it out with them, but I think I have anxiety, am suicidal and depressed. I’m not sure if depression fits in with being suicidal or vice-versa, but I listed both because I want to be sure. I’m also not sure if suicidal is only …view more

It’s Cold . . . 1823

Dear Society,

If its cold, and a really shitty weather, tell someone your going to be late. I’m shivering. Thank you for being late you fucking ass.

I Hate School 1817

Every fucking day, Monday-Friday, I have to get up at 5:45 in the morning to get ready and get on a damn bus to start the viscous cycle of homework, being around potheads all day, and working myself until I can barely even function. I want to go into the biology field, so why do I need to take, algebra, physics, English classes (I’m fluent in the damn language), and history (I pretty much know everything in that field). People will tell me that I need to enjoy my school years while they last, …view more

Asshole 1820

Well too fucking bad for you and your fucking Suburu, you goddamned European piece of trash.

cousins 1817

here’s the thing: i still like you, anyway. it’s not my fault, right? if only you didn’t make me feel like i was so much more than i think i am, then maybe i could’ve blocked myself from these feelings. maybe i couldn’t have met your hazel eyes when they held mine as you searched through the room. as vast as our room might be, your gaze landed on me and i couldn’t help but realize that it was because i was already looking at you.
maybe i could’ve regulated my heart from beating erratically …view more

i feel ugly 1822

i’m not referring ‘ugly’ as in appearance ugly, i’m average-looking, i think.
I just feel i’m ugly in personality, like a failure. I procrastinate all day, i don’t work out, i can’t play any music instruments, i sleep all day at class and whatnot. I see all my friends and they already know what their dreams are. They work out, they have bf/gf, while i’m short af hahah.

But it’s not that bad, i still have pretty good grades, have several great friends, and i’m not depressed nor suicidal.
But …view more

eating disorder stress 1824

I really really want to recover from my anorexia but for some reason I keep restricting my calories a lot. I just feel like my stupid dietitian is trying to hard to make an effort to make me fat and she really tries to control me and it makes me hate her so so much. Ugh!!! Kill me now!!!

i wish i was never born 1817

i don’t wanna kill myself because i am catholic and i don’t wanna be tortured for eternity in the worst ways possible, but i seriously do not want to be here. my life is decent. average everything, nice parents, nice home, people treat me nice, i never got bullied, etc. but my mind.. AHHHHHHH i had no say in this decision. i feel horrible. i wanna hurt myself and everyone, i wanna torture people in the worst (best) ways possible for the heck of it. i feel numb most of the time, the lower i get …view more

Feelings that i dont want 1828

Recently my ex told me that he still likes me. We broke up two years ago because he wasnt ready for a relationship. Ive gone on many dates and i still cant seem to get over him. He told me that once he gets his own car we can maybe start dating again but he said thats a little while from now so our feelings might changed. That he might find someone else or i might find someone else. Honestly, i just need to get over him right now.

Freaking hopeless love 1832

Love is freaking annoying. I (an 18-year-old girl) have two great loves in my life: one whom I know doesn’t love me (I don’t even know if he likes me at all), and I CAN’T GET OVER HIM. What’s more, he’s 4 years older than me, and he will always be a small part of my life, because he’s my step-cousin. Which means that I can never forget him and move on: every time I see him (it can be many months in between) my feelings flare up again.

And the other is a very good friend of mine… who’s gay. And …view more

Lying cheating fucking bitch!! 1828

Lying cheating fucking bitch!!

My wife is making me miserable…. 1838

The moment I even think things are getting better they get worse again. I have no desire to stay married to her besides the fact that we a have a kid together. Don’t ever get married or have kids with the wrong person. You will regret it and contemplate suicide. Know who it is you’re sticking your dick in! There’s no amount of therapy that can fix your marriage if your relationship was already fucked from the beginning. It’ll turn you into someone that you hate.

Fuck the army 1830

I have been in the army for 12 years and I still can’t get over how fucking incompetent some officers are. The organisation is so fucking archaic and stuck in its ways it’s failure is systemic.

Why do I keep serving you ask?
Because if people like me don’t serve the whole organisation would just consist of retarded people, and retarded people with guns is bad…….

Honestly Don’t Know What to Say. 1828

I just kinda feel like my life is going downhill. Everyone’s who’s in my first period class essentially hates me and they all call me fat on a constant basis. My grades are quickly decreasing, and I can’t figure out what the hell i’m supposed to do anymore. I live day to day with sadness and confusing. I’m always so tired, and i just want to cry. Everything just feels so hard for me to get through that at this point all I want is to die so I don’t have to deal with this anymore. I haven’t been …view more

My friends are all bitches 1829

Pretty much all my friends are two faced bitches. I hate how I’ll complain about a person and they will agree but the next time they see them they be all nice and friendly to them. No one understands me, these people actually hurt my feelings and then my best friends hurt them even more but acting like it was nothing. I know that I should let these feelings go but I just can’t I try to forget about these things but I just keep remembering them. I can’t trust anyone. This one girl just pisses …view more

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