Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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I hate how there’s always that one person (or a couple) in a group who, as soon as the attention is off of them, they start saying “I feel so left out…I’m so awful and boring…you guys all get along sooo well and then I’m just over here being useless…” Because it’s almost NEVER TRUE AT ALL. It’s like they’re DETERMINED to feel left out no matter what. You can show them all the love and attention and praise in the world and bend over backwards making yourself miserable trying to help them feel
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I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.
I hate you.
No I’m lying, I love you.
Well, actually, I’d like to love you. but it’s so fucking hard. I don’t understand why you have to be such a prick. It’s not like I’m asking much of you, just a little bit of common fucking decency.
To be honest, I don’t think it matters what I think of you. Because it’s not going to change anything, it’s not going to make you do something you don’t want to, to act in a way that’s not you.
So why do you and your
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It’s your friends that can disappoint you the most.
So I moved, and it’s been a few months. I came back to the area to visit family for a couple days via train, and knew that there were “friends” here that had said time and again how much they wanted to see me while I was here. Not a GOD DAMN THING has changed with my “friends” that I left here. You people make me want a complete reboot on life! That’s FUCKED UP!
When you people talk, you need some kind of translation device JUST SO the rest
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Three years ago, when I was in the midst of a whirlwind of friends in my circle marrying off and planning the rest of their lives in coupledom, I would have been among those for whom the question ‘Would you like to have kids?’ would have been a no-brainer. Now, I’m not so sure. Since then, I’ve changed countries twice, FINALLY got a job that’s related to my degree (an apprenticeship that pays a stipend, but hey, we’re in a recession), broken up with the boyfriend of 7 years (it fizzled out;
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You want me to write a song well too bad
I’m gonna write words and make a song out of it
writing songs lead to trash rhyming is stupid
literature is pretentious and it leads to pompous assholes
well fuck me if i’m not deep and If words I write don’t resonate with you or make you think
these jerks’ expectations also lead to the opposites
you other people think you’re rebels? You’re ecstasy and lights?
You’re incapable of thinking
You think you’re individuals?
what you listen to is “what’s
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Sometimes it seems like a menial problem, other times it seems like a huge deal. I can’t do homework! I simply CANNOT. I have no idea why, other than the obvious facts; “It’s boring” or “It’s too much work”
No one else my age has this much problem with their fucking homework! It’s not that I’m bad at it its just that I can’t fucking do it!!
Oh please. Don’t.
You’re not even my real Dad for the love of goodness.
So please do not care for me or try anything to make me like you.
I grew up without a dad and I don’t need one now.
So back the
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I’m considerably blessed.. Decent house, clothes, school, friends,etc. However, my parents split, my mom was cheating on him, and he has his shortfalls, which is the first thing that makes me pissed as hell. Then I have this disease that causes excessive hair growth, from resulting thyroid problems, weight issues, blah nlah. And no one really gets it. So woot more stress. Then because of all that, boys=yeah.right….and I realllly hate bitching like this, but some days all I want is someone to
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I am entirely too tired to post the long rant that I want to, but suffice it to say:
I have been dating my boyfriend for 5 and a half years now (homosexual relationship), and for the past 10 months he has been completely uninterested in having sex. I’m 24 and he is 44. So, on top of that major problem, he doesn’t help with the house work, doesn’t know how to cook but one thing (and has actually cooked for me ONE time in 5 and a half years), what little bit we do talk to one another is usually
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I FOUND OUT MY PSYCHO OLDER SISTER IS MY HALF SISTER! wtf happened mother? mom said she was married after one month PRIOR TO meeting my bio dad. where she happened to be 2 months pregnant w/ my older sister. messed up shit is my mom LEFT my dad and found a NEW man while keeping CONTACT w/ my older sister’s bio father while raising us to believe my bio dad was the father to all of us. SO EXCUSE ME WHEN I SAY what the hell! she has to be trolling me real bad because MY OLDER SISTER GETS MONEY
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We were friends at first, for years. Then we dated, for years. And then you decided that I was better to be kept as just a friend and broke it up, and I accepted that. We became just friends and I never told you how much it hurt when you moved on. I didn’t want you to notice because I didn’t want to be a burden.
And now you parade all of your girlfriends in front of me, introduce them to me before you introduce them to anyone else. And when I go on a date with someone you keep claiming that he
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I’ll admit, I’m not the only fat girl in the world, and by far not the US, which is full of fatards like me. But I am one of the few fatasses in California, which is why I’m such a loser. Literally all my friends and everyone I know looks nice, and ten there’s me, the worthless lump of lard. Whenever I see myself I’m reminded of that character Dudley from Harry Potter, Jabba the hut, or similar characters. I’m technically obese, but I am overweight, ugly and stupid.
I’d really like to be able
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God I have come to realize that high school just ruins the best of friendships.
Honestly I don’t know what gave you the idea that I had to tell you when I went somewhere afterschool. I mean seriously. Your just my friend, your not related to me in any fucking way. You don’t have to watch over me, I can do it myself. In fact, I would prefer it if you let me do just that. Because honestly, your idea of watching over me just makes me want to strangle you. You tease me every day about things, and then when I turn around and am about to go have fun, you blow up and start
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Ok, so here’s the thing. I’m nineteen, I go to college and it’s great! I have a great social life and am active in many societies, I go out and party with my friends and I think I’m passing the year so far. Next year is different, most of my friends have decided to take gap years (why, I don’t know), but they have. This means that I am left with hardly anybody at college, and this feeling scares me. I live away from home, a considerable distance in fact so I never have the chance to head back
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