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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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REALLY?! 2129

I asked you to do two things before your father and his cunt of a girlfriend come for their summer visit. To clean the porch so he can smoke outside, and to defrost the freezer. You not only did not do EITHER, but when I came out of the bedroom this morning you had messed up the kitchen, hallway and the spare room I spent hours organizing. So now I’m back tracking and doing the few things I asked you to do… last fucking week!!!!!
I don’t have time to do the things I needed to do already, they …view more

You are way too high on yourself 2733

Sometimes I miss having a best friend, but most of the time I just want to go over to you and punch you in your ugly face. When we were friends there would be times when we were talking to our friends and I would tell them something that happened to me and you would interrupt and say “oh no one needs to hear this story again” when the only person I told was you, then you would start up your own story when I know for a fact that everyone had heard it more times than I can count, but you just …view more

Happy Fcking Birthday 3028

Another birthday comes and no one notices or cares. No cake, no presents, no nothing. I haven’t had a birthday party since I was 8. That was ten years ago. This year, I was second to an indoor grill that my mother “Just had to have.” This woman has a 400 dollar grill outdoors. I’m not asking for a huge freaking deal, just grab a tiny pre-made cake from walmart, I don’t even need candles! Is it too much to ask for? Am I wrong for wanting one of my parents to recognize my birthday? Am I being …view more

im pregnant again 613

hi there im a little confused at the min? iv got three girls already, and im 9wks pregnant ive had a stillbirth in 2008 with my forth little girl. and i had my son who died in my arms 20mins of having him at 24wks. and i dnt know what to do as my man of 8 years wnts me to ave an abortion and i dnt no if i can do that please help.

Too Young? 3238

I’m 23 and have been talking to a girl online for about 6 months and when I asked if she’d consider meeting up she said of course. So now, in October I have time off work and I might do the 2 hour train ride and meet her. Problem is, she will have only just 16. This means it’ll all be legal blah blah but is it weird? I find her extremely attractive, stunning actually and when I call her she’s able to have a serious, mature conversation but still knows how to have a laugh. She looks older than …view more

I’ve got to confess something to you. 011

The other day I was a little sad, in fact I think I was mourning the lost of your presence. That day I realized that these feeling are real and it hurts having to carrying them around with me. I’ve got to get this off my chest so, here it goes…For the past two years probably more than that I’ve been carrying this torch for you. As much as I try to get over it I can’t. For some reason I can’t give you up. This s&%$ isn’t going away. The thing is that I like you. I’ve always liked you, but I …view more

confusion 411

i dont know what to do or say… I’m so confused to wheather I should say something to him or not. My boyfriend has this girl that passed away as his number one on myspace. Yeah its just a myspace but he tells me I’m his everything and he’s never loved anyone like he’s loved me… it bugs me and eats at me. He’s never dated this girl they were just friends.. i dont know if i should say something or not… :(

Gleet 49

I have the clap and I’m thinking of raping someone with it.

Although in all honesty I’ll probably just have a wank in my work colleagues mug.

this site 312

nobody here makes real comfessions.. i mean its fucking anonymus and still everybody tries to make themselves look nice.. why cant people just surrender their ego and admitt that they do have a really ugly and nasty side just like every human being does!
i think of ways to murder my bestest friend when the boy i like looks at her or speaks to her! i hate her for being so beautiful!

be satisfied, yeah? 512

I’m tired of my sister and mother always nagging at me and criticizing the way I look. I’ll never be a stick figure like my sister, but that doesn’t stop them from having me try.
Yesterday I stopped eating. I’ve been drinking water, but I don’t eat. I won’t eat, even if I starve. I don’t want them criticizing me anymore, and I’m tired of crying because of them. I used to eat one meal a day (veggie soup usually) but I hardly lost any weight. So stopping it is, then.

Personally I don’t want to …view more

Goddamn Poker Nights 510

I hate playing poker, stop inviting me to your games at the weekend. I like spending time with you guys, but I don’t give it shit if I win anything in your low stakes games, it’s boring and I spend the whole time wishing I wasn’t there. Can we all please go out and do something more interesting.

Commitment phobe? 2020

Ok, i’m in love with him, have never felt this way before or felt this relaxed around ANYONE! He says the same about me,that he is in love with me and that he has never felt as relaxed and comfortable around anyone before….. the issue is that i would like him to in some way make this “serious”, either suggest moving in together or proposing or something at least. Am i one of those girls who will just never be marriage material? I’m the “ideal girlfriend” apparently yet no guy will make the full …view more

Please just stop 2327

I’m so sick of you complimenting yourself. You make an appearance and the only thing you talk about is you. You belittle others and advertise yourself. You talk about how *you* make everything interesting, how your sense of humor is superior, how everyone loves you… and you think that you’re welcome everywhere. Which is not true.

When I talk with my friends and you’ve just finished with yours, you join my friends and I not even thinking twice about whether or not we want you there. True, most …view more

I can’t fucking take it anymore. 916

How much can I take? I don’t know. And since I’ve only /just/ turned thirteen, I think currently I’m handling a little too fucking much.
I don’t know how to help my best friend. Her adoptive mother hasn’t talked to her in two days and her real parents are dead. Her mother has been making all these rude comments about absolutely everything my friend stands for and I don’t know what to do. She isn’t a bad kid. She gets honor and effort roll every term. She has goals and dreams of being an …view more

my boss 68

My immediate supervisor, although not the boss, makes the schedules at work. I was scheduled for a 10 hour shift today and when someone asked what I was working I told them i was working 10 hours. the boss got infuriated that I thought I was working more than the legal amount and admitted it was his fault in making the schedule and that I was only working 8 hours. after a while the supervisor took me aside and expressed that if I ever made him look like like that again infront of any employee …view more

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