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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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RAGING Bile Duct is a place for you to anonymously post about anything that’s on your mind.
Be it a confession, a rant about how your customers suck or just tell us why you hate your life. Feel free to vent your rage on here!

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sick of you and your Bs 1024

Its my assumption that cells are behind my misery.This is consistant with their methods and madness.They love using a technique known to our members as family foxholing.They go to different states with a rolodex of different shit to keep tabs on and torture their targets.its called family foxholing for their propensity to hide behind deceased family members or someone you have lost touch with including but not limited to your exes[if they are in the transportation industry its a plus for …view more

Feeling shy 1524

i feel shy

Men never hit on me 2027

Men never hit on me. I am 22 and never had a bf before. I don’t go to bars or clubs. I see other women on their snapchat who talk about how their uber eats driver or how a guy at a grocery store hits on them but this never ever happens for me and I just feel so ugly. I am forever alone ))))):

sad 1831

so im gay right? ya. and i have this really big crush on a boy in one of my classes right? ya. the problem you see is that hes the biggest homophobic person you could meet. hes also a big jock and would embarrass the fuck out of me if i told him how i feel, especially because im not fit. i lay in my bed at night contemplating whether or not to tell him and risk my reputation at the school. idk what to do anymore… :(

tired of it part two 1028

When will you get it through your head?Im not responsible to take care of you.I am not your family friend or anything else.You have lied so long you believe your own lies.You were generous were you?How by not paying any of my bills and attempting to fuck me out of everything I own?
Listen up fucktard I wasn’t at that conference in Fla.I am not the one facing charges nor was I ever.Oh wait. you are a terrorist. so never.Non muslims. even insane ones .would have learned by now. not you though.So …view more

Inconsiderate 1225

If you plan on going home early in the morning and everyone asleep, putangina naman be considerate and be quiet, not only in talking but also in moving around. Fuck, every monday 5am na lang. Im getting sick of this routine. Tried everything to be not awaken by you and yet parang it has been your mission tp wakee up at 5am hwen i should have been asleep until 7 am. Fuck you fuck you fuck ypu

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck 1127

Fuck, fuck, fuck. How fucking liberating is this? A place where you can swearing your fucking arse off and no cunt’s gonna stop you or fucking censor you. Mutha Fucka!!!!

I’ll be back when I next need a rant.


sister is a bitch 1226

she thinks she can belittle me all day, but when I speak up, I’m the bitch. I’m a negative nancy because I told her to stop mocking me. wow she must be stupid too if she thinks that’s what those words mean.

what family? 1225

Fuck this world, I hate my family. I know you are supposed to love them, but also they are the ones to protect you and love you and care- it’s hard to love them when they just want to bring you down and use you as an escape goat. All of them are cunts. My father is an abusive alcoholic who has abused me the most out of everyone because I fought back- no one can hurt me and get away with it, he has held me down while I had panic attacks and my mother told him to- she wouldn’t protect me when I …view more

math teacher 1024

My math teacher babbles for a large part of class (2 hours long) without explaining a single thing. All she does is explain what problems are asking for and what they say rather than how to find the answer and solve it.

my aunt 1030

She is a hag. She is a jealous b**** who takes out her failures on me because i’m successful and she wasted her life. She got married 5 times and completely let herself go. She is a compulsive liar. She says she is environmentally aware but throws her cigarettes on the ground. She drinks all the time and allows her new boyfriend who is a major creep to tell her son he loves him. She neglects her autistic son letting him miss days of school at a time because she refuses to get up early and has …view more

tired of you 727

I have had it with you trying to drive me to suicide you filthy whore.You want benefits you won’t get.I have had it with you and the people you lie to.I have had it with no one asking me a damn thing and simply acting on your lies.I have had it with your jealousy.You are a first class retard.I am not going to give you anything for any reason get that through your hard retarded head.Your spiteful ways won’t accomplish anything.Well except make me hate you even more than I already do.You wanted …view more



fuck work 1615

I’ve literally worked every day for the past 3 months. my feet hurt so bad right now, and I just want to go have a beer and go to sleep as I have to work in the morning at my other job…. goddammitsomuch!!!!

My Political Complaint 1513

Republicans and Democrats. Conservatives and Liberals.

It’s no doubt political groups will believe and support what they want. I have no problem with what anyone supports. I can’t get over the hypocrisy of political groups though.

Republicans will say, “There’s no way we’d act like that!” whenever there’s a Democrat group complaining about Donald Trump, for instance. Yet, whenever something a Democratic leader does something that the Republicans hate, they completely contradict what they say …view more

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