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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Just realized 1518

My grandmom is upset with me and she hasn’t talked to me yet I’m actually happy because I’m finally able to have a quiet dinner without being bothered. Part of me is questioning whether or not to talk to her?

Seriously? 1417

Seriously you want to say I’m not being nice by putting a fucking biscuit on the fucking plate without touching it whilst your trying to use a ladel to put it on a plate here’s a thought to what’s not nice realizing that I want my fucking food in peace and you not asking me especially since you were going to eat something else

Why are some people so toxic in game chat 1619

God, some people need to just get off the earth if they see everyone else as idiots of faggots! and for GODDAMN’S SAKE, IT IS A FUCKING GAMEROOM CHAT and the fucking mute button does not work…!

High pitched sounds 1017

I actually have super sensitive ears but to high pitched sounds only. So high pitched laughter, voices and animals sounds. So YES>> I will say I’m sorry would you mind saying that again? Stop barking or meowing? No! but i’m sorry I heard this kid talking on TV and he was super gay and his voice was so fucking annoying. Why do people have to talk like some one just shoved a helium tank up their ass. Yes i’m kinda gay bashing on that sentence but i’m talking about baby talkers loud high pitched …view more

Drunk Asshole 1516

I went to pick up my mom from a long time family members house. The guy always is an ass and says inappropriate jokes. So I rang the door bell once and I didn’t hear any foot steps so I rang it again. I could herE my mom and him still talking and the dog barking so I thought “HAHA they are so silly and old I’ll just keep ringing it and when they finally answer i’ll say “Oh man you guys really need to get your ears checked!” Then we all would giggle…….NOPE he opens the door half way, hands me …view more

Confession 917

I think I am an Empath.

Awkward Moment 1925

That Awkward Moment when you’re asked “Are you OK?”
And you reply, “I’m Fine.” and now every one obvi knows your not fine.

Happiest News 1720

I can graduate early.

but my parents won’t let me.


Woman Reports Unrelated Non-Profit 1111

I run a non-profit horse rescue, and allow people to board a few horses with me as well. I am the sole full time worker, with a friend helping once a while for free for a couple of hours when they can. That means I get up before the sun comes up, and I leave after the sun goes down; bush hogging, drilling and tightening fences, picking up and throwing hay, ordering and stacking and sorting feed, giving out medicines, calling vets/farriers/etc., brushing, exercising, driving across country …view more

Problems with bf 1327

So I’ve been dating this guy for almost a year. We’ve been pretty happy for the most part, but sometimes he says things that tick me off. I don’t wanna make a big deal about what went down today, but I need to talk to someone in order to move past it. So for alittle background, I went through an experimental phase in my life. Like lots do. I found myself sexually attracted to women. I never been with a women but I find them so beautiful. Delicate and strong at the same time. I still feel …view more

I love you 1314

Mason, I think I love you. I know that sounds really dramatic but I think I really do. I remember meeting you at the beginning of 6th grade and you were the first person to say something to me. You are so funny too. I think I realized I loved you over 8th grade when it was you and me in photography class and I just felt really happy when I was with you. I constantly think about what I could have done and I’m always feeling regretful that I never told you. I think about you still, even though …view more

Exercise/when you are fucking stressed 1215

Why the fuck does the sress hormone have anything to do with exercise when its supposed to fucking decrease stress. WTF is the fact that “stress decreases the bodies’ tendency to repair the sore tissues”
Whereas when you take antidepressants or do it with someone you like/ in a group, you fucking like it and it actually decreases your stress hormones!!! and even good ideas come into your head afterwards…….

stupid roommate 2325

i don’t care that you’re an asshole who kicked me and hit me when you were drunk, but for the love of god, why do you have to eat the crunchiest combination of foods - rice cakes, crunchy peanut butter, and apples - while I’m working on a very important job application!! get the fuck away D’:

p.s., not that you’d know because your parents pay your rent and you haven’t done a proper day’s work this whole year >:(

i’m going crazy 1413

for some reason, i always think there are people taking videos of me; that i am famous without even knowing it. my life is a tv show and all my friends and family, even strangers are actors that play along. recently i have became a fan of a band, and the youngest member was born in 97′ and i claim that i am ‘in love’ with him. he’s so different, and shares so many things with me. this ties in with my tv show life craziness because i think that i have been set up to one day marry this celebrity. …view more

ABIGAIL!!! 1424

She is so disrespectful towards me and im her so called friend. And she hates everything, thinks everything is a joke, and all she cares about is making more drama, and complaining to others about her so called sad (privileged white trash) life. That’s how I became her friend. She was always sad untill i got to know her and she will male your life a living hell if you back away from her. She alsoways says she is accepting and cares about someone but all she does is complain. Her version of …view more

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