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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Dear “lady” I just got off the phone with,

This is a doctor’s office. We ask that you kindly refrain from yelling at/over our employees on the phone (particularly when they are trying their best to figure out how _you_ screwed up scheduling _your_ appointment online and ended up going to the wrong office). Additionally, please note that we highly discourage hanging up on our employees mid-sentence, especially when they’re being nothing but courteous and tolerant, despite your verbal abuse. …view more

Goodbye 1423

I am going to kill myself. There is no other option. Goodbye.

I drank too much coffee last night 2220

I wish I had regular “teen” problems, but whatever. Lately I feel like I’m going insane or something. By the way, I’m not some suicidal emo girl! It just sounded right in what I was typing.
“Paranoia! I haven’t seen you in a while. It’s about time you’ve joined the party. Insomnia and Anxiety have been waiting for you.”
“Depression’s knocking at the door. I really don’t want him here, but I don’t want to be rude.”
“Please don’t let him in. You know Depression always brings Suicide with him. I …view more

I’m going to kill my manager 37

Learn your fucking job. Stop asking me for favours and then venting at me because you can’t manage shit. Just confront the asshole we work with and then he won’t walk all over you leaving me to deal with your shit

fml 38

I have retrograde amnesia post a horrible car accident where I broke my neck. I have poor short term memory and most of what I do know I have learned about my life second hand from friends. I have been with my current bf for 2 years. He consistently brings up my past relationships and throws them in my face with things I said during them and things I did. He found out all of this stuff by going through my social networking private conversations and my old computer files, all without my …view more

yeah guys, you WILL be taken for a ride when you choose a WHORE over a nice girl 3330

you all made your fucking beds, so lay in ‘em!!! no more whining about getting golddug into poverty. no more bitching about surprise pregnancies and child support. most smart older women dont want babies or cant have them but oooooh noooo we aren’t good enough for you arrogant COCKS!!! you know what? you can all chase your retarded 20 year-old cunts straight into HELL for all i care. just DONT show up in public spaces, moaning about a situation YOU CHOSE. you wanted the ignorant immature …view more

I didn’t think you could hate me so much to hurt our son…WHORE! 2523

YOU FUCKING CUNT!!!!! I can’t believe what you did. I know you hate me because I hurt you or whatever (we won’t talk about the abusive, money sucking, sex demanding, lazy, need pig that you were or how i had to call the cops or how i went to work bandaged) but I’m past that shit. but for you to have the gaul to ignore a call for a stranger when our son was missing?!! to not tell the stranger how to reach me or let me know someone had found him?!! you take the damn cake on that one bitch!! Yes …view more

ugh 38

ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh my mom won’t let me see a psychiatrist or a counselor or psychologist and won’t give me any medication for a lot a mental things I have going on. 3 years ago i wanted to kill myself, and my school psychologist got me to say it and he had to call my parents and insisted that them knowing would help me because they would be more supportive and understanding of what was going on. so he told them, and he said that they were the only parents of any child that had not shed a tear, …view more

It’s not God but his people I dislike 2326

Yes Mr. Jerk suburban driver in the parking lot of the minor league baseball stadium in redneckville, NC, we got the message that you would gladly scrape all the paint off the side of our small car if we didn’t let you push us out of line. So glad we were forced behind you so we could be treated to your Christian bumper sticker! You are indeed accomplishing your task of evangelization…not!

What a tard! 77

I recently broke up with my bf, and I heard today from some of our mutual friends that his mother is in hospital but I don’t know why exactly. for a month or so before we broke up he was really closed off and kept being upset but wouldn’t tell me why. I’m afraid that his mother might be the reason, and I feel like a complete bitch for leaving him at a time like this. ugh.-.

This is not about politics, this is about being FUCKING SCARED. 3248

Abortion was never a major issue for me. I doubt I’ll ever get one. Even if I was pregnant unexpectedly (and trust me, if I got pregnant now, it WOULD be unwanted) I’m not sure if I could get one. But what I’m seeing in Texas and Ohio and North Carolina scares the shit out of me because it’s starting to become a pattern.

I don’t just see restrictive laws being passed, I see ELECTED OFFICIALS show CONTEMPT for women. I see them walk out of the room while rape victims are testifying and shout …view more

Okay gay community . . . 2328

I’m distancing myself — and I am bisexual — from you for now because of, in spite of your clamoring for more equality and rightfully so, you are becoming more and more judgemental towards those in the community. And then there is the ridiculous biphobia; you cry for equality while you bash bisexuals?

As well as you getting so easily offended; you aren’t helping the cause any, you’re setting the movement back by feeding the stereotype!

Feeling Confused 3338

About two years ago I saw a woman burn to death in an automobile crash. I was the second one on the scene. She had stopped for a school bus, and a girl who was texting and driving smashed into the back of her pickup truck. Her truck was sideways in the road and She was knocked unconscious with a gaping head wound. Her door was wedged closed and the truck caught fire. There was no extinguisher or anything to try and put the fire out. I had to just watch her burn to death. One minute she was …view more

I have problems 2023

I’m SO TIRED of having these issues;; I’m glad that your life is going great, but my life SUCKS, what did you think?? do you honestly think I *enjoy* doing absolutely nothing and making NO constructive progress towards anything!? how am I doing, you ask? do you seriously buy it when I say that I’m “fine”? really? I’m fucking miserable! but I can’t tell you that because I’m obligated to not bring you down with my bullshit negativity.
past me, you screwed up royally, insisting that I’m all …view more

narcissist relation 37

U make me sick! All u do is lie and steal. Nobody is safe from your vile self centered crap. I hope u find yourself all alone with no family and destitute. If people r smart, they will make y pay for your attempts to ruin others lives. U truly must b one of the most hated people to walk the earth. Go drink yrself into oblivion and throw yrself off a high. Balcony. So glad i kicked u out of my life.

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