Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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She so damn fake. Fake hair, fake lashes, fake everything…. I haven’t talk to you in over 9 months and you still feel the need to keep me in your conversations. WTF!!! Let Go chick… We aren’t friends and I really do not desire to be your friend. Get a grip. I never met anybody that was so desperate to drive 5 hrs away to have sex with a guy that gave you an STD just years before and then gave you another serious STD recently… So fucking stupid…. And she really have the nerves to talk about my
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I hate myself! It’s as simple as that! I used to be sexy and feel it too!! I am loving, loyal, honest, faithful, hardworking, easygoing, low maintenance etc etc etc. It makes no difference though! I’m pretty sure that my partner can’t stand to be around me and is cheating. I don’t know why but i feel it.
I know i don’t deserve this, i do everything for him. I think back to previous relationships i have been in where they have made me feel like a princess and treated me so well and sometimes i
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I am an RN. My job has become impossible. I work for “the best place to work in the universe” (ha ha - not !) where incompetent ass kissing management with zero qualifications, experience and/or education got their jobs through friends. The CEO is a fucking accountant. The management terrorizes staff. Basic safety is out the window to please a pathetic survey. There is no management, just a bunch of idiots getting paid to brown nose their unqualified jack-ass administrators who are greedy
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I grew up in a family of mostly fake people, so naturally I have been one of them. Living for appearances, lying to everyone’s face, agreeing with bullshit ideas and thoughts, never ever being true to what I really feel. I hate being fake, I hate pretending like I’m okay when everything is a fucking nightmare. I have had so much pain and fear but never been able to utter a word of it. What the fuck is wrong with me?
Seriously, I really hate that fucking guy! He’s a fucking charmer, that one! I am the one who loves you, please give me a chance to show it. That guy didn’t even really loved you from the start. So fuck that guy!
I’m so sick of gossip at work. Keep my name out of your mouth! I’ve been accused of being in a clique with one person, while one half of my department is a clique. If anything, me and one other person are friends by default, since the real clique never invites us to do anything with them. We’re not the ones whispering together in our cubicles. And I don’t even care that we’re not part of the real clique - just don’t accuse me of one thing, while being guilty of it yourself!!! Just let me do my
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Okay, family, I understand you’re busy having to tend to four toddlers and go to work, but for god’s sakes buy some real food! I’m tired of eating pretzels, chips, coffee, pepperoni and string cheese for every meal! Sandwiches, eggs and poptarts are getting waaaaaaay too old.
Thank you sooooooo much. >_>
-Your daughter K.
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! I just read sme shit blog by sme retarded fucking dick ass girl who thinks every singl boy is an asshole and should jump off a bridge. Well guess what?Fuck you attention slut. Nt all boys are assholes. If you thnk like that you should go jump off a fricken bridge sexist dik face. If i find you im gonna fucking get a baseball bat and wack you until it breaks into little pieces!!!!!And your complaining because yu got rejcted to go to a prom. Fuck you ass hole. There are
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I have a child and have wanted to join the military for a long time. I have my reasons for not doing so in the past, but my life seems to be changing drastically now. My husband is talking about divorce (though he hasn’t started anything, so I’m not sure he really wants it…that’s a different matter though) and I know the military doesn’t allow single parents to join…
So I keep thinking- If I join now, while still married, I’m not a single parent and then he’d divorce me after I’m in… I want to
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holy shit.. how can you be SO FUCKING IRRESPONSIBLE?! you are a fucking retard. you deserved to have gotten scammed and you are a complete idiot. no wonder at the age of 32 you STILL can’t get married. because no one wants you! you are completely and utterly useless! i don’t need to help you or do any shit for you. the fact that i’m still communicating with you is doing you a fucking favor. you just need to FUCK OFF.
So you decided to cheat on me after 4 years of me putting everything into our relationship. You cheat on me with someone who is almost identical in looks to the very brother you live with. I’ve always thought that there was something weird about your relationship with your brother and now it’s clear that you fancy him.
What did I tell you not long into the relationship when a so-called friend crossed me? What did I do to him? That’s right I said no-one crosses me and gets away with it and I
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So, I keep thinking that I need to meet up with the ex, purely for closure reasons (+ the added bonus of seeing him for the first time since the breakup on MY TERMS), the more I think about it, meeting up, telling him that I forgive him, his wallowing and guilt are self indulgent, I am not angry any more - the more I think it’s a good idea, but also, the angrier I become again. It has been two years, he was my first love, and I’m fed up of being scared of going into town in case I see him. He
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I thought I was fine. I’ve had men lie to me before. But every time, I knew it.
It only hurts when you thought you were stronger then the situation. It won’t hit you until weeks, or months later. And that, sometimes can be the worst part.
You live your life, telling yourself you are just fine. You create scenarios in your head that make you feel strong. You yell in the mirror as if you are really telling someone off. It makes you feel that you have won. But at the end of the day, it is just
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The majority of Christians are fine, but there are these people who are intent of ramming their beliefs down peoples throats.- They believe that anyone who isn’t christian will go 2 H*ll- Complete Rubbish In my opinion. Its put me off Faith now. GRRRR I’m just so annoyed- I’m born into a Christian family- but I have family that aren’t Christian. Some people are Just GRRRRRRRRRR! Sorry for this rant that hardly makes sense it just
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4 years ago I beat a homeless guy until he was unconscious with his shoe untilI found a hammer then I broke his hand. . I drug him under a bus stop because it was winter and I felt bad this was north side PGH. This was the third time this man said he was gunna kill me if I dint give him everything I had he was waving a bottle at me and I snapped. He was crying and peeing before he blacked out something I’m sure he did a lot of. Personally I hope he fucking froze to death. I left that city. but
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