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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Um…Yeah 2825

I was just watching Somebody to Love remix by Justin Bieber featuring Usher and I kinda just realized that Bieber is a little on the hot side. I’m a 14 year old girl who, for the past year and a half has been making fun of him. What has altered my brain waves? I have no idea.

You don’t believe in me 3225

You’re my father. You’re supposed to be the one who supports his child no matter what…you tell me time and time again how you’ve risked everything you had to make sure I had everything I needed. And for that I am truly grateful…I know how hard you struggled to make ends meet for our family. All throughout my childhood and high school years, I was more or less the perfect child…I never got into trouble, always got good grades, usually respectful. And aside from my first year of college, I’ve …view more

My roommate is the biggest douche alive 3025

He’s a fucking inconsiderate shithole who whines about everything. He wonders why he has all these girl’s because he’s a complete asshole who thinks he’s hot shit. He talks shit about the girl I like when I’m right there, gets drunk and yells about stupid shit on weekdays when I’m trying to sleep, and blasts his shitty music all the time. Fuck that kid.

Im not sure what im even looking for 2925

I honestly just want to be happy. I have no idea why I can’t find happiness, I have my moments where im on top of the world then it seems like plummet down into an abyss. I dont know what im even doing in the military, I don’t think i belong here. Im just not sure what im looking for in life but I know its not this.

Make it stop? 1925

I don’t believe in love at first sight. But it happened to me.
I’m a neurochemistry student. I understand better than most exactly why and how it happened.
But then why the hell do I feel so fucking poetic about it? why do I feel like I’m in the middle of a Hollywood chick flick? why am I being irrational and childish about it? I understand this. Why doesn’t it feel like I do?
Why won’t it go away?! It’s frustrating to be in love with someone you’ve only met once, who you know it’s impossible …view more

I love you, but you really suck at this 2725

We’re all making this up as we go along, none of us know what the hell we’re doing, but this cancer is going to kill my dad and I’m having a hard enough time dealing with that without coming away from the hospice meeting to hear you complain that we’re doing it wrong. The meeting was too emotional, it was too matter of fact. Several hours later I’m hearing you say that we weren’t emotional enough, that we should be grieving more. He isn’t dead yet and we’re doing the best we can. I can’t …view more

Stuck in a Manager Position Where I Don’t Get Respect and That I Don’t Want Anyway 3225

Sigh, I’m feeling the inadequacy blues again… When VPs or Program Directors or Program Managers stop by the web lab to discuss possible new work, they don’t talk to me, they immediately go to “Mr. Awesome”. I know I’m not a very assertive person, and that my managerial skills are definitely lacking, but couldn’t they at least pretend to recognize the fact that I am the web team manager, not “Mr. Awesome”? I certainly don’t mind if they go to “Mr. Awesome” for technical questions, as he is …view more

Am i just being awkward or is he? 2825

My boyfriend and I had a chat last night, he basically said he wants us to move in together and can’t see why i’m against it. (He has a much larger house than me and it’s more feasible for me to move into his place) The thing is, i’m a single parent, he gets on great with my child and vice versa. I’m very independant though and moving in together will mean i have to rely on him almost totally for financial support. (i’m in full time study and certain monies i get will change depending on my …view more

Me as a fiance 2325

I’m the worst fiance in the world. (Okay that might be an exaggeration, but I’m a pretty horrid). I wish I could skip ahead past the whole wedding thing.

love 2325

i have somebody so amazing in my life, i am really happy and i do love him……..but i cant get your image out of my head, now and again u flicker back into my thoughts… i miss you and still love you. Its diffrent to how i feel with this new guy. I dont know why i cant let go, it was me that ended it but you were no good for me you hurt me and lied. I keep telling myself that but still it changes nothing.
I want it to go away, i want to be 100% with this guy..
I just dont know how time is not …view more

Work 2125

I’m surrounded by morons. You’re my f***ng supervisor, why do you ask me how to do your job.

My whole life seems to be falling apart 1825

Ok, so here’s the thing. I’m nineteen, I go to college and it’s great! I have a great social life and am active in many societies, I go out and party with my friends and I think I’m passing the year so far. Next year is different, most of my friends have decided to take gap years (why, I don’t know), but they have. This means that I am left with hardly anybody at college, and this feeling scares me. I live away from home, a considerable distance in fact so I never have the chance to head back …view more

Is this not weird…. 2325

So the other day my friends bf text me to see how much I wanted to sell my car for. No big deal. But I wasn’t sure if I wanted to sell it to him, cuz he kinda just beats the crap out of his cars. So I told him that.

Then I was thinking about it and I was like eh what the hell, I probably wont get anyone else that wants it and I need to get rid of it. So I text him and asked him how much he would give me for it. We went back and forth talking for awhile and it came down to 500 obo. He said he …view more

A lot of things I need to say 3325

First off is im turning 17 in a month still dont have my drivers liscense let alone a car yet >.> and im trying to figure out what to do with my life I plan on applying to the army to become a chemical fighter but im not even out of high school yet and im struggling to pass/make up classes that i failed my freshman year cause i was a screwup and never paid attention im only applying into the army is because i have no clue what i want to do with my life and it will get me away from my family for …view more

Will someone please pull this knife out of my foot? 2425

Ok someone please explain this to me? Two days ago I walk into my math class happy and healthy and after sitting there for four hours….SITTING there….I get up to leave and suddenly the ball of my foot is in INCREDIBLE pain. Every step is agony. What the fuck happened??!!? As I sit here two days later it hurts even worse, and no amount of ibruprofen or hot foot soaks has done a damn bit of good. I just don’t understand how I could have hurt my foot so bad sitting on my ass for a few hours….

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