Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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PLEASE DON’T TEXT ME WITH A “FUCK MY LIFE” AND EXPECT A RESPONSE. Geez, I can’t believe you’re over 30. You sound like a teenager, complaining about how you need a new life, a rich boyfriend, and all this other crap. While being discontent with aspects of your life is a good thing when it leads to changes for improvement, you just expect sympathy from friends as if we have no problems of our own. You’re healthy and employed with money in the bank–you are not granted a FML pass. You are also not
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I feel like you don’t love me as much as you say you do. If you did, you’d know when something was wrong. And I would know that you don’t think I’m annoying and that you are more than open to hear me talk. But I don’t know that, and instead I’m hiding everything inside in fear of annoying and bothering you.
I’m just so tired of being me.
I’m tired of fighting with my SO constantly. I’m tired of feeling worthless because I’m the one at home taking care of the kids and not bringing in money. I’m tired of the fact that we don’t have health insurance so I can’t get medication for my depression. I’m tired of wanting to hurt myself constantly because I can’t afford T or GRS or even Top Surgery. I’m tired of being in pain constantly and not having anything that I can do about it. I’m tired of having a
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i hate the bullshit people who go on there, every status is either;
“ohhh i love my boyfriend/girlfriend” after few hours
“why did you leave me, i love you” shit
then you have the twats who post 6 million updates a day about crap nobody cares about.
what they have eaten, how the job is, there kids, how much they hate life and so on.
then you have the twats who want attention who just put “:(” and
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My mom is so selfish! I have asthma, why? I don’t know, maybe because she smoked when she was pregnant with me. She never has time for me. She just takes me to friends house and disappeares in other rooms. She pretends to be compassionat and caring. She hates animal abuse. She wears her ride for dime shirt around like she so proud that she can be a bad ass and a supporter of kids charity. What does she do there? Get fall down drunk. Its just another party to her. What about your kid? She puts
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Yes, you hurt me, you destroyed me emotionally for nearly 4 years of my life. You used me for sex, company and whatever other twisted things you desired. You never gave me the place I deserved for the work I put into our “relationship”. I “broke up” with you for a reason, several of them at that. Now, stop messaging me, stop apologizing and stop telling me that you would marry me if I gave you a second chance. What makes you think that for one nanosecond I would actually consciously choose to
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What is the deal with all these 20 to 30 year old that think they better than everyone else? Openly hating and putting their two sense into things they have no place in what so ever! Fucking Get a life! Seriously! I wish all the ignorant self-centered people just drop and die. If they don’t drop and die i PRAY their future children drop and die! THERE IS NO PLACE IN THE WORLD FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU! MCASSHOLES!
This guy has been asking me out and doing such sweet things for me since the school year. I was new to the (high)school and everything (being a relationship) so I told him I’ll think about it. I thought about it and told him to meet me at lunch so I could tell him, but every single time, he blows me off.
One time, he randomly puts headphones and me and thought I couldn’t hear, but the thing wasn’t on and I did hear. “She looks like a nerd.” Okay, then why does he say I look cute, sexy and
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I am entirely too tired to post the long rant that I want to, but suffice it to say:
I have been dating my boyfriend for 5 and a half years now (homosexual relationship), and for the past 10 months he has been completely uninterested in having sex. I’m 24 and he is 44. So, on top of that major problem, he doesn’t help with the house work, doesn’t know how to cook but one thing (and has actually cooked for me ONE time in 5 and a half years), what little bit we do talk to one another is usually
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I’m depressed, and only my family knows. I am insanely jealous of every single girl my boyfriend talks to, even if it’s my best friend of ten years. I am so close to hating myself, and I always imagine people being worse than they actually are. I’m always, always scared my boyfriend is in love with my best friend, because she is so much prettier, hotter, smarter, funnier, and better in ALL ASPECTS than I am. He’s just not with her because she’s in a relationship too, and he knows she would
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My mother is the classic Cinderella–she expects everyone to treat her like a princess, to cater to her every need. It can’t be helped. She grew up poor but intelligent and without a father, but I can only say that I’m losing my sympathy for her. Everyone has shit in their lives, but she’s never moved on from hers and done anything about it. I’m beginning to hate her for her selfishness, her incessant need to talk about herself, her dominance, and her constant nagging. She complains about the
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My girlfriend, is lazy, selfish and manipulative. She constantly shouts at me over every little thing, uses sex as weapon (when she’s not with holding it for months on end), tries to stop me seeing my friends and constantly guilt trips me. I can’t get away from her either, I’ve tried several times and somehow she manipulates me into taking her back. She knows exactly how to push my buttons and works me like a puppet. I can’t think of anybody in this world who fills me with as much hate and
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I’m really tired of seeing you tag one another in posts or tweet at one another about your undying love. You want him because you are desperate to have someone love you. He wants you because you’re attractive. We get it you’re “boyfriends.” I apologize now, that I care for you too much. I’m a pathetic loser who’s killed himself working out and lost 80 lbs to make myself look like someone you could love. I’m still not you ideal, so I will continue to do this so maybe, just maybe, when he breaks
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Everyone fucking wants to bring me down and then everyone wants a piece of me. My parents are driving me to fucking drinking to coping with their shit. Being around them is the worst feeling in the world because they want me not to be them, and I don’t want to be them…but somehow I’m not supposed to be them by doing everything they fucking did. Because according to them everything they did was right. So why aren’t they where they want to be? It’s not my issue they were hermits who stayed in a
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I was just watching Somebody to Love remix by Justin Bieber featuring Usher and I kinda just realized that Bieber is a little on the hot side. I’m a 14 year old girl who, for the past year and a half has been making fun of him. What has altered my brain waves? I have no idea.
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