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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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i broke into my school 2526

i broke into my school today but only real quick cuz i have a lesson tomorrow and i forgot my music in my locker so i had to get it.

Stupid teacher 1025

I can’t stand my colleague. She is stupid, too rigid with her ideas. C’mon, you are a teacher, WORK YOUR WAY THROUGH to solve the DAMN PROBLEM! Teacher is the most fluid job which you NEED TO BE FLEXIBLE IN SOLVING PROBLEMS! I am NOT GONNA BABY SIT YOU AND TELL YOU EVERY DAMN THING. YOU ARE AN ADULT, USE YOUR BRAIN…


Your mum owns a multi million dollar house, you’re 21, you expect her to pay all your bills still, you went to a private school, you probably don’t have a college loan you vote on the far right and you have NO IDEA what the VALUE OF MONEY means! You should NOT BOOK MY SERVICES if you CANNOT PAY ME! Just because I am AN ARTIST does not MEAN that I WORK FOR FREE! ESPECIALLY ON A PUBLIC HOLIDAY! I know I’m not a FANTASTIC artist BUT. I didn’t get to go where I wanted to go for College/A GOOD …view more

Idiot 1625

My current boyfriend got into a fight with my best friend over needing to “get over” social anxiety. The first thing he asks her is if she is diagnosed, she says yes and tells him about her meds that she has to take for them. He continues to tell her that social anxiety is just something that you need to get over. She continues to tell him that it doesn’t work like that. He compared it to his fear of heights, he says he got over that, so she should be able to get over her social anxiety. They …view more

Friend? 2625

So best friend of 11th grade decided to just not be friends with me 12th grade. No explanation. What a fucking ass, I confronted him and he said I was to nice.


Drunk Asshole 2425

I went to pick up my mom from a long time family members house. The guy always is an ass and says inappropriate jokes. So I rang the door bell once and I didn’t hear any foot steps so I rang it again. I could herE my mom and him still talking and the dog barking so I thought “HAHA they are so silly and old I’ll just keep ringing it and when they finally answer i’ll say “Oh man you guys really need to get your ears checked!” Then we all would giggle…….NOPE he opens the door half way, hands me …view more

Exercise/when you are fucking stressed 2225

Why the fuck does the sress hormone have anything to do with exercise when its supposed to fucking decrease stress. WTF is the fact that “stress decreases the bodies’ tendency to repair the sore tissues”
Whereas when you take antidepressants or do it with someone you like/ in a group, you fucking like it and it actually decreases your stress hormones!!! and even good ideas come into your head afterwards…….

Family drama 1525

So now my eldest sister is getting riled up because I said I’m done and I’m tired and done want any contact with my father or sister. They both where wrong it not hate that holding me its hurt I’m done trying to be a sister I’m done trying to be a daughter she’s coming in just now learning about this shit but I’m not going through this bullshit anymore who gave that bitch gas money who bought her shit out of the kindness of their heart and who bought her kids food because in her own words she …view more

I just found out my dad’s fucking rich. 1625

So, my dad’s at least a brigadier general in the USArmy. (Or at least he was last time I talked to him several years ago.)

So he alone, makes like 10k a month. His wife’s also in the army, I think she’s a doctor but I’m going to assume she makes money. Just not including that because she doesn’t owe me anything, she didn’t bring me into this awful world.

Anyways, my dad makes 10k+ a month, and you know how I’ve been living? I literally do not have a flushing toilet. I can only shower 1-2x a …view more

I don’t know what to do with myself 1025

Basically. I will never love the same due to an old friend of mine that I never dated but long story short he played me bad and destroyed me emotionally. Well, I met my boyfriend and it was the most I’ve felt since my friend hurt me. However recently I’ve noticed I’ve been distancing myself from my boyfriend because I just don’t feel the same. However my ex..held my hand the other day and I felt something…I hate myself for everything and I’m stuck in an uncomfortable situation that I’m too …view more

I hate him sooooo much! 1725

My former friend held a birthday in a park which is kinda weird since he’s like 14? Anyways, one of his friends is my classmate, and the kid is so flipping aggravating!!! He keeps asking complex mathematical equations and he requests that we do it in our heads. If we don’t answer he’d cackle so HIDEOUSLY. Gahhhh! He’s also very hypocritical(he complains that five year old act as if the own the playground), and he’s a terrible squeaky clarinet player in our band.

I can’t ask my former …view more

Attraction beyond your class 2525

Ever just feel that attraction of someone beyond your grasp .. ?

Its like you are a peasant trying reach the favour of a royal.

Simply just not compatible , when you KNOW, you goddamn well know if circumstances had been different that person would have considered you ..

They are out of your reach, you have been weighed , measured and have been found wanting .

Its not even so much the person , its the class of people , the environment , the travels , the culture, the stories …view more

Murderous mother 1625

My mother wants to kill someone. She is constantly putting people in very dangerous situations and she has gotten my brother seriously injured. She’s tried to kill me several times but I’m smart so I have survived. She says it is an “accident” when she does it. For instance, taking a turn marked at 25 MPH at 90 MPH and the car almost flipping over. However her “accidents” have happened very frequently throughout my life. My mom is a cold, hard murderer and if she doesn’t kill her children, then …view more

Led Me On 2525

Why did you lead me on for weeks, only to tell me you don’t like me?

I don’t even know where to start tbh, I’m a 17 yrs old girl and I’m still learning from my mistakes. This is where my rant starts, I’m dating the love of my life and we’ve been dating for two in a half years now. But get this, I’m what you call a natural flirt and everyone (including my girlfriend) know this about me.

Now let me tell you guys this, about a month ago, I started to find one of my co workers cute (bad …view more

South Asian 2325

you know what since I have never had a bf before this one in the 21 years of my life?
maybe I do have a thing for white guys, I also like understanding guys, I also like funny guys and caring guys but hey to you I only like white guys you freaking racist piece of s**t. What does my life have to do with yours???

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