Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I hate my life. I hate my life so severely that I’ve long since stopped openly bitching about it. At least regularly. I’m very unsatisfied with how my life has turned out. My love life has been nothing more than a consecutive chain of failures, which would drive readers to a fiery suicide if I went into more details about it. My career is worse. Much worse.
I apparently didn’t study hard enough on my two degrees, despite having my already tiny ego stroked by my academic advisors. So now I
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For over four years we lived together and I have never been happier about anything. I never thought I would have to be without you. I would have moved anywhere you wanted to go. I know we don’t see each other enough right now-I’m trying to finish nursing school and you’re taking 18 hours a semester. I just want to be with you and live our life together, but you left me in one weekend and left the house filthy. Left me to clean up my empty ass house alone. Now you want to hang out and go out to
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I don?t know if I?m gay, but i know I?m not straight and i guess this not knowing what to call myself ( amongst so many other things, including the fact that my friendship group of 10 years has only ever seen me as straight, the fact that for some reason the word ?lesbian? has always seemed to be the one chosen for teasing me and i?ve always laughed it off?as well as some cowardice) is the reason for my failing to come out. I don?t know what to come out AS. Any time i?ve thought i was attracted
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Hate my dad for never giving shit about us, never thinking about us or our future, acting like he was the emperor in house ( expecting from everyone to welcome him home, inviting him to the dinnertable, basically ; he had to be the most important person in house). He was rich when I was little, he blew away his money by lending it to his family members (250.000 loans ; of which he actually never expected back). Never made any investment on our name (he does have 4 houses on his name in which
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What I want to know is how the utter FUCK can someone still like a girl after she hacked mine and my friend’s Facebooks, bitch about us behind our backs and spread lies about my family. How people can think this is acceptable and cool I don’t know. I would also like to state that everything she does now absolutely pisses me off. She posts on blogs, long descriptions with ‘big words’ to make herself sound intellectual when actually she just sounds like a 10 year old trying to impress in an
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Usually these messages are written in the ex-girl/boyfriend point of view, but not this one.
This jerk went out with my best friend for a while, but it had to be a secret relationship because he said his parents wouldn’t like it if they found out. They kind of broke up, but now he wants to be ‘friends with benefits’ and tries to feel her up every time they’re alone, even when there are cameras around. My friend and I both know he likes other girls and is really just trying to get his male
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I’ve just been tired of all this hurt I’ve been going through, I’m not sure if I should forgive my ex or not.. the other day one of my co workers cheated on her fiancee and then started dating the person she cheated with. Then, her fiancee forgave her…. and they’re friends.. what my ex did to me was nothing compared to that and yet, I couldn’t forgive her…. am I just immature? I really want her back…. and I’m not sure if I ever can get her back. I think I’m really upset about this relationship
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Going on 9 years of knowing you (freshman English in high school, yes?) and even though we talk regularly, maybe even daily, I miss you. Haven’t seen you in person in… two years? I wish you’d said something sooner and not waited until I had been with him for over a year. And then disappeared the second you told me. Because I think we would have been really great together. Maybe we still can be? I’m still with him, and I think you hate that, especially after how he treated me in the beginning.
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For once, I actually BELIEVED Primary school was the most drama i’d ever have to deal with. I mean, up until now, my life in highschool was literally PERFECT. FUCKING PERFECT. Amazing supportive friends, a wonderful love life, and an amazing family and home, but then you just have to randomly storm in and ruin it, over something that WASN’T MY FAULT. And all you do is take the sides of my other 2 friends, and now you feel the need to think you have to hate me because of what they always say,
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I don’t want to bother my friend with this. It puts them in bad spot. Even ranting is probably bad, because gives me chance to dwell on negative instead of doing some kind of emphasizing the positives.
My husband grates on my nerves. I can’t wait to get off the phone with him. If I have any tension in my voice he says I am yelling. No, I am just sick of you disagreeing with everything I say. It sucks.
I don’t want you to come home early. I want to be alone from you.
There I feel better.
On and off in the last 10 years I have had the incredible urge to shoplift; up to the point where I find myself taking small items (under $20 value each). The interesting thing is, I have only targeted Walmart as my sole shoplifting target.
I am a good person. I have never committed any other crimes and illegal acts, and have even been actively involved in community service both in the past and currently by my own decision to feel “worthy” to my fellow community. I was an Eagle Scout in
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Feel like I’m having the worst day of my life. Got far too much stuff on my mind and can no longer block it out, it’s driving me crazy. My Nana, the best person in my life, most amazing person ever, is dying of cancer. I’m struggling to visit her now cos she’s not herself anymore, she looks so ill and frail and it’s killing me to see her like that. Feeling selfish for not going to see her, but it hurts too much. Feel like I can’t to anyone about it or I’ll just break down and don’t want to put
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I just got married last month. My wife is three months pregnant. We moved out of the country a few days after we conceived, and we haven’t told anyone about the pregnancy. She’s now three months along, and starting to show quite a bit. We’re moving back home in a week, and I have no idea what to tell everyone. Her family is very strict, and will not be happy with the fact that we conceived a baby before we were married. I mean, what’s done is done now, we can’t do anything about it, but I still
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So i got in touch a few months back with a close friend who’d moved away when we were kids. i’m a very open person so i told him a fairly large secret, one i’d rather not have get out. we would have very intimate conversations, but one day it just stopped. 3 weeks later, i see on facebook that he now has a girlfriend!! and from what i’ve heard, he will be absolutely ruthless to people who piss him off, so there’s no way for me to say anything to him about how i feel without being scared he’ll
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Okay, so I have been sexually active, and decided I’ll do the deed one last time, with a condom of course, and then be abstinate for a while. Well, now my period isnt coming.
Ironic huh?
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