Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I’ve been self harming for 7 years. I haven’t cut in a long time but i just broke that because I have so much self hatred. And I don’t want to stop. Just wanna keep going.
Okay, so there’s this girl that i thought was my best friend. Let’s call her ‘K’. About a month ago, our relationship was on the edge because of this other girl, i’m calling her ‘J’. I felt like K was replacing me with J as a bestfriend. Me being me, direct approach isnt my thing, so i kept it all to myself. i’m the type of person to stay home, watch anime, game, and all that stuff. K and J are the types of people who go out, party, get drunk, and yeah. I am not like that, and apparently,
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I dreamt that I was in a Snow white costume and having sex on the chair with a guy. I have a fetish for dressing up in costumes or other people’s clothes that doesn’t seem “me”. So in my dreams I love it when I have the choice to get to go shopping for costumes or lingeries. But no matter how hard I try sometimes these dreams get interrupted and making me not dressed in the costume. Slurry costumes, Halloween costumes, lingerie, I love them. It makes me feel like I’m someone else. I also love
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Why does God love me? I know He made me, but I’ve hated many of the things I’ve made, and I’m worse then them all. I procrastinate, I have no desire for anything beneficial: school, piano, Bible study, prayer, exercise, healthy food, reading, nothing! I week after week, year after year, submit myself to the same pain by committing the same sins. I understand why I am not given any real trials when I fail at what any child could succeed at. I don’t understand why I can’t change, I try to give
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Does anyone else have a boyfriend/girlfriend that’s a complete hypocrite? Like seriously. My boyfriend was mad at me cause I made one friend at work who happens to be a guy. I’m really shy and introverted so people tend to think I’m stuck up so making a new friend was AMAZING.
But my boyfriend saw my phone when my guy friend was texting me and got so mad that he started yelling at me while I tried to stay calm, as usual, as I explained. I had to hold back from mentioning his like 50 female
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It’s been four months since I had gotten laid by my boyfriend. And damn, it sucks. I’m at my wits end. But cheating is never an option so I have no choice but to masturbate and wait for him. (We are in a long distance relationship btw)
I hate it when I have to lie about being Atheist. My boyfriend and I were discussing our views and I had to lie about what I believed in because he means everything to me and I don’t want to lose him over something like this.
i honestly fucking hate people. like, i know I should have learned by now and i don’t know why i let people in anymore. the only person you can honestly trust is yourself and even that can be hard. i just want one person who will understand me and listen to me. i don’t know what to do anymore and i have feelings for this guy who is absolutely the worst guy i could possibly like in the situation im in right now. sometimes i just want it all to be over
Seriously, I just talked to you about how I needed my space and that we spend WAY too much time together but no, what the fuck do you do, you invite me - after I actually told you I was sick - to play a fucking board game with a couple that you told last week what a fucking shit I was for wanting my own space. This is after spending the last four fucking days together.
And not only did you invite me, oh no, you ask me in such a way that means if I say no you can shove it back in my face and
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I didn’t realize today was going to turn out like it has. I’m fbally in a good place with my life, working hard and getting things done. Sure, I don’t trust my brother, and I don’t want to be in the same room as him. I didn’t realize how angry with him I was until today. He used to tease me and yeah, sibling stuff, the eight months ago it got bad, I’ve been bruised, told that what I wanted to do with my life was useless, and now I’m scared of him. I’m angry that I’m scared of him. I’m taller,
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you are a pathetic piece of shit, and i can’t believe the stuff you put up online that most of the time i just roll my eyes. but sometimes you really gross me out, were you always this disgusting and perverted and shallow? hell, i’ve known you for six years and you seem like a whole new person! but thats not why i’m here, when you post shit about me online, even without mentioning it is directed towards me, i know and everyone who knows you knows that its about me bc you’ve been with one girl
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I’m totally sick of writing rpgs with you. It used to be fun, but now I realize… your writing sucks! What the crap is this stuff? You don’t use proper grammar, your organization of dialogue is awful, and half the time you use words the wrong way. You’re a 50+ woman. The bad thing is you COULD be a better writer, but you’re in this stupid rut of wanting to write the same old story over and over. Boy meets girl. adventure, kidnapping, rescue, they get married, they have a kid, the end. It’s
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I am going to kill myself. There is no other option. Goodbye.
I’m don’t with you. i never thought you would ever in your life do this. get the fuck away from me and don’t you dare ever come back .
Girl I’ve been friends with since the start of highschool, dated her twice in my early years, we then drifted, and now we’re really good friends again.
I LOVE HER SO MUCH UGH. However I believe she’s out of my league.
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