Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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i did something stupid, but my boyfriend did something even worst. she didn’t lock his phone and his mum found out that we had sex. so my mum knows too. having a religious mum, she made me go to religious classes and if i don’t attend them, i have to quit school. I hate this. i don’t find a use. i want to study, leave this home i call prison, and just migrate to austrailia. my parents told everybody and now i’m all alone. i told my trustworthy friend what happened, she gave me support, but i’m
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People in my college.. senseless inhuman humans i ever met, Some I cant stand at all.. Fucking idiots behave like kids after passing the teenage. Seriously grow up.. Its irritating, its so so damn irritating, I have tried my best to ignore but I just cant,, for gods sake pls mothr fucking grow up…
I’m 17. I am a virgin, I don’t do drugs or drink much or party every weekend. I’ve only had one boyfriend, and he dumped me after two months for reasons unknown. I believe in quality over quantity, and I’m pressured by my parents and my teachers to do well in school, and I do, relatively speaking. I’m in all advanced classes.
I don’t want to be seen as a “good kid” and be held to other people’s standards. I want to do “bad” things every once in a while. Not because I want to fit in or be
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So lying here in my bed, my ex beside me fast asleep and I really want to fuck the guy in the room next door who is our close friend and housemate. Obviously their is more backstory with this tale but you can already understand some of its complexities. I’m just fed up of all this bullshit I go through and all the hard work I do and getting nothing back. At work I’m over qualified for my position and am the only one who seems to care that things are done properly, so I end up doing it all
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I guess I’m what you would classify as a good girl. I’m 17, value quality over quantity, get good grades and don’t go partying or drinking, ever.
But something’s missing from my life. My parents fight, my graduation is coming up and I’m going to get pushed into the world of responsibility and accountability soon.
I want to mess up. I want to have crazy sex with whoever I feel like having, whether they’re taken or not. I want to steal my dad’s keys and drive off to the middle of nowhere and
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The intense internal pain they experience from stuffing their faces with cheesies and corn dogs not only put a strain on the healtcare system, they put a strain on everyone that interacts with them…
Fat white bitches that are mean should not be allowed to participate in regular society.
Dear frodowasaparanoidgnome, AKA Grokamole, AKA Peppa Femunda, AKA Plumber Hulk, AKA Gelatinous Dude, AKA Difficult Mac, or more appropriately: DOUCHEY MANCHILD:
I hate your worthless, lazy, pathetic gamer ass. You think your marriage and career are “a drag, man” and want to throw it all away so you can be free to play video games all day and night. Your 45 year old unemployed bald loser ass and your futon in a one bedroom apartment is just going to be so sexy to the ladies!
YOU are the
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So. People used to hound on me in elementary school just because I was very talkative and hyper. No one really liked me much except a select few, not like I had a problem with that itself. No, what I do have a problem with, is now, people expect me to feel sorry for them from their crummy life, and make me lend them my shoulder to cry on. You’re not the only one with a crummy life, stupid. And don’t draw more attention to yourself, probably because you cut or whatever. Surprise surprise, guess
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This is why I’m not friends with a lot of girls, because some of them turn out to be fucking snotty ass bitches!! I’m sorry that my parents don’t pay for anything and would never dream of buying me a $400 dollar cardigan (a fucking cardigan!!!!). Hey if you have the money it’s yours how to use it, but sorry if I can’t fathom how that is a reasonable thing to do. Also don’t blame me for not wanting to pay for toilet paper when I can go get it for free at the front desk, I’d rather use my money
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Friend, I love you. I love you a lot. You’re great.
But shut up about homestuck one day of the week, please. Just one fucking day can we talk about something that isn’t Gamzee or Karkat or what’s on your dash and this fanfiction that jfc is so fucking funny. I can take it if we talk about it for an hour or two, or a day, or hell, two days. But it’s been two weeks. I honestly can not take this anymore.
DAFUCK BRO! Okay So In my group of friends, I am the fangirl. Im like obsessed with fucking doctor who. I have been obsessed with that and Sherlock for a couple years now. And this girl, let’s call her Madison, she suddenly comes up and she gets obsessed too. That’s not my problem. I’m cool with other fangirl friens friends. But no, she comes up and tells ME that I am not a true fan of Doctor Who and Sherlock because I don’t call my mom mum. Like wtf bro I’m not going to do that. my momis my
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I am so angry with God. Why would he take my friend away from us 4 days before his birthday and graduation? He had so much to live for, was a great man in the making, and now we’re left with a gaping hole in our lives. Right at the end of our university experience, we have lost someone so integral to the structure of our lives. I have to go to my sisters marriage blessing on Saturday, grin and bear it while my brain is screaming that God is a bastard. I have to do a Bible reading, about the
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While I was on vacation with my family, I didn’t leave the hotel much. I didn’t want to swim at all. My mom called me a selfish brat, antisocial, and a disappointment. Then she said she’s never bringing me anywhere again because of my attitude of not wanting to swim with everyone else. My menstrual cycle had unexpectedly hit the day after we arrived. Sorry, mom. I didn’t want to put everyone in the red sea.
I finally told my ex that if he didn’t stop texting me I’d call the police. It might have seemed abrupt and unfeeling but I’ve tried to be friends, then friendly, then covil towards him but he’s just kept putting me through hell for the last 8 months and I can’t handle it right now, especially when my future is at stake. He’s stopped now, but I wish it didn’t have to take me being so brutal for that to happen. I feel horrible and even though he’s not texting me I still can’t concentrate on work
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I found out I was pregnant in 2010, the day after Christmas. My now husband (then fiance) and I were surprised, but okay. I was 21, he was 22. Young, but manageable. My friends were excited, said they stick with me, no matter what. August hits, my son is finally born. Friends all visit in the hospital. I have not seen any of them, save for two, since that day. I try to text, call, chat on facebook… Seems all my friends are gone.
Try to join mother’s groups, but no mother will talk to me
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